Aloha Classmates!
The years are just rollin' on by. It sure doesn't feel like twenty-six years!
Click here to remember
Since we're still young and relatively energetic (!),we'd like to get together once a year.
As always, we're updating our contact list. Drop us a line soon and let us know what you've been up to. It'll be interesting to find out which of us...
Send business cards to help promote your business,
We're also compiling a list of "located" and "missing" classmates.
Thanks to James Park, Clinton Leong and Dawn Teramae Araki for their generous donations to our reunion fund!
To contact us,
Click here to see our family album
Click here to see pictures from our 20th reunion
Your Reunion Committee
Willard Ka'anapu
Our next class activity will be a family picnic on Saturday, June 10, 2006 at Bellows Air Station,
graciously sponsored by Ben Madeira.
If you're interested in going, please send an email to
Submit the names of all guests, ages of any guests 12 and under,
driver's driver license number,
vehicle's make, model and license number,
and of course, what you will be bringing that day.
We'll be in Area 5b bright and early at 8am and stay until 6pm.
Again, remember your maiden name, if applicable.
...lives the farthest away
...has been deployed to Iraq a grandparent
...has the youngest child still in school retired
...has had the most jobs
...has the most children
...has been married the most times self-employed
...are teachers (we have quite a few, including a principal!)
pictures of yourself, your kids, students, significant others, pets, etc.
We may post these on the website, and hardcopy photos will be returned.
If you still keep in touch with classmates, please let us know,
as we'd like the "located" list to be a lot longer than the "missing" list!
call Layton at 227-7057,
e-mail us at
or send snail mail to Karen's address above.
(HINT: we're ALWAYS looking for people to take over the reunions...
Karen & Sharleen, after 3 reunions, are seeking early retirement.)
Desiree Hore Johnson
Layton Kauahikaua
Lorene Liu-Fajota
Noreen Ono
Karen Ching-Hew
Sharleen Chock Anderson