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Well this is a start. I am a single white Italian male who is a chemical engineer working for UOP.  I am into weight lifting and keeping in shape both mentally and physically.  Currently I am traveling the world.
If You have any adivice on what I should put on this site please email me and if you know anything about how to manage these sites with easy please email me with some hints.
One of my favorite chat sites is at
Computers & Technology- The latest in technology, science, and the Web.

- Science, mathematics, aviation.

- The future of technology.

- Hardware, software, programming.
favorite activities include weight lifting, reading books by Mario Puzo(for example the god father great book), partying, dancing, going to the movies, and skiing
I like to meet new people in theGeoCities chat rooms.

Check out the
Community Leadersfor my neighborhood.  They're great!
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