Greetings from the
Sunny Coast of California!
    I am a 45-year-old California girl currently living in beautiful Santa Barbara.  I have a marvelous husband whom I adore and who adores me just as I am.  I have been blessed with 2 of the most beautiful, intelligent, artistic, humorous, and compassionate daughters God saw fit to create.  I have numerous interests of which God, music, family, and friends rank uppermost. 

     Life hasn't slowed down but I've been doing some reprioritzing of my life.  I recently accepted the position of chairperson for one of the 3 work areas of my church as we restructured our organizational style. The area I'm overseeing concerns the nurture and growth of the membership--worship, education, care, and fellowship. So this is a work in progress and a high priority. Thankfully I have two equally dedicated women working with me.  Not to mention the Lord above!

     I work in accounting at a upscale interior design firm.  I enjoy the small business atmosphere more than a big company.  And the different clients and project types keep things from ever being routine!

    I love traveling!  On our first trip to Ireland in 2001, I fell in love with the counrtry and it's people.  So last February's hubby and I did a quick tour of the southern portion of the Republic.  It was great to see the winter side of the country (we had snow in Cashel) and to see our friends Kem and Peter of Macroom once again.  We toured the Ring of Beara, stayed at the fabulous Eccles Hotel in Glengarriff, visited Hook Head lighthouse, explored the Glendalough monastery complex, and ate our final meal at Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Dublin.  We saw more than we could explore and put more places on our list for the next visit.  A week is just to short!

Now I'm researching a trip to Scotland for 2005...our first in that country.
Hello, I'm Becca.
The Latest News
Marriage Blessing in Ireland
    Family remains a high priority, and we always make plans to visit relatives on both sides throughout the year.  Email and phone calls are good, but face-to-face is better.  We are looking forward to a week's visit with daughter Sara and family in Texas in April.  Plans are stil up in the air for the holidays, Easter and Christmas 2004.  Plus I hope to pull together a sisters' getaway to work on my parents golden wedding anniversary coming up next year.

    Music is still a major part if my life as I continue to play guitar and sing with my church's praise band and at various Emmaus and Chrysalis events.  But I branched out in the past few years...I sang karaoke in a NJ bar and soloed in 2 pubs in Sligo county, Ireland!  What fun!  I've sung at a couple of churches "a cappella" or without instruments.  One of my goals is to record a CD for family and friends.  Until then I will continue to sing where God leads me to sing.
Katheryne Renee Wood
To learn more about me and my life click on a link.
Meet my family
Holiday Newsletter 1999
Pvt Selfridge Graduates Basic Training 2001
Ireland Trip 2001
Christmas celebrations 2003
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Meet Mr. Lucky Cat
still living up to his name