now playing...ob-la-de-ob-la-da... by The Beatles
If you dont hear music and the numbers are moving on the Crescendo player, just click and drag the little red thingy on the player to about half way, (for some reason it doesn't want to stay put!)

Thank you Geocities & Burton Neal Levy!!

I am honored, my deepest thanks Angel!

Many Thanks Carla!!

I Am A Proud Member Of:

Phenomenal Women Of The

Hi I'm IrishGypsy.
I have created this page so that all my friends from Delmarva Chat can come and see the wonderful people they are talking too. If you visit here and would like your picture posted as well, just e mail me with your scanned picture and I will be happy to post it for you.
Email me at
Please come back soon and visit me,I will add more pics as I receive them. Oh, one more thing, graphics and music take a long time to load, please be patient, its worth the wait!! Thanks and enjoy!!

Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people move our souls to dance. They awaken us to understanding with the passing whisper of their wisdom. Some people make the sky more beautiful to gaze upon. They stay in our lives for awhile, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never,ever the same, below you will find some of these people.

IrishGypsy & LovNheart

To visit the rest of my site just click on the twinkling stars!
My Family
My Beloved Vets
Giving credit where credit is due!
A Special Birthday Dedication
Happy Mothers Day
Memorial to Erik
Anastasia, the movie & the REAL story
Sleeping Beauty.. another Disney Classic
Let There Be Music!!...midi files
Sweetpea's Message Board
IrishGypsy's Fantasy Land

Try this link for some really cool graphics!

Please take a moment to sign my guest book.
Your thoughts & suggestions are important to me. Thanks.