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whew, another random update because i say so! Lets see where to begin... UNH lost in the NCAA championship game and there were riots at UNH right infront of all the bars. I got some neat video from the front lines that my friend form CS Jason taped, but it's too big to host though. Oh well. Schools is almost out. I had my CS final on friday and I think i did well on it. I have my Stats final on Tuesday at 1 and Econ at 8AM on wednesday. After that it's summer again. I'm hoping to get a job at the IOL on campus i'm still waiting to hear back after I emailed them back on friday about being willing to work in the test consortiums since they didn't have programming jobs open. I went to see the matrix reload on thursday with dano and soucy. It was an good movie. The dialogue was kinda iffy at times and the 5 minute dance video was annoying, but not bad overall. I like the scean with the architech since it was filled with geeky and nerdy computer esque type talk. I got my new guitar on friday, finally of all the months. It's a Martin HD-35! You can check out the stats on it on Martins Offical Website Hmm what else ... ... ... oh i have been playing Vice City all week for the PC as it came out this past tuesday for the PC. It's been out fo the PS/2 for a while. I think that's it ... ya that is it.. adios Nothing intersting is happening at all. Class everyday as usual, but atleast it's warm outside now. No more winter jackets! I'm still waiting for my new guitar, it shouldn't be too much longer now. Scott asked if I wanted to get a house with him and Ivan for the fall. Sounds like a good idea to me, but I don't know if it will happen or not. I don't have a car so getting to campus would be a difficult situation. Plus I have no money, but that might change if I get the job at the IOL this summer like I am hoping. Bela Fleck and the Flecktones show is comming soon. April 10th at The Capitol Theatre in Concord. I'm thinking that I will bring my DV cam and video tape the show. I don't know how good it will go since that's against the taping poicy, but we'll see. If i don't get the whole show atleast portions of it will still be cool. Umm what else can I say??? I don't have much of anything else really. Spring is here, which means girls in more revleaing clothing on campus, that's always a plus. Oh, UNH is in the NCAA Mens Ice Hockey Tournament. We beat St Cloud on 3/28 5-2 and we then agian beat BU on 3/29 to the score of 3-0. We won the Hockey East Tournament also, beating BU 1-0 in an OT mathcup. I guess that's it for now. I had Spring break last week and did diddly squat except for lots of sleeping. Ok now that's it. Fin. First day of classes today and it was freezing ass cold outside. Went to get my books and ofcourse there is a line outside of the door in front of the Durham book exchange. Froze my ass off waiting... I went to see Tomassi about my macro econ grade and it was a fuck up on the school's part, no surprise there. I got an 85 on my final and a B for the class just what I was expecting not the C that is currently said on webcat. So that'll be fixed and i'll be a happy camper. CS was a bore for the most part and we got a new assignemt already, it's not due until the Jan 31st so it's no so bad. In other news my KVM switch is all messed up i think. When the keyboard and mouse is plugged into it it just doesn't work right. Oh well... Still wating for my new guitar, but it's been too cold so Martin isn't going to ship it. BLAH. I want my HD-35 damnit!!! hmm i guess an update will be needed about now. So i'm on winter break doing nothing exciting at all. I got my grades back form the fall semester, CS = B+ : Poli Sci = C : Econ = C (but i'm fighting that as i don't think i got a 40 on the final to warrent a C). So what am i doing over winter break.... i'm going to bed at like 5AM and getting up at 3PM. That's about it. I saw Two Towers with Dano and also when to a party at Scott's place with Dano and Soucy. Nothing to interesting to anybody that would be reading this. School starts back up on January 21 so i have along way to go still. Maybe i'll head up to Scott's place for a few days.... here is my scheudal for the spring, like any of you guys care....
so yeah it's been like a month since my last post. Still nothing interesting happend. STP concert was fun, but Scott put a bit too much weed in those brownies. I think he put in a whole ounce for just this small batch. Let's see, Poli Sci sucks still, but we're getting into stuff about the sixties so atleast it's interesting. Passed in my Marxists Critque paper. I BSed so bad, I had no clue what to write after a page and it needed to be atelast 2. CS is still cake for the most part. Took Econ Test number 2 last thursday. I think i did good, but hell who knows. I'm guessing somewhere in the 80's again, but those multiple choices could have done me in. Turkey Day is commin up soon. Bring on the Triptophin, or however you spell it. Got my Econ test back today and got an 85. I thoguht I should have done better tho. As I was looking it over I got some easy one wrongs. oh well, 85 is decent I guess. Nothing else exciting happened today. It was pretty boring. Didn't do so bad on my tests last week, atleast that was my feeling comming out of them. I'll find out this week if I got a F or not. The weekend wasn't too intersting for the most part. Bars, homework and lots of playing of my guitar was on the intineary. OH yeah lots of sleep too. hmm.. that's all I have got to say.... Poli Sci still sucks, but the test friday is all multiple choice, WOO! Macro Test tomorrow, the review wasn't too bad and the material doesn't seem too hard. "It's all common sence made difficult by Economist", to quote my Professor. So we'll see, I studied about 2 hours and I feel good about the material maybe some more review before bed. ok so a blast from the past thing tonight. I was messing around in my UNIX account and was randomly fingering people, that is UNIX lingo for looking at peoples info bascaily. So I choose this one name, mklein, and the info looked strange as this girl's last logon date was, Sept 04 @ 12:21 in faclib-0254.unh.edu. Hmm faclib is the diamond library and 0254 is one of the computers on the main floor. September 4 at 12:21 I was in the library talking to this girl with her password problem, but she said she never got in. Actually this computer 0254 was the computer right next to the one I was using that day, thus the comptuer this girl was using. She left the library at 12:40ish so I helped her for like 15 extra minutes or so after she got in. She lied to me, so I would talk to her more? Her name is Meredith and this user name is assigned to a Meredith. Intersting enough, I goto the UNH directory, a nice little search and BOOM, all the info fits. Same home town, year at school and all. So all in all, this random "fingering" of names lead me too all of this stuff. A wierd coincedence I must say. So I have this group project due tomorrow and well I don't remember my parnters name. Not that I did it with him anyways, but our scheudals just didn't work out so I did it by myself tonight, I work better alone anyways. So, I was planing on skipping CS tomorrow so I can go to my Marco Economics review for my test on Thursday, but now I have to goto CS and get the kids name so I can add him to the file and submit it via my unix account. Then I have to run across campus and goto my Econ Review, i'm probably going to be late for it but oh well. The Econ test shouldn't be so bad, but the kicker is that we still have to goto class from 11:00 - 12:30 then take the test at 12:30, which is the common exam time. That just blows I say. Poli Sci test on Friday, that is going to kick my ass for sure. Liberlism and Conservatism blah... How am i suppose to know what they would think on certain topics! yup, i got tired of the old layout so here is a new one :D hmm nothing much going on. School school and more school bascially. My Poli Sci class is umm, intereting, but looks like it will be alot of work to know everything for the tests. Macro Econ is a fun class though. The stuff we talk about is way more intersting than Poli Sci, aww well it's all good I guess... STP at UNH on October 14!!!! ![]() |
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