NateDogg's Hizouse 

Welcome to my HIZOUSE!!! This ain't here for decoration -----> thank you. About the place you'll have to excuse the mess I am always hookin' my page up so just remeber its always.....

Your number is 
now don't you feel special?
Check out the REAL news before going forth
This page is for YOUNG people or young in heart. So if
your gonna critizice my spellin' or somethin' know now
I don't wanna hear it. THANKX! A special thanks
to ebonics: makin' a confused world even
more confusing.
Heres some info. about me if ya want to know...
- Real Name
: Nate Driver
- NickName
: 'NateDogg' as you already guessed. But ya don't know friends gave it to me back in Jr. High. WAY before 'REGULATORS' came out. They gave me the name because of my LOVE for RAP and R&B. Since then I've kinda earned the name, but at the same time gettin' tired of though. If anyone out knows any GOOD,notice I said good, Nicknames e-mail me and PLEASE be mature about it okay..

MUSIC: Lets see you know I like Rap and R&B but ya didn't know I write it know didcha?. Mostly R&B if you wanna see some lyrics/poetry, whatever you wanna call check this out. Don't even THINK about copyin' my stuff ~ I got it copyrighted.
- RAP: Just about anything that has a good beat really. It also helps if they got skills. If you would please take a moment right now to stop and take a moment of silence for the 2 best rappers. 2PAC and NOTORIOUS B.I.G.
R.I.P. and May God Bless You.
We'll miss you, i hope ya'll with God now.
- R&B: If you can sing, got soul, and actually are meanin' what you singin' I LIKE YA!! That includes Blackstreet, Myron, Public Announcement, Jo-Jo and Kci, Dru Hill (Ya'll know the leader, Sisqo,is the one that carries 'em) and you gotta give it up to Babyface producin, singin, and direction, a lot of those artist out there. I tip my hat to you.
- Sports: Basketball....
thats all I REALLY like to watch and play. I like awhole bunch of other sports like: football(played for 2 weeks before gettin' in trouble~LONG story. Lets just say it involves me at age 15, my dads van and a wreck...Get it?I know I did), soccer (played for 8 years), swimmin'(did for 3 years..almost broke acouple of records for my age). Overall I am pretty athletic, I think at least.

Here's a pic of me dunkin' ya see it with your own eyes WHITE MEN CAN JUMP!! Don't hate me just cause I got some hops.Don't try and front THIS AIN'T NO TRICK PHOTOGRAPY~ITS 10 FEET~REGALATION!!
Want to know more...'bout me and my friends...but mostly more pics of me. Check this out!! Like Maya said 'Its all about ...'
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- Politcs: This part is mainly for adults and I guess my dad. Well i guess you heard
all about Clinton amd Monica but i would like to add my 2 cents
if i may. Bottom line IMPEACH HIM NOW!!
and get him out of the office before its too late. He
already made U.S.A. look foolish with everything so get him
out of there before he does something else STUPID.

P.s. If you have some pics like these HOOK ME UP!!

Gotta give my props for the animation