I have created My Little Corner of CyberSpace packed with Law and Justice, Arabian Horse, Sports Car, Drag Racing, Native American, Romance & Child Protection Information and Links plus numerous Inspirational, Friendship and Love Writings and Love Song Lyrics for your pleasure...Take your time looking around and Enjoy!!
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Typically, I don't go around dressed in fur and jewels...*smile*. Actually, t-shirts and blue jeans or shorts are more my style. Speaking of shorts, until recently, I lived in Tucson, Arizona and shorts definitely are in style in that hot Sonoran Desert town.
By the way, I thought you might like to feast your eyes on some of Tucson's spectacular scenery so I've included a link to Tucson Sunset for your viewing pleasure. Also, click Here to view photos of The Santa Catalina Mountains, complete with ancient petroglyph sites, that sat practically in my backyard!
For now, I reside in the Greater Seattle, Washington area. Here is a Seattle Link with hundreds of photos to show what words alone cannot express concerning the Awesome Beauty of this area. Enjoy!!
As far as my professional life is concerned, I earned my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Law and Justice (summa cum laude) with a minor in Sociology from Central Washington University. As if that wasn't enough punishment...*wink*, I went through two more years of higher education at Washington State University (ex-home of MicroSoft co-founder and Seattle Seahawks owner, Paul Allen) wherein I earned my Master's Degree in Public Affairs and Justice Studies in December, 1997.
I have worked for a Prosecuting Attorney's Office, an Attorney General's Office and a City Attorney's Office as a criminal investigator. (You can see my ex-partner 'in crime'...*wink* when you access the link to my Photo Album at the bottom of this page.)
Here are some Law and Justice links that I think you'll find enlightening. Enjoy!!
- This is my 'big' nephew, Houston Police Sergeant, Jay Chase's Homepage. Check it out!!
- Suzanne's Mounted Law Enforcement Website is packed with Goodies and well worth a visit!!
- Please be forewarned, Ira's website has 8 pages of Law Enforcement Listings and may take awhile to download. But, the wait is well worth it!!
- This website is not as large, but still very informative. It covers various sources for finding Legal Information.
- Here's a Law and Justice website for those of you who want to be your own Detective. Happy Sleuthing!!
Lastly, have Lots of Fun trying to solve the cases at this Solve-It-Yourself Mini-Mystery WebSite.
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My interests also include Animals in general and Horses in particular. I have raised, trained and shown Purebred Arabian Horses. These enchanting creatures are endowed with both Beauty and Abundant Intelligence. They are very people-oriented and make great companions whether on the trail, in the showring or at home.
Click on the horse
to see photos of some of my Show Arabians and to access over two dozen Arabian Horse links. In addition, here's an Arabian Horse website containing many photos of Beautiful Arabian Stallions. (Click on each small photo to view an enhanced version.) And, here's another website that highlights the Arabian Horse's Gorgeous action via Arabian Horse Videos.
Also, I'm an avid fan of sports cars (would I speed?...*wink*) and drag racing (legalized speeding...*grin*). I owned a '91 corvette and a '90 camaro. Now, however, I own one of those four-letter F word cars that shall remain unnamed
...let's just call it a very nice car in deference to all of my Chevy enthusiast friends, especially those who belong to the Pacific NW Camaro Club...*wink*.
Here are some terrific car sites. Check them out!!
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Corvettes can be found here. Enjoy!!
- This is a sweet Camaro
site with lots of Camaro Photos and Links!
- This Mustang site is loaded with info and links.
- Here's the ultimate online resource guide to Drag Racing!!
- Click Here to find detailed information on current and former drag racers
plus a collection of nostalgia drag photos.
- This racing site has many 'Cool Car' photos.
- This is the official website for Shirley Muldowney, 'The First Lady of Racing'.
She was the first driver to win the NHRA World Championship twice!!
- Wait until you see these Sports Car, Classic Car and Motorcycle photo ads. It's OK to Dream...*wink*!!
Site Index
Here are a few miscellaneous links for your Enjoyment:
- A current World Population Counter. It has cross references to past and future year populations. Interesting!!
- Here's an intriguing and informative site for Wolf enthusiasts.
- Check out This Day in History to see what happened on your Birthday or
on other important dates. Have Fun!!
- Ask Dr. Universe to answer questions about almost anything imaginable.
Give it a try!!
- For you romantically-inclined singles, be sure to visit the Silver Unicorn Koffee Haus.
- Show someone you Care with Musical Greeting Cards by BlueMountain Arts.
- Here's a thought provoking passage entitled The Awakening. Enjoy!!
- This touching poem is about Friends In Love. Visit Angelblueyes's other pages, too! They are inspirational!!
- Weather Forecasts around the world or at home. Here's Mine!!

Site Index
My Little Corner of CyberSpace also contains the following theme pages:
- A Great Collection of Inspirational, Friendship and Love Poems & Quotations.
- An entire section devoted to Warm Fuzzies...*smile*! Love Connection provides love song lyrics, love writings, numerous matchmaking links and some Surprises...Enjoy!!
- Three Native American Pages with enchanting artwork, prose, facts, legends and flute music plus numerous Links to other Native American WebSites.
- A must see page dealing with the problem of child abuse and the need to protect children everywhere! It is
entitled: Help The Children.
- And, last but not least, My Photo Album features some of the Special People and Pets in my life plus some additional photos of Yours Truly...*smile*!!
Please visit again. I will be updating my website on a continual basis. (Add a bookmark now so you can find me again easily...thanks!!) Also, before you leave, please sign my guestbook so I'll know you were here...thanks again!! *smile*
...Wishing You Sunny Days and Starlit Nights

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