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Welcome to my page!! Now there are things on here like stuff about Charmed, Buffy, The Simpsons, ER and don't forget to check out my movie page with info on Erin Brochovich, The Mummy returns and Final Fantasy. If you like poems then there should be something in my collection that you like. Thanx for dropping by and feel free to sign my guestbook at the bottom of the page.

Friends Pages..
Here are some pages of friend's of mine, feel free to take a look!!

Favourite Movies
Now in here are some of my favourite movies, along with some older movies up to one's that have just been released!

About me and My Life
Now this is a page about me and there are also some pictures of me and a map to show the people out there where about i live....

Favourite TV shows
Now in here are some of my favourite tv shows including CHARMED, BUFFY, ER and THE SIMPSONS to name a few so come in and check it out!!

Poem's I've Written
Now these are all the poems that i have written and whenever i write another one it comes on here as soon as possible.....

This is how many peoples have been to my page...Counter And if you liked what you saw...spread the word!!!

And if you guys want to e-mail me just click on the letter box....and I'll get back to you as soon as I recieve!!....if that doesn't work then write to me at

If you want a page of your own just click on the geocities thingo...