(Thank you so much, Bonnie Lass, for being so sweet and making this beautiful picture for us)

Welcome to Joe & Sheryl's Wolfden

We are Sheryl and Joe. Sheryl is a pretty, intelligent, and wonderful person who was working in California as a Psychiatric Nurse. :-) Joe is some guy from Washington who happens to have been lucky enough to be introduced to Sheryl one day. We were introduced by a mutual friend and after that we talked via ICQ, Chatropolis, and the phone (much to our wallet's distress and our delight) every night. We finally met in person in November, and something that had been beautiful and wonderful before blossomed into something even better.

After a short (dreadfully long) time apart (less than one month) Joe flew down to California, packed Sheryl up (with mucho help from Sheryl), and drove her back to Washington. (Sheryl would like to interject here "He *NEVER* let me drive!!! I offered! All the time!!" Comments such as these will be gladly and liberally introduced into any conversation about the move, along with Joe's rebuttals of "Well....Ah...Hey!") Sheryl has (now that we've got her some *REAL* shoes) adapted well to Washington winter weather. Sheryl jumped into Motherhood with both feet, stating "I *SWORE* I'd never say that when I have kids!!!" numerous times. Things have gone better than we could have imagined since then, and we finally got married in March 1999. A trip to Ireland is in the plans for later this year, and we're already thinking about a trip to Italy a few years from now.

Since I (Joe) am the one writing this, I thought I'd take this time to speak a short piece about Sheryl. Sheryl has left alot behind to come to Washington and live with me. She will say that she gained a lot as well, but no one could have gained more than I did when Sheryl agreed to live with, and to marry me. Sheryl works harder around the house than I do at work, and always has a good meal for me at lunch and at night, and a kind, uplifting word for me when I feel down. I have never experienced this kind of love, and am amazed at how lucky I am. I often see the downside of life, worse than most people see. But since I've met Sheryl I now see the upside of life, and I know it's better than most people can even imagine.

I Love You Joe
Our Family
Our Wedding
Hot Tub Regs
Debbie's Page
In Memory of Scott
Our SCA Trip Pics

We are often found in the Hot Tub at Chatropolis (The greatest Chat site in the world!) where we are both moderators.


Other Favorite Sites

Sheryl's Police Wives Webpage

Officer Down Memorial Page

Our Awards

Wishing Well Award

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