That's My Life!!
I had this crazy idea my freshman year in college, 'hey, lets start a really cool website that everyone loves about me', guess what, after 5 failed attempts, I've decided that I'll have a site about me, for me. If you want to read it, fine, thanks, if not, fine, you have a nice day.
I'll just tell you a little about myself..
My name is Toni Menden, I recently got married to a wonderful man named Morgan. We were married on August 3rd, 2002 in Trafalgar, Indiana. I will say that the parts of the ceremony I remember were breathtaking.
I plan on posting my wedding pictures if there is time and the interest from the outside world...
Right now I am getting ready to start my second senior year at Indiana University Bloomington, you know, the ex-home of Bobby Knight. I am an English major, and eventually I will get my PhD in depression works, like the Bell Jar or Prozac Nation...
My best friends are Crystal, Greggi, Kristi, Bekah, and Christina, but I have to get their permission before I talk about them on this site...
Oh, I'm 22 years old, and already feeling like I'm ready to start a family and live the life of an old married woman...
That's life!
I Kind of like the flower, it fits my mood right now...
Oh, about this picture...I'm a complete elephant freak!
I have several pages that i have worked on over the years, stories, poems, pictures, even a site for my wedding plans, but i have decided that all of that will stay in the back for now.
Journal Entry.....4 Sept 2002
I have a passion for religion and spirituality, and yes, I do believe that they can be seprated entirely. I have in the past 8 years I have been actively studying some major world religions. I believed myself to be of the Christian faith, but then I came across the fact that other religions spoke to me more than just that one.
In the years that followed I have looked into Satanism (not for me at all!), Wicca/Witchcraft, and recently I have started my studies in Buddism. I follow the Wicca lifestyle, and some say that I can be classified as an Eclectic Witch. Personally, I do what feels right, and hope that I am hurting no one in the process.
I love reading about the faiths of others and hope one day to understand more than I do now, but not enough to lose my faith in human nature...Chew on that for awhile, I'll write more soon....
hey survivalists! here's what you've been waiting for!
survival skills pictures
i created this special  page to give you a glimpse into my life. it's not for the faint of heart. check it out. i'm a cutter