A tribute to a wonderful and loving cat.

Scampi was born in April 1998 to a loving home in South Cerney, Gloucestershire.

Due to her mischievious nature and sense of adventure she decided to take a trip in the washing machine!

Luckily I dont think she actually got to take the ride of her life, but it was enough to make the owners think she had disappeared.  So when Amanda rang up to enquire of they had any kittens lefy, the answer was no.

Luckily she decided she had given up on waiting for her game of Hide and Seek to end and due to no one finding her, she found them.  This resulted in the Owners phoning Amanda and saying they had found the lost kitten!

So Scampi moved to Amanda's house, here she was met by an Older and Wiser cat called
Dido.   Dido did not think much of young Scampi and tried on many occasions to put her in her place, but Scampi enjoyed life to the full, tearing around the house like a mad thing.... hence the name Scampi!

Scampi lived happily for 5 years with Amanda and latterly with Amanda's mum as well.   Sadly due to her sense of adventure Scampi met her maker on the road outside the house.

Scampi will be sadly missed and we wish her well in her new life xxxx
Scampi having a talk bath
Scampi Links
Yahoo! Games
Yahoo! Photos
Yahoo! Greetings
Scampi - My Life & Times