Welcome to "Nat's Nook" . . .
my little hole in the wall.
Hi, my name is Natalie (Nat, Half-Pint or Nat-urally to my friends).
I'm 29 years old, divorced and living in Cape Town, South Africa
with the light of my life, my four year old daughter, Aemy.
When I'm not working or spending time with Aemy, I enjoy
riding my bike which I finally bought on 15 July 1999 (Suzuki GSF400 "Bandit" -
there is a picture further down on the page), or being taken for rides on other people's
I've been beyond 260km's per hour on the back of a friend's CBR750 Hurrican at the
beginning of this year,
and another friend took me all the way through the gearbox from 1st
into 6th gear during a wheelie on his CBR900RR Fireblade,
which topped out at over 200km's
per hour - on one wheel - what a rush!! I also enjoy horse-riding,
going for walks
on the mountain or the beach (general outdoorsy-type stuff), dancing
(I'm not that good at it, but I'm learning and having loads of fun).
I recently started painting ceramic dragons in 1998 and discovered that I'm not too bad at it -
now I'm hooked and have started a "breeding program". Aemy likes
her friends the Faeries,
so I've painted a whole herd of ceramic Faeries for her too. I really enjoy listening to music,
and I've started collecting MP3 files, which I play on my PC at home.
I've put some photo's of Aemy and myself lower
down on this page, so feel free
to have a peek (if you have a strong constitution *grin*).
If you'd like to e-mail me, my addy is nat-urally@yahoo.com
- drop me a line some time.
I've put some of my favourite URL links in here -
some are pages that you can send to friends (hugs and kisses or messages of
and some are funny or I just happened to take a fancy to them - ENJOY!!!
If there are any URL's that you think I'd like, please feel free to send me the details.
Help Lea who has a depression disorder by
visiting her page
and sending it to all your friends too - the more hits to this page,
the happier Lea will be, so please do your bit to help her Mom make her happy -
Send someone "Love Potion No.
9" (if you're old enough to remember
that song like I am - fake ignorance *grin*) - http://www.citimall.com/love/
Wish someone you care about "A good day"
Send someone special a huge hug!!! -
Want to see what the stars have in store for you
and your friends for the day? -
Want to know if you're using ICQ (chat lines) too
much? Good for a laugh!!! -
Send someone a wacky card from this site -
More lovelly cards can be sent from this site -
Here are some photo's of Aemy, myself, Chris and
his kids -
hope you haven't eaten recently -
the pictures of me are not for the feint-hearted ... *grin*
This is Aemy in April '98
This is Aemy in September '98
This is Aemy's official creche photo for '98 (taken in August)
This is Aemy in September '98 at my birthday bash.
This is a bad pic of me in December '97 eating choc mousse and pizza at the same time (you
should try it)
This is me on a Sunday morning in early '98 after the 08h00 ride in Hout Bay (near where I
Aemy getting buried in the sand at the beach in October '98
Aemy dressed up as a pirate for Halloween '98 (she was cutting things up for days with
that sword) *grin*
"Le Girls" at Aemy's creche in October '98
Here I am in the office during November '98
Aemy all togged up looking like the original Beach Babe in October '98
A shot of me at my desk during November '98
Aemy in her new costume and a friend's faerie outfit (Christmas '98)
Aemy on the bicycle she got for her birthday in March '99
Aemy wearing (or rather swimming in) a friend's shoes
Here's Aemy in November '99 trying to blow the house up through the garden hose.
Here's me on my bike with us both showing our best ass-ets *grin*
This pic and the next were taken in November '99
Here's a pic of me on my bike "Babe" - she's a 1991 Suzuki GSF400 "Bandit"
Aemy loves going for rides with me, but I usually limit it to taking her to
I owe my buddy Angie (Angelo the Italian Stallion) big-time for all the scanning!!!
Very special thanks to my buddy Kev, in the
land of Auz,
for making me the great banner at the top of this page. I dig ya stacks
Kev and his wife Mandy are due to become parents for the second
time soon - I'm holding thumbs for you all.
Here's wishing you loads of the good stuff - whatever that happens to be for you!!!
1999 was a good year - let's hope the New Millenium lives up to or betters
Make every moment of 2000 count for something!
To all my fellow "Good Men"
and biker friends out there - happy and safe riding!!!
Thanks for all the great times and the laughs - see you at the next Rally!!!
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
Dance like nobody's watching!
This page was last updated on 6 April 2000.