The full floor plan with options
The front of the house
They scraped my lot
starting the frames
Frames done
Pouring the foundation
Pouring the foundation
I have a driveway
The front of the house
The side
The other side
The Back Yard
The back yard
The full bath downstairs
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
Breakfast area
Dinning room
looking in from the front door
The family room
The family room from the other side
Framing it up
still framing
I have a roof
Half bath upstirs
I have a roof
Game room upstirs
Game room upstirs
Looking into my bedroom through the walls
Side with a roof
The other side
Kitchen area
Laundry room
My bed room
Master bath
Open area down stairs
The front porch
My study
Game room upstirs
Just for fun...
Just for fun....