Welcome to my corner of the world
Nicky's Story "March, 1994--November 17, 2006"
Spike and Shaggy's Tale
What's new? 

I always had a thing for ice cream....still do.
I like ice cream (what gave it away), wine, coffee, art, travel, animals, and movies.  I prefer blue sapphires over diamonds (but wouldn't turn one down).  I have a particular affinity for pandas, purple and red tulips, and daisies (not necessarily in that order).  I like to draw and paint.  I hate housework and bigots.  I've been brunette, blonde, and a redhead. . I am taking a photography class and maybe I will share some here .

I chat on yahoo.  Look for RedRdgHood40!
Some Places I've Been.... names are there, but all pics haven't been scanned yet.

Click the plane to take a trip!
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