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6.30.2004I guess it's time for me to update since I've already had traffic coming in telling me to do so. Sorry for pulling the disappearing act on everyone. I've been a bit busy and caught up in drama since the last time I wrote. Somewhat great news though.... I just got my job back at Target... *Attn: Target Team Members*... and I'm supposed to get started on Friday. The only weird thing is that I'm not exactly gonna be on the flow team... they want me in the backroom. I've never worked the back, but I'm gonna be a good sport and try it out. If I don't like it, hopefully they'll move me back to flow. It'll be interesting working in that store again.Been hangin' out at Spanky's too much... shootin' a whole lotta pool with everyone there. Sunday nights we go to the tournament at Spanks and then at the end of the night the group goes out to Safari for $3/pitchers. Sorry to say that cheap beer will attract us to lots of places... haha. We've been having a lot of fun out there together. It's good to get us out of Spanky's but still have us hanging out together. We really are like a family. Tonight is my last Wednesday drinkin' Dollar night until I figure out if I'm gonna have a steady schedule or not. Surprisingly I haven't been boozin' up as much as I did last week. I think that I'm getting my brain ready for "work" so I've cut down my 12 oz. curl. This is a good move for me though. I need to get back to work and lower my alcohol tolerance.... then I might have more fun when I actually go out! I plan on building up my funds this time instead of living paycheck to paycheck. I also have a lot of stuff to do with the car... so I'll be a bit tied up. Right now this is all I have to write. I'm at a bit of a brian freeze right now. Depending on how drunk I am tonight, I'll try to update. Maybe I'll get some photos out at Spanky's for you guys to look at... but it depends on how everyone reacts. I've got a few shout outs to make... and until next time, this is all I wrote... shoots! TINN: You in Hawaii or what? Hello to you too... and what about those photos you were gonna email me of the birthday party? Send my love around. JEN: Hey girl, thanks for stopping by the site and taggin'. Things are getting better... I'll call you soon. JAY: Yo bro, let me know what's up. Crystal Wong says hi! Love you and miss you. PEGS: Didn't know you were in Houston till it was too late. Sorry I missed you and the baby. Maybe another time. BTW, Houston's about 4 hours away from me... NESS: Miss ya girl... thanks for stopping in too. You're page is lookin' great. 6.16.2004How 'bout them PISTONS!?!?!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo... to all the friendly Lakers fans, sorry, but better luck next year. Dang dang, I should've bet money on the finals... I knew Detroit was gonna win! I'm not gonna say anymore... someone might get upset.. hehe.I know that I haven't blogged in ages... but I've been having a little bit of a crisis out here with my brain and all. I've been on a roller coaster ride from hell with emotions and drama around me... but I'm slowly getting through it. Good news, I'm still alive... so no one can kill me for not blogging. My cousin Kris just had a baby BOY!!!!!!! Congrats to you girl.. love you so much and once again, I'm an aunt! Little bro Chris isn't going into the military yet. He's gotta have his knee looked at by a surgeon and get through his injury before he goes to boot camp. Unless the doctor says he's medically disqualified... he's still in it once his knee gets healed. We'll see how that goes. Been shooting some awesome games at Spanky's lately... when I'm in a good mood. Been trying, so don't give me crap. Also been cooking a whole lot a home..... experimenting a lot too. Everyone enjoys the grub though. Still waiting on the Target job to go through... don't know what's up... but I'll find out soon. Trying to get my Shit together. Half tempted to go back the the security job too... but that's last resort. Other than that... still haven't fixed my comp yet... so I can't post up Guam photos. Like I said, lots of drama and shit keeping me from doing what needs to get done. Don't kill me though. Other than that, that's all I wrote... esta! Pegs: Thanks for stopping in... good luck being a momma! Miss you girl!!!! Jay: Still here bro, and guess what, I FINALLY got the birthday card you sent me... how about it JUDY!?!?! or was it JULIE.... don't remember right now... I'm kinda tipsy! One for you!!! Love you!!!!!!!!!!! Tin: BOO to you too... what about them pics of Nanna's birthday... send 'em dorko. And tell your mom congrats and I'm pissed she didn't send ME the photos and stuff.... love ya. 5.30.2004At least right now I'm not too far behind on my blog. The week has been pretty strange... lots of weird people have been going into Spanky's lately and giving the place a weird vibe. I even watched someone try to rip off the bartender's tip jar on Wednesday night. I didn't say anything because I had a gut feeling that it would be a bad choice. The rest of the week brought more of a "different crowd" but we all got through it. Chris is leaving in about 2 1/2 weeks for boot camp at Fort Sill, OK. I'm trying to spend as much time with him as I can. We've been competing at Spanky's every chance we can get. I'm supposed to be going to Target this week to put in the app. Talked to my buddy Alex and he thought I was crazy for going back. That could be so... but what else am I gonna do? Besides... at least this crazy job is better than the last one. I'll probably be back wearing my red shirts by the end of the week.We're gonna BBQ tomorrow for Memorial Day... grill some ribs and make some potato salad and stuff. Gonna chill and enjoy the day. I'll let you know how that goes. Until then... that's all I wrote... shoots! |