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How To Be a Genius:
the greatest secret in the world
This is my story. It could have happened to anyone but it happened to me and I feel obligated to share it with everyone. It began a few months after my 23rd birthday. I lived in an old beat up motorhome driving to the different state parks and campgrounds near my parents' home; and for a time in my van. I couldn't afford rent and couldn't keep a job. I reached a point where I "had to know" if there was a reason to go on living. I was not successful in any area of my life- socially, financially, mentally, spiritually- you name it. I was overcome with fantasies of suicide on a daily basis. The suicide demons were after me. So I sat down one day and I said, "God I want you to help me or give me a purpose or reason for living. It's just not worth it, my life is a total failure. I'm depressed all the time. I'm overwhelmed with how hard this world is. I always seem to get the short end of the stick. I just have too many problems. I wasn't born rich, or good-looking, or smart. Lord, life isn't worth living like this. Lord if you don't help me or give me a reason to live, I'm going to fast (abstain from food) for as long as I can, try to repent of all my sins, and then shoot myself."
I didn't feel or hear anything from the Lord the first couple of days. Towards the third and fourth day of fasting I got my answer- I was filled with an incredible joy and light that moved me to tears and I felt an impression from God, "It's okay I love you my son. just keep plodding along." And then something changed in me as I ended my fast and then continued to fast periodically. I began to receive personal revelation from God and wisdom that would help me to go on with life. Also I did receive tangible help from God. After every time I fasted I was filled with the love of Christ and my mind was quickened so much so that I began to get inspiration more easily and my intelligence level was raised as the Spirit came illuminating into my mind. It would wear off after awhile but every time I needed to "fill up" I went to the Lord in fasting, praying, and reading of the scriptures and my mind was free intellectually and spiritually. There were even times that the inspiration and wisdom (from the Holy Spirit) flowed like milk and honey and it was all I could do to keep up with it.
I received inspiration and wisdom on many topics such as where to move, the characteristics of the kind of person I wanted to marry, what to say for job interviews, and the list goes on. I had a minor slurring of the speech problem and major social anxiety when I was out in public and I overcame those problems through inspiration of the Spirit as well as a great deal of my fear of social situations. I had improved thought control enabling me to control my thoughts. This also improves the imagination powers of your brain. Einstein once said that imagination is more important than intelligence. It even improved my hearing and other physical qualities. I even noted a change in my countenance When I looked in the mirror I realized, "A man's wisdom maketh his face to shine, and the boldness of his face shall be changed" as the scripture states. My weaknesses were made strong through what I called "The Spirit Formula" - an x amount of fasting + an x amount of scripture reading + an x amount of prayer= The Holy Spirit, love, joy , inspiration from God. I was no longer a dark cynic but grateful and praising God for continual blessings. My work improved. I experienced more energy and a better attitude. I could go on and on about all the blessings that came from applying this formula and relying on the Lord. I was truly living the scripture- "If thou canst believe. Anything is possible to him that believeth."
I had always been taught that you have to pull yourself up and stand on your own two feet. I didn't know the real secret of life for me was to "lean on the Lord". When things started to turn around for me in my life I found God and literally learned to take the Holy Spirit as a guide in my life (D & C 45:57) . I even obeyed God's laws above man's and learned wisdom.This is my story. It's all true.I hope this will benefit or inspire someone else in need of God's help and love.
How to be a Genius: the greatest secret in the world- the inspiration for the "Spirit Formula" came from my reading the scripture, "... Behold, I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself...", and from the account of Jesus Himself fasting for forty days in the wilderness. Through the Holy Spirit I have learned how to progress spiritually, change my heart and soul, quicken my mind and my intelligence, overcome depression, receive wisdom from God, and start to unlock my spiritual and earthly potential. The formuala is (Fx+Sx+Px)=power of spirit, love, joy, inspiration from God. Now the "Fx" in the formula stands for an x amount of fasting, the "Sx" stands for an x amount of scripture or word of God, and the "Px" stands for an x amount of prayer. So if you apply what I call "The Spirit Formula" and do enough fasting, reading the scriptures, and praying, you will have as a result the Holy Spirit. There are other circumstances and factors that will affect the outcome of this formula; you should eliminate as many distractions as possible while doing this. Reading scriptures while the tv is on and your radio is blaring out noise is not conducive to the Spirt. A great place to read scriptures is in the solitude of nature or somewhere where His presence can be felt if you can.
Also when reading the scriptures what I've found to be the only real effective way in getting the Spirit is only reading the commandments or hard sayings (things you need to work on or are inspired by) and skipping over the non-essential story parts of the scriptures. Of course this will entail going through your scriptures initially to mark those important passages for quick later reference. Note: I have found that to receive wisdom from God more abundantly you must first have all the words of life or his commandments in your mind/memory, so learning to quickly thumb through and read your referenced scriptures is a key to receiving increased wisdom and Spirit. Repenting of your sins or at least trying to confess and forsake them is another requirement.You don't need to be perfect to have the Holy Spirit, this formula is specifically designed for the weak, but there must be a genuine sorrow and prayerful effort to confess and forsake your sins before God as this formula is partly a purging or purifying process.That's why its great to read passages of scriptures that are hard for you to accept or live as well as picturing or visualizing in your mind an example of you applying the commandment. Another note on repentance: Don't think your efforts towards repenting go unnoticed by God. A common misconception is that God's not watching or is distant, but he's constantly rewarding or punishing you according to your actions. If you pay the price through continually applying the formula you will know Him and receive of his love and power. The Holy Spirit will bear witness of scripture truths through a joyful burning in your heart and soul that will sometimes bring you to tears.
Now, to apply "The Spirit Formula" I recommend taking a couple of days or so and fasting throughout this time. I've found that drinking water while abstaining only from food works the best in this case. It's a good idea to talk to a doctor before fasting for long periods of time.Towards the end, or perhaps throughout this time, read your marked scriptures as described above; skipping through the main story lines and concentrating on the important truths and praying as you feel inclined. I highly recommend reading marked passages from Proverbs as that book is primarily concerned with wisdom. I skim through my marked passages in proverbs once every week at least. The results I have gotten from applying this formula are truly amazing. May a grievous curse be upon me if I'm lying. Don't expect to be a spiritual giant overnight, but if you continue to apply the Spirit Formula you will draw closer to God and receive of the Holy Spirit on a regular basis. Don't put off the rewards of the Spirit or drawing closer to God. Take a vacation if you have to but find time to try the formula/experiment and find out for yourself. If all else fails in your life use the "Spirit Formula". Anyone and God is a winner.
The above is an excerpt from the author's book- "How To Be a Genius: the greatest secret in the world"
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How to be a Prophet, the step by step guide to being the greatest man who ever lived. Cover- Who am I? Man of greatness is my name. Man of Holiness is my name. My name is Excelsias and my Kingdom hath no end. I am the hero of the underdog. I am the hero of the poor, the disabled mentally or physically. He that thirsteth come unto me and I will quench his thirst. He that hungereth come unto men and I will fill him. I am the God of the meek. The chosen one has risen. Welcome to my house. Jesus is in the house today. Mi casa es su casa. Go get a cup because the wisdom is about to flow like milk and honey. The secrets and formulas I reveal will revolutionize the world. Take up your crosses and follow me. This is the story of how a lowly nerd beat the biggest baddest bully in the universe with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair. I am the One. . I live for glory.. the Lion of Judah is here saving souls is my game. The spiritual plane is … Chapters- subjects How to be a God 57 How to be a prophet 36 How to do miracles 20 How to prophecy 22 How to heal 21 How to be a David and kill Goliaths A nerd becomes a God How to beat the hypocrites, Don’t feed the hippos 30 How to be a Genius How to be a Jedi/ read minds 20 How to be a great speaker 21 How to get the spirit of greatness How to master love How to master humility Formula for being President of the U.S. Or anything you want to be or do 35 The part of my life If want to focus on in this book is the year I went to Mexico. The two questions most frequently asked questions I got in Mexico were “Who are you .” and “what are you doing here? So I would like to answer the questions, “Who am I ? and, “What am I doing here” in this book. I have several formulas for counteracting the devil’s weapons or traps. This book talks about them. I’m the one who got away. Like I said in my other book everything is set up to prevent what happened to me from happening- finding God/ Holy Spirit formula, preaching in another country is discouraged, total purity from lust thoughts or actions, etc. etc. etc. Lies of the devil- posters of women, answer to your problems is to have relations with a woman. Places in nature restricted (campgrounds/ parks), homeless restricted from them, oppressed forgotten poor homeless people. Readers and thinkers/dreamers looked down upon discouraged. Don’t worry about spiritual things they say or the welfare of your soul just work says world There’s no way to find out the truth / answer to all your questions, just be normal and follow the herd/ crowd. First chapter. I’m here to give you the wisdom you need to make the changes necessary to overcome and beat the devil. That’s my mission with this in a nutshell. I always find the weak link, the chink in the armor of the system, the glitch in the matrix. I’m like a hacker who’s found the opening in the firewall of the system of the devil, the mouse in the maze who finds the cheese. But God has a system, those who are the best go to the highest level of heaven of joy and love and happiness. Those who aren’t go to other places less than- Why its important to do something, find the truth/ highest path. This book is from a more mature point of view/ perspective I hope. Obviously I’ve changed from the age of 25 to 33 ( age of Christ when died by the way) People often ask me but why is it important to know, why not just be normal and die. We all go to the same place, right? Why do you want to be like Jesus they ask. It’s because I know for a fact that we have to be like Jesus to go to heaven. I ‘m beyond faith or just believing, I know- because of the experiences I talk about. Why would you rather go to a place less than or a bad place where there’s not as much joy, happiness and love and glory? Why wouldn’t you want to follow what I say and teach (really learning to take spirit as a guide, learning God’s will for your life, How to be full of the spirit and do miracles, be a prophet, be a celestial being, become Jesus) What I do is teach average human beings even losers to be winners, prophets, seers, revelators, healers/ miracle workers/ spirit led the whole nine yards. He who feeds or clothes you shall not lose his reward (eli). This book is even better than my first book (the greatest book ever written by the way) because I give even more advanced wisdom power and greatness. Don’t be lazy sleeping don’t walk ask for job etc. I bless all those who have loved me or suffered because of me that they may be blessed 100x or more what the devil has done to them in the name of Jesus, it shall be done. Miscelaneous revelation not particularly critical to the salvation of all mankind. *** Keep this pure (no sex or e or lust thoughts or m) and I will be with you always spirit tells me. Felt presence of spirit and paul newman felt love for him to tears for his giving etc. Teach her about me says spirit- I am pure I don’t like slang language, strong words or dirty talk. Says Holy Spirit- I am love sacrifice and preaching. Teach her about me it says. The spirit loves purity. The spirit hates tv, noise, the radio. I’m sorry all you worldly people, but you have to chanif you want to be spirit-filled and a celestial being and eventually a God. Today I’m going to teach you about the Spirit - Feeling after spirit- its love tender humble. Yearning for spirit love its presence. Rejected like Christ again by family- Frodo/ innocent/love. Its not that I’m bad for being dumb its that I’m good- can’t you understand/ comprehend that? I don’t know if you have a high level of comprehension. ----** I am the only one who can beat the devil. Spirit of prophecy because of purity no lust thoughts m only when have to ( 15 times resist don’t do it/ wet dreams pray). Don’t ge off bus it said (spirit) 2 times, also told me there’s a window to escape across border- ------**why am I the chosen one? Because I’m a prophet the king the only one smart enough to beat him. Would receive prophecy spirit guidance if I were to guide lead armies of Israel against evil. Actually, I have been hired by the chief executive officer (God). 2/11/09- I want you to get excited about your life. I want to teach you how to unleash the potential inside of you. The world wants you to think that you have to have a boring life punching a 9-5 time clock everyday with no hope or a life of poverty. You have to have God behind you, but you can achieve your dreams if they’re in line with God’s will. What’s God’s will?- to give you your desired when you give him his desires What you believe becomes your reality. If you can believe it you can achieve it, but you have to show the faith. This book will tell you how, I’ll explain as I go along. I’m tired of the crap of the world- Oh happiness is a decision, If you wake up one day and decide to be happy you are. If you’re sick, on the wrong path, and ready to lose your soul how can you be happy? You have to learn how to get the Spirit, be on the correct path, and know what your mission for God is. If the dumbest man in the world can do it, don’t you think you can? I actually give people things they can use- spirit formulas I call them. What are spirit formulas? Formulas that if used give the spirit/ blessing/ the anointing/ favor/ preservation and intelligence/ wisdom. They are the opposite of worldly formulas. Worldly formulas bring you down take away the spirit/ decrease the anointing- like watching tv or playing video games or lust or you get the picture- swearing, strong language, lying, etc. etc. Spirit formulas give health, blessings, and prosperity in order to dream your goals and desires into life. God can grant you your desires if you show the faith. But what exactly is faith I’m asked. Good question. I will show you- preaching/ helping service/ share testimony. What I’m doing now everyone is going to be doing in the future. What I’m doing now people will be doing 50-100 years in the future- once they realize why I do it. I’m advanced for my time. I’m cutting edge. I want to show you how to beat the devil in every area of your life. The devil wants you miserable- he’s the enemy. I want to show you how to beat him. One time a man told me that the devil wasn’t his enemy. That he used evil as a friend to help him. He said the devil liked him and helped him. Well, I’ve got news for you, if the devil likes you you’re in a lot of trouble. It might just be coincidence but he was a lawyer. Although what he said about using evil as a friend and tool and to help you in your progrssion is true. Whatever the devil does to us the Lord blesses us 10 times what we suffer. 2/10/09- Felt spirit to tears love for Eli- what she has suffered working all day for me too. I pray give her (Eli) the Spirit, happiness, bless her. Why doesn’t she love me? Why am I weird for crying and feeling the Holy Spirit/ love. Do you love my servants? Love for Thomas S. Monson gave spirit to tears- because you love my servants says spirit. His stories – he looked at a little blonde girl in audience, me with tears, tell my story of a Bishop who was questioning me. I said- I want you to understand me I want you to love me- I’m here in mexico because I love my brothers and sisters. I don’t care that they have brown skin or different race/personality. Why are you preaching they ask . Why not in America- land of the dollar enjoying life relaxing. Why aren’t you pursuing your personal salvation your financial dreams Why? Why are you passing out your testimony to everyone. Why are you preaching the highest path? I proceeded to teach that young bishop the way of the Master. Life’s not about loving rules. Life’s about loving people. Thousands of hypocrites in heck right now because of me. I didn’t know dumb people could be smart they say to me. You’ve changed the way I view think of dumb people. Spirit says your yearning for me brought me. Self-gratification (eating ) drives me away. Self-denial brings me says Spirit – ate and spirit left. I didn’t know nerds could be cool someone says. Eat the fruits of your own labor (a job) says spirit The D. is keeping track of everything you eat. I speak of revelations/ angels, all others talk of of details and recite scriptures. And now we open a new dispensation a new cutting edge. The chosen one is among you. Analyzed Joseph Smith he has a lot of intelligence- all glory to God not him. He was just a chosen vessel. Important mission like me. When I read of Joe Smith I feel suffocating presence and thoughts from the evil one. There are 3 men he hates- where would we be without Joe Smith. Why is life hard- only champions win prize. Joe talked of other worlds of spirits of dimensions, revelations like me. Greatness is a choice I’ve always said. But the chosen one has risen. The chosen one is here. That the scripture might be fulfilled. Your stereotypes, your prejudgements. --Speech--- The Lion of Judah is here. Your wickedness and light mindedness. He lived for glory and died for glory and glory was his name. How many men live for glory? Wake up America there’s a battle going on for the souls of men. Now there is another who has risen. Mighty in word and deed . Greatness is his name. Listen. Those who listen and follow me shall have eternal life and I shall raise them up at the last day. The mighty one is here full of grace and truth . I didn’t know a nerd could be cool. Impossible is my middle name. You better believe it Dorothy there is a Santa Claus. He talked of visions. I was wounded in the house of my friends. Where does your passion come from- rejection all my life. Rumors and stupidities of me being crazy. All men are hypocrites. The rise of the anointed shall not be stopped. I have come to take that which is rightly mine. My right is the right to the throne. Vile men of corrupt minds, hypocrites. They can’t deny I have the Spirit. I have often wondered who has faced more opposition and persecution, me or Prophet Joeseph Smith. Never a man spake as you speak. That’s true you’ll never see another like me. I showed him the way of the Master. Filthy lies- he’s crazy, he’s lazy, he’s a leech, says the devil and his followers Those filthy liars almost cost me my soul- brainwashed in mental hospital with medication lost the spirit / lost my testimony and faith in God and Jesus, forgot purity no sex or masterbation and almost lost my soul because of secret combinations working for dark side/devil to destroy righteous/prophets who have infiltrated the church and high positions and low positions- the police as well . I must be the hero throw the ring into the fire, destroy the kingdom of darkness on my own. No one believes in me,. What happened to we believe in you Peter, You can do it Little Nicky. Despisers of truth of the chosen one. God will take vengence on them 100 fold for what they’ve done to discredit and destroy me. He’s a begger he’s a bum, he’s worthless, he’s a nerd they say . He’s selfish they say. And all the filthy lies of the adversary. He does miracles by the power of beezlebub , he’s a sinner they say. If this secret gets out it will change the world. He’s a dreamer, imagination is more important than intelligence. They esteem me to be a thing of naught stricken and smitten of God and hide their faces from me. Why hate dumb people? I will teach you my little one. Fools scheme and plot to destroy me. All (my survival and wisdom) based on purity no sex with E. resist masterb. It’s the law of greatness- the greater you are the more you suffer. But for your suffering the greater you become. And I sincerely hope you don’t reject my testimony or my words for the everlasting welfare of your souls, for your own sakes. I have a lack of intelligence sometimes not because I’m worse than you, it’s because I’m better than you stupid. He’s a lover of women a sinner they say of the chosen one. He’s afraid of being exposed for the hypocrite he is. He can’t stand that, jealous wicked soul. One of my missions is to testify that we should all be treated fairly and with respect regardless of personality intelligence level and all treated with love. Come on throw a rock, stone me, crucify me hypocrites. Deny me my right to the throne and I will deny you a place in my kingdom. But I perceive ye are of little faith. I would like to talk to you of things of eternity, show you how to do miracles, be prophets, have the spirit of prophecy, but I perceive you are weak. You hypocritical vipers. *Remember love not anger I offended Spirit- Don’t think about anger but love. Why can’t they see what’s gong on- the signs of the times. Why don’t the church leaders know the mind of the Lord and his will and teach what’s most important. Why do they (church leaders) focus on details and things of no substance, forgetting the weightier matters. Why is there so much wickedness and hypocrisy in this church. Why are there so many hypocrites and deceivers in power teaching vain and foolish doctrine? Why are the leaders of this church so stupid. Millions are dying every day and will die and they do nothing about it. They don’t understand what secret combinations are doing etc. etc. and I am just appalled. We need a hero someone who understands to save us. We need a deliverer. I repented of my anger. I just see so much wickedness in the church and want to change it. I am the biggest fan of this church and its biggest critic because I love this church. You better believe there’s some good in me . I’m Jesus Christ. I’m not a hypocritical liar. I genuinely love the poor and those with disabilities or who are different. And they do it in the name of love- destroy gossip showing hate not love. Affected lives –use humor story of Emmy/ laugh. Have I proven my worth yet hypocrites? If I haven’t, I will (prove my potential). The devil appeared to me in the form of a man once and told me men can’t be Gods. I gave him the ye are Gods scripture and he was stumped. Who can defy my wisdom and the ring of power (Holy Spirit Genius). The devil ia a hypocrite. He wants everyone else lowered and miserable. Why does the scripture- ye are Gods in matt. Bother him so much? He wants to be God all powerful and have all the glory and everyone else under him and miserable. I want you to defy Satian today. Say it I am a God. I want you to say right now, “I am a God.” I want you to see the change that comes into your life from saying that. Am I not a son of God? Does it not say in your law ye are Gods. Everything I ask for given is that not a quality of God? Am I not a God in embryo form? If I’m on highest path of being a celestial being am I not a God? If God were to tell me give the command and make him deaf dumb and stupid I could do it. If God told me right now make that mountain into a valley I could do it. If God told me to command the wind and the waves I could do it. This is in direct opposition with what the world thinks. The world thinks we’re only animals or humans and classifies people as nerds, losers, jerks, geeks, etc. etc. to dehumanize/lower. Do you think the world looks at me and says oh a God? Of course not.. I am a God in embryo form. I want everyone to say it- “I am a God.”. Now how does it make you feel- powerful, more confident? Now say I’m a loser; I’m just a human; I’m just an animal with animal desires; Now how does that make you fee? Not good, huh? All of us have same potential. All of us have the potential to be Jesus Christ. All of us have the name of Jesus Christ. Even the dumbest man can be like Jesus Christ. Don’t you get it Emmy? I want you to say it- I am Jesus Christ. Repeat after me- I do miracles, I have the spirit of prophecy. I am healing. I am Godly Love. I am humility. I am the God of the meek. I want you to defy the devil right now. Of all my teachings the devil hates this one the most. That I teach people that they can be like Jesus; Christ, saviors, and Gods. No one can resist the wisdom and power with which I speak. The devil appeared to me in the form of a man one time and argued with me saying no one can be like Jesus- we’re just humans just animals. What did I tell him? Don’t you believe the Bible? Is it not written in your law- Ye are Gods. Didn’t Jesus himself say that? Not even the biggest baddest hombre on the planet can stand against me. There’s a loser and his name is scott ray, and he’s the greatest man in the world today. He heals the sick and the dead he’ll raise. He’s the man I will praise. I tell people I’m the biggest loser and I’m not talkin weight. What I say unto one I say unto all take up your crosses and follow me. Interesting, if its not possible why did I write a book on how to do it? The proof is in the pudding. The truth is he knows its possible- imagine the problems he would have if everyone in the world was like me? He wouldn’t have a kingdom anymore. That would kind of be the pits to be a king without a kingdom? Also, everything I ask for happens when I have the Holy Spirit and am pure (no bad or lustful thoughts/ imaginations), and its according to the will of God. That’s a quality of a God isn’t it. How much more evidence do you need that I’m a God, Son of God, God in embryo form? Why do so many challenge me on that? It’s pride and jealousy. That destroys their whole class system subservient philosophy. They have believed a lie of the devil. If they admitted this truth how would they have to treat their neighbor? With love not hate right? A novel idea, huh? I get a lot of flak for this- for saying my name is Jesus Christ. In the presence of all Israel and the angels of heaven I proclaim my identity. I am not ashamed to bear the name of Jesus Christ. I am Jesus Christ. If you think about it, all of us should have taken upon us the name of Jesus Christ when we were baptized. Aren’t all those who are called by God to preach the gospel given the name of Jesus Christ? If you reject me, you’re not rejecting me, your rejecting Jesus; the very man you say you love and worship. I want each one of you to confess- my name is Jesus Christ. Say it. I want to be frank and clear about this I don’t criticize to lower destroy people but because I love and want to help not to make them look bad but because I love them. I’m sure you have 10 times as many faults its just that you hide them. If they’re anything hypocrites are cowards. That shut him right up. I’m not here to mince words. When I speak God is speaking. I tell it like it is. I don’t take bs and crap from hypocritical bully cowards. I give it right back to them. You have no clue and are very naïve about what’s happening. Hypocrites are a dime a dozen in this church. The evil angry spirit is strong here in States- remember only think love. 10 times more righteous than you. I hurt her pride made her feel less- it’s a selfish desire to want to feel the best. I’m just saying you’re drinking damnation to your soul and you will suffer greatly for treating others bad as less than servants not friends. Not pride or anger but love humble meek. I hate anger/pride- I’m better than you. Anger is killing you. Repel the angry spirit be humble and loving/pure from lust thoughts. I have always loved you kirk. You / we must never criticize or judge but show love. I only criticize when I see wickedness and want to change it. I’m here to break into a thousand pieces and shred to smitherines every stereotype or prejudgement you have of people like me (dumb for verbal ability sometimes). A bishop wanted to destroy my reputation so I couldn’t survive. He loved his position – because he got love and a feeling of importance. He felt threatened by me. This bishop was a hypocrite. I’m doing this because I love you. I’m destroying you because I love you. If you truly love and care for a person then constructive criticism is okay but even then you have to be careful. Even those in whom I have trusted have saught my destruction. I don’t want your two faced gimmicks. I don’t fall for hypocrital gimmicks anymore okay. I never thought I could be the best smartest/ a wife/ hold a job/ but believed and God through the power of God I did it. I never thought I could be the most humble the baest speaker the wisest man in the world, do miracles but I did and how did I do it- through the power of God and belief in my self- the dumbest guy can be the best. I believed I could do it with the power of God. No one believed in me but me and one other person (God). I never thought I could beat the hypocrites in power. My lesson to teach- No one is better than anyone else. The judgemental attitude is of the devil. We all desire to be loved and accepted. The faith of one man can change the world (Jesus/me) – turn the world on its ear. I figured out how to use the power of God to achieve my goals- to become the greatest man who ever lived (Jesus Christ). I’ve found ways to beat it to beat devil/ dumbness ( intelligence taken by him (his minions). You all have heard time and again obey the prophet- and there is some truth to that, but I preach be a prophet. Talk to God yourself. I am very advanced for my time. I’m very cutting edge. The beliefs I have are radical and revolutionary. ---Speech--- I tell it like it is. I teach people how to talk to God, how to have the spirit of prophecy, achieve prophet level, do miracles. How many lives could you affect if you could do miracles, have the wisdom of Solomon. Think about it. Think about it for a minute. How many souls would be saved lives changed. That’s my vision for this church I love. 13 million Jesus Christs all working together for one goal- the salvation of all mankind. When the prophet said we need to raise the bar I raised it further than what even he could reach. There’s a reason why they didn’t want me to succeed. How do you feel when a dumb guy beats you makes you look stupid- like a loser right? They said I couldn’t do it- why try they said I couldn’t go to mexico and survive without money, they said I couldn’t do miracles. They said I couldn’t have the spirit of prophecy. There’s only one prophet they said only one person is good enough to talk to God. You’re nothing you have no potential they said. I have often analyzed – it’s jealousy/ pride their thinking that that would destroy their self-worth/ pride if I succeeded. I wrote a book called How to be a Genius- not to brag but in it I show people how to harness the power of God to transform their lives. I show how to use the spirit to achieve your goals in life. God has a reward system, if you help him he helps you . I teach how to be the smartest man in the world even if you’re the dumbest man. Who can even imagine doing that? I’d like to reveal all the secrets of eternity to you but someone needs to say I know this church is true for the millionth time (in testimony meeting) Okay I get it, we need to obey the prophet. I don’t think we need to be told that anymore, from the age of 2 we’ve had that beat into us. The stage is set for a leadership takeover by the devil and the secret combinations- all hail/ obey the beast- get a 666 tattoo on your hand be obedient. If you think about it wasn’t Jesus a genius – how? By the spirit by God- Joe Smith too. They ask me what can one man do? Why not just lead a normal low impact life and just relax in front of a fan, just worry about your self. I’m not trying to be a Pharasee a hypocrite, I’m trying to be like Jesus. Jesus was one man look at what he did, he did pretty well didn’t he? I don’t think like a hypocrite, I think like God. That’s why he chose me. They say just have sex and watch tv like us. I want to show you the stupidity of this way of thinking. When you give someone a hundred dollars do you want them to go waste it/ blow it on video games or something? No, you want some kind of return on your investment right or something of value dome. God has made me into the greatest man who ever lived. What do you think he’ll say if I just blow everything he’s given me and lead a normal life? Wouldn’t I be condemned? Where much is given much is required. Actually I don’t have a choice, if I don’t go and preach the devil hounds me. How to make a hypocrite look bad- They judge me for my imperfections not seeing my potential they don’t understand me or things of a spiritual nature. In my book I explain how any ordinary person can be a prophet seer or revelator. Isn’t that amazing? Who can do that? But what have they done? They’ve trashed the greatest book ever written saying its not possible to have revelations, visions, be a prophet, know the spirit world, have the spirit of prophesy, do healings and miracles. Do you really think I’m so stupid that I don’t know if I’m receiving inspiration from the devil or from God. Do you think you know the difference between the devil and God? Do you think you’re smarter than me and I’m so dumb I can’t tell the difference? Do you really think I’m so stupid that I don’t know if I’m receiving inspiration from the devil or from God? I’m not stupid- I’m smarter. If you deny the Holy Spirit or deny that I receive inspiration from the Holy Spirit you’ve got a whole passel of trouble coming your way bub. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. I’m the smartest man in the world and even I’m deceived in some ways- everyone is in some way. There’s no one that I know of that has a perfect knowledge of the truth on this planet. I have often wondered why the intense opposition the bitter hatred for me- someone doing good. The reason- I actually do what I preach- I don’t just say every member a missionary I go out and do missionary work. I don’t just say I love the poor I really do love the poor and the different. Why the intense opposition and persecution every where I go from my youth up. I am the real deal. The men of this world are liars and critics. I’ve got the motivation to put that bully six feet under and keep him there because of all I’ve suffered. If he really wanted to beat me he should have left me alone and I would have had no motivation to beat him. You will suffer more than you can imagine for treating people bad/ putting people down. Getting up before 8 to go to work is the stupidest thing a human being has ever come up with – tired / no sleep accidents more frequent, shorter life span, poor production etc. etc. Be very careful how you treat me because everyone will bow the knee to me even Jesus and I will judge everyone. 2-11-09-. I am fighting against a mastermind (the D.) continually prices on food I like always go up or out of stock, people – the whole world is watching me like Truman Show/ analyzing my every move why did he do that- to learn how I did it. I’m the star of the greatest movie of all time- my life movie. Devil taking advantage of me and profiting from it. People sent to me by d. to try to swindle me or lower my spirit level. Girl sent to flirt/ lower my Holy Spirit level in order to decrease my intelligence/favor with people. D. influences a girl to pursue me even though I reject her to destroy me and take away the the ring of power. Devil’s men follow me at every frequent stop street corner or store I visit and tell the people lies and gossip about me to turn them all away from me. D. turns the heart of the people against me all my friends becoming enemies and people not helping me. Some are being told not to talk to me- another tactic of D. Even those closest to me considered friends plotting against me that the scripture might be fulfilled- that the greatest man in the world would be considered a thing of naught. Trying to keep wisdom and friendship from me. I don’t accept gifts from strangers anymore or enemies people that hate me, don’t accept blood money. The rants- All taxi drivers lie and say hotels are all 500 pesos and nothing less knowing full well there are some for 100 pesos. Store clerks always lie saying we have cheapest price. I’ve been short changed in change many times always count the change they give you there are many dishonest there. Often they will doulble the price of a ticket to take advantage of tourists. I could survive dirt cheap if find someone to keep luggage for me a church friend and then sleep on streets shower occasionally just use a store or terminal for bathroom or bathe in lake in warm climate small southern city. Prefer paying 200 pesos, 20 bucks a month in a small southern town to have a place to receive wisdom/ a private place. Although a lake might work. ---***To combat decrease in Spirit or stupidity preach share wisdom or bom (book of mormon) or pamphlets of church (How I raise my intelligence/ spirit/ love now instead of using Spirit Formula). Or talking to, showing love not thinking about selfish concerns or myself but how to help them make them feel good brings smartness. Also love from women talking to them solving problems giving wisdom. Passed out testimony to people to read and got back intelligence talking ability. Or as I’m looking for a hotel or a necessity (groceries) give them to people to read or study (my testimony)-this is efficiency. Or share my feelings on a topic like Lehi’s dream and what has helped me going to church and taking sacrament (bread and water), testify of Christ even though rejected. Helping the missionaries has given me blessings and spirit stronger. Giving money to the beggars gives me spirit/love-spirit often prompts me to do so or to talk with missionaries. To beat devil(beat dumbness). I’m dumb to train me how to be like Christ and learn the way of the Master and the Holy Spirit. I’ve been blessed with dumbness not because God hates me but because he loves me- not because I’m bad but because I’m good. Also it is a chastening tool for sin (I will raise up another Moses and teach him the way of the Spirit) I am another Moses- Spirit must fill my mind to teach me what to speak. So I am trained almost forced to do the will of the Spirit. I am another Christ. Get it? Explaining why I’m half dumb. (it’s in Genesis). Family deceived into thinking I’m crazy, wife from dl. We believe in you Peter. Luke reads minds destroys deathstar with expiacion/ revelations/ healings/ book prophet. Little Nicky – you can do it. Darth Vader (the father) fights against Luke (me) repents at death. All these movies made to inspire glorify me so people would love me. Superman nerd fool clumsy becomes suave smart hero not timid but confident saves people with suit (Spirit) like me. It’s up to the smartest wisest most prophetic greatest minds of my generation to figure out who I am and my mission. I wonder if they ever will. Its because D. takes my intelligence its not my fault, Moses- spirit gives him words to speak. They thought Jesus was crazy too. They believe in evil spirits too just don’t admit- they’re crazy too in the world’s eyes. The world says there are no evil spirits and there is no Holy Spirit that can talk to us. Only with spiritual eyes or purer eyes can they be seen. Level of purity prophet level. Doctors and others ignorant, they don’t understand spiritual things- you feel Holy Spirit and receive inspiration from spirit you must be schizoaffective they say or have mental problems. Enemy tries to destroy me but I’m blessed 10 times what they do to me, show the path- pure ( no lust thoughts or acts) church every Sunday, sacrament, keep commandments, have a ripple affect affect many people, I’ve been blessed with wisdom healings gifts greater mission sacrifice for all for going to mexico to preach. I’m Jesus born anew? Think happy thoughts Peter- miracles Prophet to inspire have spirit raise intelligence, no one expects a nerd to be king/ leader, 100x blessed, formula for being perfect- sell what you have give to poor take up your cross and follow me. What they will do to me- move to can/mex when can? Why?- because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (star trek). Frodo didn’t want to go on an adventure but did because he had to. ---Frodo/ JC stuff---Enoch was a seer/ saw spirits and things was he schizoprenic? They get inspiration, why not me? I don’t understand that- its because of pride. I’m the king (JC) . I am Jesus Christ? Darth Vader angry personality my dad convince them its possible. Little Nicky beats him with love and miracles, love for eli and everyone. He wanted to stay in the shire Hobbit (nerd). Take the sword and be king like king aragon is what I got from spirit prophecy to lead gather Israel. I’m the only one who believes. Spirit exaggerates things like when I thought they were out to kill me- they were but in a spiritual sense- I lost my faith and intelligence and health and spirit almost lost my soul. They brainwashed me in hospital. I thought or believed I did have a disability after a year in there. D. scares me to run from police officer- it was all a setup. Then officer lies about choking. They don’t understand spiritual things (ignorance- the doctors etc.) Because of dreams of torment (evil spirits tormenting me) I began to have faith again. Asked for a spiritual confirmation if it was true (book of Mormon) and got one (many confirmations, visions dreams of God, spirit guides- I regained my faith. You think you’re better than me. I can’t talk spiritual things with her. She thinks about world only- work and food and friends. I think about Jesus/miracles/preaching/saving souls/scriptures. I’ve proven all scriptures beyond a doubt-perfect- go and sell all you have follow me. Spirit says that’s why I gave you the greatest mission destroy him because you’re only nerd to beat him overcome dumbness. A nerd who becomes Jesus (Superman) Are you starting to get it? Make the connection yet? You’re being negative and trying to put me down, be positive lift others up. Blessed for helping me (eli) spirit says all those who help me will in nowise lose their reward. I would have given you money or car if asked right person-p g. etc. but its faith not money that determines your success- preaching/ purity no m or s with e. I’m half as smart but twice as wise. Just love her says spirit- Christ’s love. Blessed 10x and greater wisdom. I’ve discovered a formula for being perfect- sell all that you have follow me. Perfection is our goal, right? There are many foolish and vain people who say do what leader says order order the order. I’m more Mexican than American- lazy (no, energy efficient), reserved poor humble. All the great movies were made to give me inspiration to be like Jesus. I’m the most famous man in the world just that nobody knows it. The devil always attacks my seed (my money). If you believe- healing/raise dead/ walk on water/ crucified for sins of the world. Remember how I stated in my last book- imagination is more important than intelligence?- As said Einstein. I have the best imagination in the world with help of spirit. Coincidence that I felt love for her soul, not other. Lost boys follow me Im peter pan and earn your freedom. King aragon enlists lost souls to fight. Spirit greatness love for her soul. Possibilities. Who else knows spirit, spirt of prophecy, reads minds, has revelations etc.? someone else’s wife. I am the king- take the sword. Trailer parks bad- bad spiritual envirionment, apartments are better. In thy name shall all the nations be blessed says spirit. Great scott. There’s so much evidence that I’m the chosen one. I need Someone great/wise/ spiritual the Holy Spirit. They don’t understand spiritual things. I truly believe I’m the greatest man to ever live. Follow spirit- get job not work on book? Just a little while and I might be famous, d. has little time. Things happening quick, p convinced others no. I have speaking ability power and authority all look stupid because of wisdom. They know details- I know God, and the will of God. That’s the difference. I’ve been blessed for affecting lives, the ripple affect. The d. ‘s whole argument is that I’m lazy a leech so a job would be nice. The greatest blessings are not riches. Remember you will be blessed, s to be in charge make me dumb. I’m the most unfamous famous person. The most famous person nobody knows. All Hollywood will bow the knee to me-I am frodo/ king/ superman/ luke skywalker/ the one on matrix. Lead armies of God by prophecy.. These are prophecies of me- Elias best friend of Jesus? I didn’t come to tell jokes, I came to make you wise. He’s going to send an army after me. Bill Gates deceived though he’s a very efficient man- he should have invested in me and he really would be the richest man in the world. The greatest riches are not silver or Gold but blessings from my Father. D. ‘s whole spiel is that I’m lazy, he wants someone else more intelligent to be the chosen one but God chose me. Why God chose me. Who loves the poor more than me? Who understands the poor more than me? Who’s smarter than me? Who’s more righteous? Who’s more loving/ humble/ wiser? They’re desperate to destroy me- everywhere I go he brings in an army- he wants to shut down borders as well. If you want to be JC you can be. If you want to do a sacrifice for all mankind you can. Anything you can imagine you can do with God’s help of course. Talking to p and thinking about star wars/batman (who I am).gave spirit of intelligence greatness inspiration. Why is life so hard- prize goes to winner/ champion- god’s system of rewards. Try all options, try something new like preaching to beat d. There are plenty of people out there who would be more than happy to help the greatest man who ever lived not just Emmy. I have to be preserved whisked to safety/ protection. I came back to be king of my people- the return of the king. Buy water for bladder. I am the Lord’s anointed of my time. It’s not that they’re so evil just dumb/deceived. I turn ordinary average human beings into spiritual giants and prophets and miracle workers. My teachings will transform this world. I will be prophet, lead armies of God. I have come to restore that which was lost. Who am I? Can you guess? Riddle me this, riddle me that. . 2/8/09- Closing down borders because of me and others like me. Less businesses. I’m an expert at finding formulas in the scriptures- The take up your cross formula or young rich man formula If you wil be perfect- sell all give to poor take up your cross and follow me.. I have proved it- I’ve been 100x blessed no 1000 times blessed with health/ personality/ intelligence/ healing/ spiritually/ friends/ my soul/ prophet. Go by spirit. I found another formula- Jesus Christ fasted 40 days- I used this formula fasting for 3 days and it saved me gave me my first book and wisdom. I’ve discovered another formula that I’ve used for this book- preaching showing the path to others and asking for wisdom/ healings/ gifts of the spirit works as well. Look out I may find a formula for saving the world. Actually I have- achieving perfection and an expiatorio (atoning) sacrifice like Jesus did. You don’t know your power (favor- funny smart) to convince to be on right path (highest path) There’s two solutions to every problem- read my book or read my testimony. What I share with you in this book is scientifically impossible. I defy all natural and earthly laws of science. Someone I know thinks about world I think about God constantly. If you think about the world all the time what do you become- worldly. A spiritual person is constantly rising progressing spiritually to the eventual level of Jesus Christ; a worldly person stays the same. Your thoughts determine who you are and who you become- think about God and who do you become? Make the connection? I’m a boy of no consequence in the world poor/ dumb. I was destined to be a disturber of his kingdom thus all the opposition. Don’t be lazy but fool them, I’m a nerd not smart. Should have said Hey don’t worry I love you man to officer and thanks for being so helpful to angry lady at me. How do I make the smartest people in the world look like idiots? Through the power of God dummy. And they all deny it because of pride. I don’t believe in limits only in possibilities. How do I beat them (the hypocrites) time and time again? Develop the killer instinct (mj) to beat them/ destroy them (the evil ones). Frodo went on a journey It’s true, life is what you make of it, but with the Holy Spirits help you can learn to make it the best possible life and I will show you how step by step to perfection. Greatness is a choice- one of my most important sayings. Jesus Christ is Greatness. Those two distinctions have changed my life. The Holy Spirit can teach you how to be JC. – I simply record how it’s done. I’m the middle man if you will. All my dreams will come true- How to be a Genius, famous speaker/ preacher/ motivator. I still use the Holy Spirit to be smart get favor but now I do it more through preaching/ affecting lives- showing the way – church sacrament, spirit guide, fasting/ studying Book of Morrmon, a little, ask if its true and receive a spirit witness burning in chest to tears, purity. I don’t just use the spirit formula now- Spirit Formula- an x amount of fasting plus an x amount of reading important scriptures plus an x amount of prayer= the power of the Holy Spirit/ mind of spirit/ wisdom/ favor. I use more the preaching/ prophet formula. My first book How to be a Genius talks in depth on how I used this formula to radically change/ improve my life- be smart, find favor achieve my goals. The great thing about the spirit formula I discovered is its free, nothing to buy, and doesn’t require a lot of intelligence to apply. I talk about How to get to the Celestial Kingdom, to the highest level of heaven. Forget tv the bible is free. God gives me even greater mission and more blessings for everything devil does to me- the rule of 10 x blessed. I want to show you how the devil has faught with me, tooth and nail to try to destroy me. It might help others like me in their own battles. First through my finances, then health, then captivity and destroying my mind and faith, then gossip and character assassination, turning people against meet etc. etc. etc. but there must be opposition in all things, why?- Only the champion or he who deserves it wins the prize. You have to earn everything you get (that’s god’s way)- free agency. Life is a microcosm of eternity. My battle cry is take up your cross and follow me. How to get to heaven- obedience to Jesus’s commandments like go to church often and partake of the sacrament to receive healings/ spiritual progression etc. etc. He uses people to put me down when I’m low or to discourage me. It’s true the d. has managed to ruin my life, but along comes god and he turns it all around. Why? Because he loves me. I’m like him because I desired to be. Cover- I am the hero of the underdog. I am the hero of the poor, the disabled mentally or physically, man of holiness is my name, man of greatness is my name. My name is Excelsias and my kingdom hath no end. All you who are hungry or thirst come unto me and I will fill you. The devil thinks he’s the greatest man who ever lived. I think I am. Who’s right? You be the judge- I will give you the evidence and you make the decision. Welcome to my house. Jesus is in the house today. Mi casa es su casa. The part of my life I want to focus on in this book is the year I went to Mexico. Who am I and what am I doing here . They said I couldn’t beat the hypocrites. They said I was a loser that I had no potential. They said I couldn’t be a preacher. They said I couldn’t be a prophet. I’ve got one question- How do you like me now? Wake up America the spiritual plane is the final frontier and I am the leading pioneer. That’s where it’s at. Im going to take every stereotype and prejudgement you have and rip it to shreds, into a million pieces. Why do you hate dumb people? Some people feel dumber being around a dumb person. Follow me and I will prepare a place for you in the mansions of my father. Join the realm of heroes. Hypocrites beware your daddy is here. I’m a jerk buster. I love hypocrites my own family can be so. The devil doesn’t love you hypocrite but I do. Join me hypocrites. Why do you fight against me are you deceived. Just didn’t find people who could/ would help me in mex, there were lots. I have come to claim my right to the throne, the crown. You filthy liar can’t stand the truth/ wisdom. I said sit down coward. Affected more lives than anyone, changes in lives, the pure of heart, the lion of Judah is speaking. Cutting of my arm. Thinking they’re doing God a service, most deceived. I am the God of the meek. All hypocrites beware JC is here. You’re a rules guy, isn’t that a rule? Help her lift her love her not lust. To tears from spirit when thought of bishop saying we rejected a man who loved us. I pictured when I loved them wanted to teach them wisdom etc. the spirit etc. My relative is a hypocrite for crying outloud. How can I not love hypocrites. The problem is they forget the important things love others wisdom/spirit. You were my strength when I was weak. Is not the order the order of Jesus Christ- I was a stranger… who’s outside the order? Then I proceeded to teach this young bishop young in understanding. You’re right about that but more importantly I’m the Master- I don’t want to steal your thunder. Who is the real nerd, selfish dumb person no friends. As I said in my previous book the advances we make in the area of true spirituality and oneness with God will dramatically change this world and the future. Only an idiot would kill their body and their mind, and send their spirit to heck. You can’t be too smart if you smoke. I’ve been to heck I know what it’s like. God’s not shy about sending people to heck, I know he sent me there one time. Someone wanted to enlighten me about the subject of heck. I said no, I’d like to enlighten you, I’ve been to heck. And its not a pretty place. What in the heck do you want? Why don’t you listen to someone who’s been there so you don’t have to go- a novel idea, huh? Why/ Because they think I’m lying. What reason would I have to lie, to devote my whole life preaching this? Think about it. The world doesn’t understand that anything is possible with God. The world sets limits, you can’t do this or that or what goes up must come down, the law of gravity, etc. I’m here to defy the laws of science and personality stereotypes. This is the difference between a man and a boy- are you putting your rules before Jesus? Some people so concerned about rules that they forget to love people- I’ve lived with people like that all my life- the type of people that would complain its against the rules to heal people on the Sabbath. Be a carpenter, be normal they told Jesus, what would have happened if Jesus followed the norms, the crowd and just did what church leaders told him to do, I shudder to think about it. You little backbiting mind your own business is what I wanted to say. I want to expose these hypocrites for who they are. How to keep get a job with all my weaknesses tired somedays can’t get up bothered by evil spirits/ bad men, chismosos- gossipers- he did this, if don’t get job or lose one God will bless me 10x what I lose. Those who reject/bajar me condemned severly. Those who help me accept me blessed exceedingly. I’m on such a high level right now that this applies. Humble- I need you Lord help me, give me a room etc. etc. Only when we are humble can God help us. Alert people as to what’s going on hypocrites of new world order and secret combinations putting the best people in jail and hospitals with false accusations and stuff and trying to take over destroy church in positions of power in SLC. Hello, Somebody do something or we’re all going to heck in a hand basket, and it ain’t gonna be pretty. Rich go to fancy restaurants while poor starve, drive expensive vehicles. Don’t let her lower me. I made an observation. The workman is worthy of his hire- do you think Jesus was referring to punching a time clock every day or preaching? Preaching is work. Eat what they put before you, stay with whose worthy. Show path- the wisdom of God is misunderstood what saves us give wisdom/ story speech. I’m a preacher not necessarily a worker, a lover is not a fighter. Are you familiar with the ant family? Ants have workers and soldiers there’s more than one role. This parable may ring a bell for you. I’m very intellectual I hope you can follow me here. If you go to heck for not following God what good is it that you took care of your family or followed a leader or a rule? He couldn’t understand my way of thinking. I think outside the bun/ box. It so ingrained in people’s minds to be robots robots, they’ve forgotten how to think for themselves. Rules rules rules. How much condemnation do you think that person had for not helping me? Im honest as the day is long, you know that . You guys are the crazy ones for not believing me. The cure all for life’s problems is God, the holy spirit, learning the spirit formulas I teach. I have several formulas for counteracting the devil’s weapons or traps. This book talks about them. Im the one who got away. Like I said in my other book everything is set up to prevent what happened to me from happening- finding God/ Holy Spirit formula, preaching in another country is discouraged, total purity from lust thoughts or actions, etc. etc. etc. Lies of the devil- posters of women, answer to your problems is to have relations with a woman. Places in nature restricted (campgrounds/ parks), homeless restricted from them, oppressed forgotten poor homeless people. Readers and thinkers/dreamers looked down upon discouraged. Don’t worry about spiritual things they say or the welfare of your soul just work says world There’s no way to find out the truth / answer to all your questions, just be normal and follow the herd/ crowd. First chapter. I’m here to give you the wisdom you need to make the changes necessary to overcome and beat the devil. That’s my mission with this in a nutshell. I always find the weak link, the chink in the armor of the system, the glitch in the matrix. I’m like a hacker who’s found the opening in the firewall of the system of the devil, the mouse in the maze who finds the cheese. But God has a system, those who are the best go to the highest level of heaven of joy and love and happiness. Those who aren’t go to other places less than- Why its important to do something, find the truth/ highest path. This book is from a more mature point of view/ perspective. Obviously I’ve changed from the age of 25 to 33 ( age of Christ when died by the way) People often ask me but why is it important to know why not just be normal and die. We all go to the same place, right? Why do you want to be like Jesus they ask. It’s because I know for a fact that we have to be like Jesus to go to heaven. I ‘m beyond faith or just believing, I know- because of the experiences I talk about. Why would you rather go to a place less than or a bad place where there’s not as much joy, happiness and love and glory? Why wouldn’t you want to follow what I say and teach (really learning to take spirit as a guide, learning God’s will for your life, How to be full of the spirit and do miracles, be a prophet, be a celestial being, become Jesus) What I do is teach average human beings even losers to be winners, prophets, seers, revelators, healers/ miracle workers/ spirit led the whole nine yards. He who feeds or clothes you shall not lose his reward (eli). This book is even better than my first book (the greatest book ever written by the way) because I give even more advanced wisdom power and greatness. Don’t be lazy sleeping don’t walk ask for job etc. I bless all those who have loved me or suffered because of me that they may be blessed 100x or more what the devil has done to them in the name of Jesus, it shall be done. Miscelaneous revelation not particularly critical to the salvation of all mankind. *** Keep this pure (no sex or e or lust thoughts or m) and I will be with you always spirit tells me. Felt presence of spirit and paul newman felt love for him to tears for his giving etc. Teach her about me says spirit- I am pure I don’t like slang language, strong words or dirty talk. Says Holy Spirit- I am love sacrifice and preaching. Teach her about me it says. The spirit loves purity. The spirit hates tv, noise, the radio. I’m sorry all you worldly people, but you have to change if you want to be spirit-filled and a celestial being and eventually a God. Today I’m going to teach you about the Spirit - Feeling after spirit- its love tender humble. Yearning for spirit love its presence. Rejected like Christ again by family- Frodo/ innocent/love. Its not that I’m bad for being dumb its that I’m good- can’t you understand/ comprehend that? I don’t know if you have a high level of comprehension. 2/7/08- Even swearing f,s, didn’t affect me just ignored it in will of Spirit after initial dumb smart again after thinking figuring out more about Americans more animated versus I’m more mexcan humble quiet, reserved. To explain- well the truth is I’m a prophet- God told me- I’m Frodo the ringbearer, to destroy kingdom of devil secret combinations after me , keep quiet about that for now here in cedar maybe. On smart funny- its still cold here in cedar too. Its from purity no lust thoughts or physical relations e – felt spirit love for- God loves you told her, there’s a few things you may have missed being with me kids, etc. no job more money etc. but you chose me and God chose me. Felt real love for her to tears because no lust or s. thoughts. Returned in power of Spirit to Galilee Preaching/job? What they will do to you- it saddens me says spirit/god- pray to be delivered from enemies. I will triumph over all my enemies just pray to be delivered. Returned in power of spirit/smart/ no fear. Felt love/ spirit/ smart from giving 5 pesos to woman begging. Love for her/ her soul/ compassion. Then spirit left and intelligence to think/ talk/ be cool when I rejected a poor man’s plea for 5 pesos. But spirit says I’m giving you another chance and sent me a boy and I gave 5 pesos to dumb poor boy and felt spirit/ smart again. Just that I wanted to give him one of my testimony papers- I’m a perfectionist for the things of God. Spirit training me to be Jesus- unselfish not think of self or how to be funny, but to help elders make them feel good etc. There is good in you says a mission president. Yeah you’re right there is I’m the greatest man who ever lived. I’m JC. There’s a little bit of good in you to. I don’t care if your’re the king of Egypt and Sodom and Gamorah. You give it to me and I’ll give it right back. I don’t care if you’re the prince of Timbucktoo. You mess with me and you’re messing with God. I was a stranger and you took me in… scriptures apply today. What would Jesus do? 4 words Imagination, faith sufficient (preaching enough lives affected) plus love for others (their welfare of eternal souls) plus purity (no master = miracles/ healing. I’ll tell you all about how to move mountains, raise the dead when I get that far. I’m not kidding I will do greater miracles than these that ye may marvel. The step by step guide to being the greatest man who ever lived. --Speech-****Greatness is my name. Man of holiness is my name. Excelsias is my name. What you believe becomes your reality- the power of belief. What you dream is what you do and become. The secrets and formulas I reveal will revolutionize the world. Not lies close to 100% truth (the best a man can get) (s) toman sus crces y siguen a mi . Take up your crosses and follow me. I promise you 1000 times- book cover. A nerd becomes a God. Anerd becomes cool- smiled shook hands. Chapter titles- How to be a God. How to be a David and beat Goliaths ( hypocrites, bullies, jerks, the devil. This is the story of how a lowly nerd beat the biggest baddest bully in the universe with half my brain tied behind my back just to make it fair. How to be a Jedi/ read minds. How to heal. The greater wisdom- tv show friends benny hinn ( humor stories, wisdom). Genius and a prophet. Devil puts missionaries who hate dumb people/ nerds- I’ve battled toe to toe and know all his tricks- chismes (gossip) to turn people against me etc. Smartest man in the world. Greatest man who ever lived. Pass out testimony says spirit- got back spirit (Another spirit formula). Buy a ticket and wait a day just to play with his mind (devil’s). Spirit of greatness- thoughts of prophet tap into thought patterns of mom and dad- Mom says keep going to border. Dad says it was a good deal (the ticket). ----** I am the only one who can beat the devil. Spirit of prophecy because of purity no lust thoughts m only when have to ( 15 times resist don’t do it/ wet dreams pray). Don’t ge off bus it said (spirit) 2 times, also told me there’s a window to escape across border- ------**why am I the chosen one? Because I’m a prophet the king the only one smart enough to beat him. Would receive prophecy spirit guidance if I were to guide lead armies of Israel against evil. Actually, I have been hired by the chief executive officer (God). 2/11/09- I want to get you excited about your life. I want to teach you how to unleash the potential inside of you. The world wants you to think that you have to have a boring life punching a 9-5 time clock everyday with no hope or a life of poverty. You have to have God behind you, but you can achieve your dreams if they’re in line with God’s will. I’m tired of the crap of the world- Oh happiness is a decision, If you wake up one day and decide to be happy you are. If you’re sick, on the wrong path, and ready to lose your soul how can you be happy? You have to learn how to get the Spirit, be on the correct path, and know what your mission for God is. If the dumbest man in the world can do it, don’t you think you can? I actually give people things they can use- spirit formulas I call them. What are spirit formulas? Formulas that if used give the spirit/ blessing/ the anointing/ favor/ preservation and intelligence/ wisdom. They are the opposite of worldly formulas. Worldly formulas bring you down take away the spirit/ decrease the anointing- like watching tv or playing video games or lust or you get the picture- swearing, strong language, lying, etc. etc. Spirit formulas give health, blessings, and prosperity in order to dream your goals and desires into life. God can grant you your desires if you show the faith. But what exactly is faith I’m asked. Good question. I will show you- preaching/ helping service/ share testimony. What I’m doing now everyone is going to be doing in the future. What I’m doing now people will be doing 50-100 years in the future- once they realize why I do it. I’m advanced for my time. I’m cutting edge. I want to show you how to beat the devil in every area of your life. The devil wants you miserable- he’s the enemy. I want to show you how to beat him. One time a man told me that the devil wasn’t his enemy. That he used evil as a friend to help him. He said the devil liked him and helped him. Well, I’ve got news for you, if the devil likes you you’re in a lot of trouble. It might just be coincidence but he was a lawyer. Although what he said about using evil as a friend and tool and to help you in your progrssion is true. Whatever the devil does to us the Lord blesses us 10 times what we suffer. Happpiness is a process not a one-time decision. God wants you to achieve your goals, I use to think not. It’s just that we need to show the faith and learn to take the Holy Spirit as a guide and inspiration so he can give us what we want. He will even give us goals we’ve never even thought about that are better for us than our goals if we’re in tune to the Holy Spirit I want you to say right now, “I am a God.” I want you to see the change that comes into your life from saying that. I get a lot of flak for saying that. By learining certain spirit formulas you can make the impossible become possible. What you believe becomes your reality- you can will your dreams into realty with God’s help of course. If I’m totally deceived and doing evil I’m not going to be able to be a true prophet. You might be able to do some things with the power of the devil but all that’s going to get you is a first class ticket to heck, Don’t pass Go, don’t collect $200. I know, I’ve seen false prophets do petty cheap miracles but they will never have the true power of God, or real wisdom. Everything they say is rehashed from other preachers they’ve heard, then they use that to deceive and steal from the righteous. The anatomy of a false prophet. You just have to give God what he wants and he gives you what you want. But what does God want? He wants you to know and be filled with the Holy Spirit/ love/ and power and save others help others. If you can believe it you can achieve it with God’s help. How to do Miracles. The third step in doing miracles after believing / showing the faith (bringing fruit/ preaching of personal development keeping the commandments) combinedwith prayer asking for it is imagining the miracle taking place. As an example I didn’t just start of reading minds right off the bat like a psychic. I started out with a crutch. I asked the Holy Spirit different things or possibilities of what people were thinking and spirit would give me the answer. After a while it just became automatic and I didn’t have to ask, the spirit would give me the right answer immediately. Example- a man was criticizing my testimony I had written out saying the language was too strong, the words were all wrong, and wasn’t formatted correctly, had the vocabulary of a 10 year-old, etc. The spirit told me – it’s not that-that’s not the reason- its because he feels condemned by what you said about lust and abstaining from physical relations. I immediately called him on it and asked if the real reason he didn’t like my testimony was that he felt condemned from those statements about purity and he gasped in amazement, yeah that’s right he admitted sheepishly (at least he was honest the time). The majority of men are liars. One time I was talking to a hypocritical person who heard that I was going through a divorce. He chastised me haughtily saying that was wrong and how terrible and wrong I was. Then the Spirit said, “He’s been divorced too.” In mid-sentence I stopped him and asked him point blank accusingly,” Have you been divorced?” He was stunned, he realized I had received revelation and his whole attitude changed. Humbly, he admitted he had had a divorce. Then he proceeded to tell his whole story and acted very friendly to me, I think he was a little scared of me. I don’t blame people for being scared of me. It’s gotta be freaky to have someone know all the thoughts of your heart and expose you for the hypocrite you are. Another example- One man was trying to discourage me from being in another country to preach. His reasoning was that the brethren say you shouldn’t return to the country you served in but just concentrate on a job and family. Then the spirit said that’s not the real reason the real reason is he’s jealous of you in such and such a manner. I told him what the spirit had revealed to me and he got angry but didn’t deny it. I get mixed reactions from people when I read their minds. I love to see people squirm when I catch them in hypocritical bald faced lies. One time a guy thought about me without telling me- “His eyes are red he looks like a child molestor” (a silly thought) But I called him on it- I said my eyes are red because of the pollution in this city. Not because I’m a child molestor. He looked stunned and was fearful of me after that. Incidently red eyes can be a sign of serious sin or maybe just a sign you use contacts (eyeware) Another example, this time of a woman. Women can be liars too. A woman wanted my parent’s phone number to let them know of a deal she had thought of- supposedly. The spirit said no she wants to discredit you by telling them such and such gossip. I called her on it and once again it was admitted that was the real reason. I’ve done this a countless number of times-reading minds can come in handy. Who’s better at mind games than someone who can read your mind? It’s hard to make someone who reads minds look stupid, or make someone wiser than you look stupid. I’ve never had a false prophet read my mind. Why? Because they can’t do it duh. At least not that I’ve seen. By now you’re probably wondering who I am and what did I do with the dumb nerd. I’m Luke skywalker, I’m a Jedi.. How to heal. Another example- I didn’t become Benny Hinn or a healer over night either. I began reciting scripture and asking in prayer for a healing and visualizing my healing. Later I just brought fruit (preached) shared my testimony and the correct/ highest path to others and asked for itif it be his will then pictured spirit light healing damaged or sick area- the healings happened much quicker focusing more on bringing fruit (preaching and going to church (affecting lives) and less on quantity of prayer and scriptures. The first big secret to healing others is purity. The second biggest secret to healing is love and compassion (directly related to purity). The third is faith(bringing fruit/ affecting lives etc.) and favor with God. Ideas of what to say- I know that thou hearest me father. Heal her for her faith that she might believe and follow the right path and be baptized and assist this church always. According to your faith the spirit will begin to heal you according to your faith and prayer. Arise (levantate y sea sanado) you are healed in the name of Jesus How to be a great speaker. Also in respect to bearing my testimony in church I started out with a crutch as well- I had my testimony translated into Spanish and just read it in testimony meeting. I was blessed for that. Eventually I memorized it gained more wisdom love and humility and motivation from rejection/ overcoming my fear discovering the spirit of greatness wisdom and confidence and became a good speaker and in my opinion the best speaker when I had spirit of course. Why? Because I always talked about the most important things like the eternal welfare of the soul not details and I spoke the mind and will of God and the higher wisdom that changes lives) Pray for higher wisdom. The wisest man. isn’t always the best speaker. The wisest most passionate man who has the most love for others ; hands down the winner. How to be the best speaker Am I not a son of God? Does it not say in your law ye are Gods. Everything I ask for given is that not a quality of God? Am I not a God in embryo form? If I’m on highest path of being a celestial being am I not a God? If God were to tell me give the command and make him deaf dumb and stupid I could do it. If God told me right now make that mountain into a valley I could do it. If God told me to command the wind and the waves I could do it. This is in direct opposition with what the world thinks. The world thinks we’re only animals or humans and classifies people as nerds, losers, jerks, geeks, etc. etc. to dehumanize/lower. Do you think the world looks at me and says oh a God? Of course not.. Why we shouldn’t judge. Do you judge Moses for his sins? Of course not. He killed a man for crying outloud. No we judge a man for his heart his desires his dreams his charactrer his honesty his love and compassion, his wisdom, his willingness to do the will of God; his walk with God, his potential for binging souls to Christ for being a God. He that is without sin among you let him cast the first stone. Come on throw a rock at me. Stone me. Crucify me. Will that make you feel better? Do you judge a man by how he smells or what clothes he wears? Of course not . The measure of a man is his righteousness. Earth to Houston I think we have a problem. Who do you think you are I’m ten times tmya. I don’t take crap from hypocrites I give it right back in your face. You could ever dream of being. We shouldn’t criticize others we should lift them up don’t you know that? If we’re going to judge lets do it right Do you love the poor did you give up everything and go to Mexico. Do you watch tv that’s a good indication of the quality of man a man is. What else do you do that detracts from God besides criticize and find fault with others to put them down/ lower them. I wonder if you have love for all men. I wonder what other things you do to waste your time. I was preaching bringing souls to Christ in Mexico for a year . What did you do that was better? Did you go to the movies? Did you read the newspaper. Did you go to the gym. What did you do? What more do you want you’ve already cut off my arm, my soul? Because I law you’re better than me? Don’t feel bad I teach everyone. I’m the Master. The important thing is to repent Yes, I make a mistake , but I repented and moved on with my life. I’ve suffered more than you can imagine for my mistakes and I tell everyone about the seriousness of sin. . Killing with words and killing the soul and gossip is another grevious sin. If you don’t forgive your sin will be bigger than mine. I’ll be playing a harp with Saint Peter and the angels and you’ll be stuck burning in heck. Do you want to burn in heck? Well then forgive and let live. Don’t judge or criticize or put people down you don’t like. Oh and we should try to find something we like about each person we meet. I see it – the spirit and intelligence of speaking to large groups affecting many lives. Affected Eli and thought on my writings and it gave me spirit intelligence. But job if can. I’m sick and tired of the world’s wisdom like happiness is a decision you make. You can’t be happy without God. Believe me I’ve tried. I was sick in pain hopeless and desperate. When you don’t have God what can you hope for. You’re empty without the Holy Spirit. How to Prophecy- Thinking in future levels of possibilities and discerning through spirit what will happen often through the voices/ personas of others. Pray for dreams often of future- things that could happen if I live in a certain place or prophecy of the spirit of what could happen. You can’t just wake up one day and say oh I’m happy when you’re sick, your soul is gong to heck and the d. is all over you. It’s a process its having the spirit and being in the will of God for your life. I will deliver you now go. Someone will come to get you. I didn’t get Jesus Christ’s prophetic ability overnight either. Your son’s a genius Ron I gave your testimony/ pathway to someone else and blessed. For instance I had a dream of a neighbor shooting me and was given fear by spirit to leave. Another dream that I was put in jail etc. I left Cedar. The same thing happened in Iguala Mexico. Had a dream and impressions that they were going to kill me etc I had visions in my mind of things happening. The spirit often exaggerates or gives visions and dreams of things that could happen to warn. This is an example of the spirit of prophecy present to help me im my life seeing as how I’ve been give the greatest mission. Also the spirit of prophecy on a larger world scale- Have envisioned armises of God, gathering of Israel, the overthrow of government and churches by secret combinations attacking when weak, those declaring war on U.S., dreams of deceivers in the church in sheeps clothing nice clothes who are preaching vain and foolish doctrines, a new world order. Keep in mind we can avoid many things if we knew how to stop it. Wars, a great war between Saints (Israel) and evil nations etc. etc. Prophecy to guide me were to go north countries. Prophecy of other’s thoughts words and actions to help me. I can read the devil’s mind sometimes I’m so smart, well not me of course glory to God. Others are teaching people how to ride tricycles. I’m teaching people how to drive Ferraris (sports cars)- an analogy of the difference between me and all the rest as I see it . Up early at 7 am gave spirit a little, talked about goals to eli and thought of my writings worked hard half the night too. He raised me up through tutelage of Spirit. I have the anointing to be the smartest man in the world, the king. He’s already declared war on the U.S. the devil. He sent an army to destroy me, a blood sacrifice? No he wants me to make them all look stupid and condemn them. But God will give me favor. I am a Jedi. He must be the smartest/ greatest man in the world. No he’s a loner says dad. He read em’s mind he crawls into their minds says J. I need to do something move but how no money ask someone, no car. Alert pres. or ben or a car to live in and travel ask for protection.. When I left for Mexico I was a Jedi but a bumbling timid clumsy one. Now I’m more confident, best at all qualities of a Jedi- prophecy/ healing/ miracles/ most loving/ humble/ smartest with spirit/ wisest/ best speaker/ motivated by rejection/ spirit of greatness/ spirit from preaching/ love of Christ for souls of people/ even a little bit funny. And ready to claim my right to the throne. All the great movies are about a deliverer a savior, a hero. I am that one. God chose me the devil doesn’t want me. Men without understanding who hate their brother . Who is different from them. It takes faith to sell all that you have and follow him. Got back spirit smarts from feeling love for them. And a greater than Solomon is standing before you today. The queen of the South… And a greater than Jonas stands before you today. The man from Galilee. Greedy men who love power and money and the praise of men and despise the poor and the different. Who reject the prophets and stone them with their words and reject the chosen one (me). Superman’s suit transforms him into smart heroic saves people (Holy Spirit). The force is strong with this man-prophecy. Don’t judge others. If young skywalker becomes a Jedi he could be a terrible threat to us. 2/12/09- Spirit- None shall stand before thee all of thy days. As I was with Moses so shall I be with you. You shall give the command and the mountains shall flee before you and valleys shall be made mountains. Because of your love for my people. Greatness is your name. In my name shall all the nations of the earth be blessed. I am man mountain. Cover/ Speech/ Greatness/ King-------** He that thirsteth come unto me and I will quench his thirst. He that hungereth let him come unto me and I will fill him with bread. The bread of eternal life. I have come to open the last dispensation and prepare the way before the coming of the Lord. Greatness is my name . Excelcias is my name and saving souls is my game. I am the God of the meek. (use after talking about spiritual stuff). I shall give my word and my enemies shall flee before my face. Because of purity no s or m with e. Because I preach give testimony to all WWJD – preach at work. In my name shall the Gentiles trust. Mine enemies shall fear me. Get a cup and get ready because the wisdom of God is about to flow like milk and honey. We must hurry for the hour is nigh when the armies of God must be gathered. The smooth places shall be rough and the rough places smooth. Oh ye nations of the earth fear greatly for the lion of Judah is here. The king of Kings and Lord of Lords. He that hath the spirit of greatness of prophecy cometh. IN the name of his Father mighty and terrible is his name. . To tears- because you love my people. Men don’t come at your wives for on the morrow we do battle with th forces of evil. I have come to sound the battle cry- take up your crosses and follow me. Take up your swords and follow me. I have called you to become prophets, seers and revelators. I have called you to become warriors of the most high. Men of corage and honor. Follow me into battle and I promise each of you crowns of glory and honour. . And a place in the mansions of my Father. My right it is to rule. It is time for me to calaim my right to the throne The great one has risen indeed. He that hath two coats…. He that hath bread.. He that loveth me not loveth the devil. He that fighteth not for me fitghteth for the devil. He that hnooreth not the son hath not honour from the Father. The prophecies have been fulfilled, the chosen one is here inall glory and might and power. I am JC. I’m asking for a few good men. Fight manfully for me and I promise you a place in my kingdom. Men go not at your wives for on the morrow we do battle. For your life, your livery, your families, your country and your God. And all you hold dear. Take courage men of Israel. I give unto you the spirit the greatness and purity. Follow me into battle. He that is not with me is against me. I am the God of the meek. He that hath ears to hear let him hhear. He that hath eyes to see let him see the glory of God. Before my command the mountains shall be made low- my power- why I’m king- at my command… I am the hero of the underdog/ the oppressed, come unto me and I will heal you. The ppor to tears-spirit. A A testimony stronger than the cords of death- I am Moroni and this is the title of Liberty. I am Moses and this is my serpent to look upon and be saved. I am a deliverer- I want my people to be free to be free to be free. I am Joseph I was appointed to be king but was rejected by my brethren though I still love them. I call upon you to take up your crosses and follow me. A physical attack is not eminent but a spiritual attack is. Preach my gospel to every nation tounge and people. A voice of warning and repentence to all the ends of the earth. He that taketh up his cross and followeth me I promise a 100 fold and life everlasting. HE tahat shall thrust in his sickle shall reap. Using the procreation power will weaken. All those who embark in the service of the Lord and have the desire to serve are called to the work. The field is white ready to harvest he that thrusteth In his sickle shall reap. And the blessings of eternity shall resp upon them. I promise you longer life/ health/ blessings/ prosperity. Who will follow me into spiritual battle. But you must have the armor of God. You must have the hemet of protection, the breast plate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the sword of truth, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel. If you do so I promise no devil in hell shall hurt and I will go on your left hand and on your right hand and my angels shall go before you to bear you up. My brothers and sisters are dying- dying sprititally. Will you stand by and watch them die? Is there not a cause? Why are you so passionate about missionary work about preaching the gospel? I want my people to be free to be free to be free. Do you want your hand stained with the blood of my brothers and sisters. If you don’t have a testimony- Fast, scritptures, prayer. If you truly love your neighbor share your testimony or my testimony with them. I’ve been there. I know what its like to lose your soul, for not being obedient to all the commandments of Jesus Christ-church sacrament, purity, celestial being full of spirit- Jesus Christ. Don’t let it happen to someone else .Are you waiting for a special invitacion? To come in the mail from TSM? Are you waiting for T. S. Monson to call you at home and tell you to do something? Are you waiting for God to show up at your door? Even something as simple as writing your testimony down can do more than you can imagine. The devil is sending thousands of the souls of my brothers and sisters to heck and you’re asking me why am I passionate about missionary work? We’re in the middle of a battle right now, the battle for the souls of men and women. My friends, my fellow Americans are dying. Is there something more important than the welfare of the soul. Should we look the other way and seek our own happiness and salvation? Do you think god is happy or pleased with that? If you are able to go to battle go to battle. If you’re not ready, get ready. Or do what you can. If I can do it being half dumb/ sick/ and in debt up to my ears, why can’t you do it? With God anything is possible. Within 2 days of arriving in Iguala someone offered me a room for free to stay in.. Do you really think that’s a coincidence? And my spanish was horrible. My Spanish was so bad they thought I was speaking English. Get ready to go or support someone who is going. I want to show you a higher path than what you’re on right now. I want to show you the way of the Master. Not everyone is called to be a prophet. Not everyone has the same mission. Although every member a missionary. JC was example- I don’t think anyone would dispute me on that. JC found time to preach. Do you know how stupid that is- condemning me for preaching? You’re not condemning me, you’re condemning Jesus Christ. You’re not rejecting me. You’re rejecting Jesus Christ. That touches my heart someone would travel all that way just to preach the gospel to the lamaniites. Thought of love for Jose Ruiz, Luis Carlos, lamanite woman Not wanting them to suffer heck but to be happy celestial with Jesus/ God. Spirit to tears- bowels of compassion for them. Please don’t reject Jesus, the man sent to you , who loved you who came to save you. We rejected Jesus a man sent to serve/ love us. *Because once upon a time I dared to believe I could be like Jesus I dared to believe I could be a prophet. I dared to believe that the faith of one man could change the world. I wanted the whole enchilada. Not everyone is called to be a prophet . Not everyone wants to be a prophet. Even a dumb guy can be Jesus Christ. Staty at home and be normal, enjoy life. But if thou wilt be perfect….It’s because I know the mind and will of God- what’s constantly on his mind, the salvation of his beloved sons and daughters Don’t you love them chandy? The crippled , the deaf, the sick, the lost. These all are thine. Why do you have such passion for saving souls for really helping people? Father save his soul, show him the right path. Take my hand , take my hand. I want to show you the way- to happiness to Jesus.- to tears spirit. Do you think it’s a coincidence I’m here I was sent by the Father to show you the way. Learn of me and listen to my words, walk in the meekness of my way. I am Jesus Christ. I don’t believe in limitations only possibilities . Why? Because I think llike Jesus/ like God. What does my testimony say? X amount of fasting, plus x amount of scriptures, plus x amount of prayer= Holy Spirit/ stronger testimony- This is the Spirit or Genius Formula. The Prophet formula is similar. We don’t understand the principle of fasting in this church- its not a once a month deal. It’s continue in fasing prayer always henceforth- when the bride groom leaves then shall they fast, duh, wake up. I want to thank him for the affect he’s had on our lives she says to p. His love for Christ his book etc. I can’t take the credit. The credit belongs to God. Please don’t let them die. Don’t let them die. El sha dai , El sha dai. Music of Benniy Hinn. He’s confident says Gabby. I need to explain why not to judge. The ring of power is saught by all men. They will kill me for it. I need protection. The fate of the world lies in the hands of a hobbit (a nerd). The ring is in the fire- I’ve won, I know my mission. We must warn Gandor- the devil marches on Gandor. . You don’t have the anointing they say. I’ve got news for you Dorothy I am the anointing You don’t have the spirit of prophecy. No, I am the prophecy. You don’t have God with you. No, I am God. You’re not like Jesus. No, I am Jesus. 2/13/09- Brought spirit/ smarts again- Love to tears for Nora/ Emmy/ Laura/ Diana/ little boy etc Love to tears singing in mind- I want to be your hero baby- I wanted to be their hero (those in Mexico)- to love them, wipe a way their tears, give them wisdom, teach them of church, heal them (like Jesus) die on the cross for them eventually from all healings and souls saved from (love teaching, a new phrase) them. He’s the most tierno man I’ve seen says N. Give them money/ hope. There are a lot of people who would like to help me (Robles) just have to figure out how to communicate what I’m trying to do want to do. Just lack money to do all I want to affect all the lives I want to preach in congregations and tv. Progressing healing wise/ wisdom wise- grace for grace- preach then receive wisdom or more healings and more healing power. My mission is the same as Jesus’s – preaching affecting lives, healing ec to cross. Bringing thousands no millions no billions (now that’s faith) to him and the right path. Transform into a spirit filled celestial being, a God. The devil ia a hypocrite. He wants everyone else lowered and miserable. Why does the scripture- ye are Gods in matt. Bother him so much? He wants to be God all powerful and have all the glory and everyone else under him and miserable. I want you to defy Satian today. Say it I am a God. Why are the hypocrites in power? The devil has power. Then it dawned on me- they’re like Satan, they don’t love people , they want the glory, wisdom and love for themselves and their positions that make them feel loved and respecdted and give them blessings. They put down the righteous and wise, but have no fear they will be brought low in the end and suffer. I would always wonder why are the most hypocritical always in power- devil doesn’t bother their minds/ their finances etc. etc. he leave them alone or even blesses them helps them. The world loves its own and promotes them. Selfish people who care nothing for others but themselves. . Many love their rules, their order more than people more than God. That’s what I like about being a prophet- you don’t need a lot of money for tuition. You don’t need a lot of intelligence, social skills, talent, and you don’t need athletic ability. No one understands what I’m trying to do. No one understands the impact for good of what I’;m doing and will do- my potential. No one understands why I’m not just into making money or working I can’t do that even if I wanted-I only have preservation/ favor and intelligence when I’m preaching and in will of spirit/God. It’s not that I dindn’t want to be normal its just that I couldn’t be. I don’t have strength for temporal labors, that’s not my calling/ my mission to devote my life to a normal 9-5 existence I already have a family- many of my brothers and sisters are already around me. I don’t have to do the legwork to bring them into the world. Someone else already did that for me. Yes , I would like a family when the right time comes according to the wil fof the spirit (inspiration to do so) But right now I’m being guided to preach, become like the Master. People don’t get it. I’m not a clone, my life or other’s lives aren’t cookie cutter lives. Everyone has a different mission/ role to fill. I just happen to be chosen for a leadership/ prophet role. Just becaue you like astronomy doesn’t mean I have to like astronomy. Just because you drive a volkswagon bug doesn’t man I can’t drive a Ferrari. Just because y’re driving a eat up old station wagon that means I have too Because you’re living in a grass hut I have to too? It’s pride slfisness and jealousy ( the lobsters don’t want anothert lobster to make it to the top of the bucket. It bugs the hick out of them that somebody else is getting something better than they are. Focus on preaching. Someone elee has been kind enough to do the hard work of bringing sprits into this world and raising them. I don’t have to do that. If the devil doesn’t’get me first. Do you think God is that dumb that he would deny someone who as devoted their life to him and his children preaching the gospel; that he would deny them happiness, a companion, a family in the next life? I must make the same statement in this book that I did in the last- every word, every sentence, every page of this book is from God and the Holy Spirit. To God be all the glory and the honor. I’m not a genius because of what I’ve done. I’m a genius because God gave me the privilige of being a genius. The same goes with prophet status- noone becomes a true prophet without the permission/ acknowledgement of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is actually the only one who can teach you how to be a prophet. I can show you the path, but to continue on the path is up to you and the Holy Spirit. I want to make that clear. I don’t have the power to make you into a prophet all I can do is point to you the way, the highest path (show you the way). Of course you have to read this book, study it and internalize/ practice it. The evolution of a God. A practical common sense guide to becoming a Supreme Being or God. How to become a God . This book isn’t going to do you any good abandoned and dusty in a storage shelf somewhere. Why aren’t you in your own country raising a family with a 9-5 job like the rest of us? When the conditions are right, yes but not now. The wisest man. isn’t always the best speaker. The wisest most passionate man who has the most love for others ; hands down the winner. How to be the best speaker. Im asking you to invest in Jesus. Would you invest in Jesus? Im asking for financial support- preaching showing the way transforming into a Prophet and God along the way. . Saving souls having a ripple affect also her’s my books. I want t preach in congregations of the other churches. I believe I’m the best- most wise, best speaker, most love and humility. If Bill Gates were so smart he would have invested in me. The return on his money would have been astronomical. More than a hundred times in blessings and riches of eternity, joy and glory. My email addresses- Why is my first book so important, so revolutionary?- I am literally a dumb man who became or learned how to become a genius and much more- all my goals accomplished, a man with great intellectual ability when I have the spirit or when healed). Why my second and consecutive books are so important- I’m an ordinary man with great weaknesses- lack of energy (energy deficiency problem not lazy), lack of social intelligence and other intelligences like verbal and memory ability etc. etc. – who has achieved prophet level/ status and close to celestial/ God status. Example- clark kent/ superman, dr. jekyl/ mr. hyde, Peter Pan/ spiderman, hobbit/king, nerd/ cool. The devil won’t be satisfied unless I go to hell. I won’t be satisfied unless I reach the highest level of the Celestal Kingdom. I am a God in embryo form. I want everyone to say it- “I am a God.”. Now how does it make you feel- powerful, more confident? Now I’m a loser; I’m just a human; I’m just an animal with animal desires; Now how does that make you fee? Not good, huh? How much more impressed are you when a dumb man does what Jesus did (genius from the spirit, miracles, healings, writes books, leads, speaks with power and authority, etc. etc. ) Another angle to look at- if a dumb man can do it (be Jesus Christ) why can’t everyone do it? Isn’t it possible? Now ask yourself this, How would a world full of Jesus Christs be different than a world full of devils or ordinary men? Are you starting to understand in part what I’m trying to do here? It impresses me that the that the most gifted intelligent and righteous man did miracles/ was a prophet. It impresses me more that the biggest loser or a dumb man with almost no ability can do miracles/ achieve prophet level – spirit of prophecy/ healing power/ most wise etc. etc. Why? Because if a dumb man can do it anyone can – get it? Are you following me? . How does this book help me- I don’t want to be a prophet I just want to make more money? I didn’t write this book with the intent to make people wealthy or rich on this earth, but to make them wealthy in the next life. I would have called it how to get rich or how to be a millionaire if that were the case. What I want people to learn is how to love others like God does and be motivated to save others spiritually (their souls). Although a by product of that is God will bless you financially as well so There are many temporal blessings to be had from reading this also- good health a longer life, miracle of healing, preaching, prophecying. Better relationships, social skills. ------JesusWhy is my book so important, so earth shattering/changing, so revolutionary? Because it is written by me. I am Jesus Christ. I am here to do the will of the Father. I came to save my people from their sins,. I have and will suffer for the sins of mankind. I am a deliverer, the Chosen One.***--- All of us have same potential. All of us have the potential to be Jesus Christ. All of us have the name of Jesus Christ. Even the dumbest man can be like Jesus Christ. Don’t you get it Emmy? I want you to say it- I am Jesus Christ. Repeat after me- I do miracles, I have the spirit of prophecy. I am healing. I am Godly Love. I am humility. I am the God of the meek. I want you to defy the devil right now. Of all my teachings the devil hates this one the most. That I teach people that they can be like Jesus; Christ, saviors, and Gods. No one can resist the wisdom and power with which I speak. The devil appeared to me in the form of a man one time and argued with me saying no one can be like Jesus- we’re just humans just animals. What did I tell him? Don’t you believe the Bible? Is it not written in your law- Ye are Gods. Didn’t Jesus himself say that? Not even the biggest baddest hombre on the planet can stand against me. Inteersting, if its not possible why did I write a book on how to do it? The proof is in the pudding. The truth is he knows its possible- imagine the problems he would have if everyone in the world was like me? He wouldn’t have a kingdom anymore. That would kind of be the pits to be a king without a kingdom? Also, everything I ask for happens when I have the Holy Spirit and am pure (no bad or lustful thoughts/ imaginations), and its according to the will of God. That’s a quality of a God isn’t it. How much more evidence do you need that I’m a God, Son of God, God in embryo form? Why do so many challenge me on that? It’s pride and jealousy. That destroys their whole class system subservient philosophy. They have believed a lie of the devil. If they admitted this truth how would they have to treat their neighbor? With love not hate right? A novel idea, huh? When you mess with me you mess with God. The bad guys just don’t get it. You can’t beat me only contain me. I’m the Michael Jordan of those spiritual. I can’t dunk a basketball, but I can change the world and become the greatest man who ever lived. If you brainwash me with medications, and put me ina hospital or prison with your secret combinations that are destroying the prophets, the church, and the government and taking away my purity faith and testimony, and healing of mind- it’ll just come back again to bite you in the backside. That’s what happened to me but God always gives you 10 times what the devil steals from you. I now have the greatest mission of all time because they’ve tried to kill my soul/ my testimony/ my purity from lust thoughts, my prophet status that I’ve been given, my memory, etc. Why not to judge. The truth is you have to learn to love and like everyone. We are all children of God and deserve to be treated with respect and love. There’s a good quality in everyone we meet be they poor/ loser/ jerk/ stud/ cool/ hypocrite/ rich/ stupid/ smart/ ugly/ beautiful, fat/ thin. Focus on the good in people to love them. This saying of mine from my first book bears repetition- If you don’t like your neighbor you don’t love him; and if you don’t love him the love of God is not in you and you are none of his (without charity you’re the devil’s). Man cannot be saved without charity. The world says its okay not to love your neighbor or not to like them- to treat them as less than or reject them. No you can’t do that. If you treat your neighbor as less than, God will treat you as less than. If you reject your neighbor you will be rejected. See God always punishes us or blesses us according to our actions and the way we treat people (his sons and daughters). Does it make Gad mad when you treat one of his children bad? You better believe it does. Will you be punished? You better believe you will be. Will those be punished who reject a prophet or stranger or preacher of the gospel for withholding of their substance or help if they are capable of helping? What does the scripture say? I was a stranger and you took me not in. He that does it unto one of these my brethren (my disciples) has done it unto me. He that giveth a cup of water unto one of these my little one (my disciples/ preachers shall in nowise lose his reward. Do you want to be on the left side of God or the right side? How to beat hate/ jerks. Show love for hate. Shake his hand loved him (Javier). Keep trying to say hi even though rejected to punish them for rejecting me. That’s what the devil does is lower/ put down people. God loves and builds people up. You don’t think you’ll be punished for lowering/ putting me down? It’s dumb to lower/ put down others because God is just going to punish you for it. It’s better/ smarter to show love for others and God will bless you especially to a prophet. If you reject me you’re rejecting Jesus Christ. Why do you lower/ put me down, I only want to build you up and help you. Why do you show me hate. I show you love. Do you think you’re better than me. I left everything for God and you still think you’re better than me. I have love for all. People punished who reject/ put me down so don’t be afraid of them (bishop) because God will punish. God tells me don’t fret because of what evil (emmy) does to put me down I will give you it back and more. If you treat me like a servant and lower me/ tear me down God will treat you like a servant and punish you. If you treat me like a friend God will treat you like a friend and bless you. God blesses those who treat others well. Do you think you’re better than me- when I know somethings wrong I repent. I have been deceived but repented. I can’t promise you you’ll go to heck, but I can promise you you’ll regret it not helping me. I’m in a position where I need help to fulfill the Lord’s command. You don’t think God will hold you accountable if you love you rules more than his servants? He’s going to put the blood of all those I could have helped/ saved on your hands. Is that what you want to be condemned to heck. I call hypocrites hippos. They’re fat because they glut off the poor. Don’t feed the hippos. What happens if you feed a hippo? It turns around and rips you to shreds. Don’t let hypocrites get into power, all they do is tear down others they don’t like. They love power more than people. Not to make fun of fat people- don’t take that the wrong way. Some of the nicest people are fat. Why? Because they’ve been rejected all their lives If you’ve been rejected all your life you don’t want someone else to feel that way. 2/16/09- cried from spirit when realized/ happy from purity which helps make me smart. I crucified him- I’m sorry I said when I realized I contributed. They crucified an innocent loving nerd who never hurt a fly and loved everyone. Also to tears when thought of how to treat my brothers- greet- Wayne, man of courage and valor and purity, son of jarel, prince of peace shall be your name-and a scepter of unending righteousness shall you have and you shall speak the word and my enemies shall flee. My love for Wayne and Maria palpable. They will try to imprison me musst preach/ flee no time left. Treat them the way Spirit treated me- King Jesus, Excelcias. To tears with spirit when thought these testimonies I’m giving out represent my brothers and sisters I love so very much. Nothing is too much too spend on my brothers and sisters. I love them so much, nothing is too much too spend on my brothers and sisters, don’t you get it? her/ judgement. I teach people to be prophets. Go one I want everyone in here to admit it. Say it- I am a nerd. Say it bishop, I want you to say it too bishop. I think he really is a