Kav's Photo Album

Photo Album

Hi there everybody!!! Seems like you actually made it all the way to my photo album...well this section of my homepage is updated quite regularly so come n check it out pretty often!!! Anyways...as you can see...there are various different sections to my photo album as well...but mainly it has been divided into two sections...

Babson College: I just finished my first semester at Babson and so far so good...I guess I have had my own set of ups and downs but I sure am looking forward to go back next semester!!

WIS: My school in Hong Kong....hmm...I have loads of memories from there....starting with great friends to a perfect boyfriend..and leading on to really crappy teachers...(well....most of them anyways!!!)..

MSVV: This was well...my school in India for 10 years!! Yeah well...that’s a long time...but believe it or not...it was the best time ever!! MODERNITES RULE!!!!...I am sure that a lot of you will agree with that...

Babson College, MA

Diwali Dinner
Sorority Formal
Hanging Out...

West Island School (WIS)

When we were smurfs...
In the Sixth Form (1996 - 1998)...
Formal '97 Pictures
Last Day: May 13th, 1998
Class of 1998: Graduation Ceremony
Formal '98 Pictures
After School Ended....FUN!!!
Photo Stickers!!!!

Modern School, Vasant Vihar (MSVV)

Junior School (1984 - 1990)...
Senior School (1990 - 1994)...
Recent pictures

Well.....those are all my friends and classmates in those pictures....I've known some of these people for quite a long time...and they have helped me a lot through....so thanks to all you guys!! I'll never forget you people... You can now follow this link to my Friends page:

My friends...

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