Hi! I'm Roy Wisbey.
I signed up on 08/12/98, and I'm in the process of building my first web page, and trying to learn what I'm doing at the same time. I hope to have lots more pictures, recipes, and lots of other fun things for you to enjoy soon. Thanks for visiting my Home on the Internet! And a great big THANK YOU to my very special friend Chris, (and "Jeff")!! Also a big hug and THANK YOU to my very close friends Jenn and Keith in Texas! They're my "Bestest Buds", and taught me so much! I love you guys! And to a very dear friend of mine named Paul, thank you very much for ALL the special things you've done for me, and for what you mean to me! I'd also like to thank my brother Donnie, who gave me my WebTV, and got me started on a wonderful new adventure! None of this would be possible if it weren't for him! Please sign my guestbook below.

My interests are:
Web Surfing, Email, Friends, Fine Cooking.

The description of my page is:
Just Learning. Be Patient!

My Loving Mom and Dad. This page is dedicated to my Mom who passed away in 1997. I love you Mom!

A taste of Mom's handiwork!

My Baby, Jack!

My sister Sharon!

My sister and my niece Jessica! I love them both!

My little brother Danny!

Email me at "rawisbey@webtv.net"
Please come back soon and visit me.

Click here to visit my brother "Donnie's" Home Page.

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