Karen's Cramp Page

I love being a woman. I love knowing that I may one day bear children. I don't mind bleeding every month. But...
I woke up this morning with that old familiar ache in my lower stomach, and now I'm curled up around my heating pad. But this month I am getting even. I'm making this web page to express the bond that I have with every woman who experiences this kind of monthly pain. Once I have named the enemy and described it, I will be in control and not the cramps. So, enjoy the links, and if you have anything to contribute, e-mail me and perhaps I will add your comments.

NEW!! A friend of mine has asked me to help collect some information. If you are willing to fill out a form about your period pain click here She is NOT collecting email addresses or other identifying information.

These Four Images are Clickable
My Experiences With CrampsWhat Helps Make it Better?Where Do I Want to Be When I'm Crampy?Cramps (and menstruation) In Literature and Popular Culture

The Rest of the Images Below and on The Other Pages
Are Images form Advertisements. Seeing them helps me realize that I am not alone.

Cramps SuckCramps SuckCramps SuckCramps Suck

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