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To KlazyFox's Little Corner
of CyberSpace
Photo of KlazyFox
There are two ways to live your life:
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though everything is a miracle!

~Albert Einstein

      I have created My Little Corner of CyberSpace packed with Law and Justice, Arabian Horse, Sports Car, Drag Racing, Native American, Romance & Child Protection Information and Links plus numerous Inspirational, Friendship and Love Writings and Love Song Lyrics for your pleasure...Take your time looking around and Enjoy!!

Site Index

      Typically, I don't go around dressed in fur and jewels...*smile*. Actually, t-shirts and blue jeans or shorts are more my style. Speaking of shorts, until recently, I lived in Tucson, Arizona and shorts definitely are in style in that hot Sonoran Desert town.

      By the way, I thought you might like to feast your eyes on some of Tucson's spectacular scenery so I've included a link to Tucson Sunset for your viewing pleasure. Also, click Here to view photos of The Santa Catalina Mountains, complete with ancient petroglyph sites, that sat practically in my backyard!

      For now, I reside in the Greater Seattle, Washington area. Here is a Seattle Link with hundreds of photos to show what words alone cannot express concerning the Awesome Beauty of this area.  Enjoy!!

      As far as my professional life is concerned, I earned my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Law and Justice (summa cum laude) with a minor in Sociology from Central Washington University. As if that wasn't enough punishment...*wink*, I went through two more years of higher education at Washington State University (ex-home of MicroSoft co-founder and Seattle Seahawks owner, Paul Allen) wherein I earned my Master's Degree in Public Affairs and Justice Studies in December, 1997.

      I have worked for a Prosecuting Attorney's Office, an Attorney General's Office and a City Attorney's Office as a criminal investigator. (You can see my ex-partner 'in crime'...*wink* when you access the link to my Photo Album at the bottom of this page.)
Police Car Lights

Here are some Law and Justice links that I think you'll find enlightening. Enjoy!!

Site Index

      My interests also include Animals in general and Horses in particular. I have raised, trained and shown Purebred Arabian Horses. These enchanting creatures are endowed with both Beauty and Abundant Intelligence. They are very people-oriented and make great companions whether on the trail, in the showring or at home.
      Click on the horseArabian Horse to see photos of some of my Show Arabians and to access over two dozen Arabian Horse links. In addition, here's an Arabian Horse website containing many photos of Beautiful Arabian Stallions. (Click on each small photo to view an enhanced version.)   And, here's another website that highlights the Arabian Horse's Gorgeous action via Arabian Horse Videos.

      Also, I'm an avid fan of sports cars (would I speed?...*wink*) and drag racing (legalized speeding...*grin*). I owned a '91 corvette and a '90 camaro. Now, however, I own one of those four-letter F word cars that shall remain unnamed
...let's just call it a very nice car in deference to all of my Chevy enthusiast friends, especially those who belong to the Pacific NW Camaro Club...*wink*. Red Corvette

Here are some terrific car sites. Check them out!!

Site Index

Here are a few miscellaneous links for your Enjoyment:

Site Index

My Little Corner of CyberSpace also contains the following theme pages:

      Please visit again. I will be updating my website on a continual basis.  (Add a bookmark now so you can find me again easily...thanks!!) Also, before you leave, please sign my guestbook so I'll know you were here...thanks again!! *smile*

...Wishing You Sunny Days and Starlit Nights

Little AngelLittle Angel~Be An Angel~
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Rose StarKlazyFox's Home Arabian Horse Page Inspirational Writings Rose
Native American I Native American II Native American III
The Serenity Page My Photo Album Love Connection
Drag Racing Links Law & Justice Links Miscellaneous Links
Web Rings My Awards Contact Me

Song playing:
Nights In White Satin
Little Angel KlazyFox Web Designs     ©1998-2009
Paw Prints

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