Christy's Place

Christy Hi!! *smile* ..Welcome to Christy's Place... Christy is my chat handle :). .

I very happily married with children and grandchildren. All of them the love of my life!!!

I love Music!!!! all types, with the exception of country and rap (sorry to you that enjoy that type... just not my style). Some of my favorite groups are Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Collective Soul ... I could go on forever but then that would be boring (hope I haven't bored you to much up to this point *smile*). I hope you visit my Midi page and find something you enjoy as well. I will be adding more midi's from time to time.

My favorite place is The Beach. It's the one place that I can always find myself .. it brings peace within me.

The picture above is a Icon that a very good friend made me that I used when I chatted in a chatroom called the beach..(but it was much smaller), that was years ago. I don't chat much anymore. I did meet some very wonderful people that I became very close with.. one is like the sister I never had. I was even able to meet her and her family and visit a couple of times and to this day we remain close. Alot of them have their own Homepages,which I have links to, I hope you visit their sites as well!!

Another is a friend I met when I first began chatting, Zorman! a very special, remarkable man and wonderful writter,please check out his poem. *s*

The Icon above was made for me by Hunter..

Thank You SHunter!..

Aka: Baron. This is his second site visit BOTH!!!

(everything I do) I Do It For You

Links to Family..Friends..Chat

Site Started:
04/18/97 17:30 CT
Guestbook by Lpage Last Update:
11/07/03 19:00 CT