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Counter Stats:
Aug 1-31: 1433
Sep 1-19: 1151

Ottawa ICQers List Stats:
ICQ ListMaster: Lee Bishop
Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Number Of Users: 493
List Created On: [08/23/97]
Last Updated On: [07/12/99]
Site Members: Please Read
July 12, 1999

Hi Everyone! Finally another update eh? Well i had about 50 or 60 people to add then another 40 people emailed me with changes so with my busy schedule thats why it took so long. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.Anyways for all those poeple who said they are sending in a picture and didn't send it your link to your picture isn't going to work. And also to all those people who like to send their submission 2 or 3 times thanks it makes things twice as hard when there is that many now there's a new rule if I get two submissions from the same person your not going to be on the list....if you have question or want to check and see if I've received your submission that is fine my email is so hopefully all you people sending in new requests read this first. So if you don't see your name up in a few weeks just chill because I really do have a life:). And next rule is to the people that want chnages doen to their listing DO NOT send in another submission because there will be 2 listings for you on the page, just email and let me know the changes you would like. So everyone enjoy the rest of your summer while it lasts!!

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Ottawa ICQers Web Site(s) Of The Week!

This weeks sites are owned by:
Courtney | Jamie Howse | Heather Lois | Alexander Sorokopud | Greg Parker | Mike | Graeme Waymark | Hans Raffelt | Laura Catton | Andrea Lauzon | Jean Pignal | Sami Caldwell | Graeme Waymark | Daniel F. Richer | Lucie Parizeau | Liz MacDonell | Steve | Amy Leindecker | Jessica L. | Steve M. | Adnan Rahman | Sarah Piche | Alex Dove | Pauly | Dan Webster | Triple | Angela Methot | Chris Guthrie | Heddy Ulch | Carmen | Roxanne Bastien | Judy | Kim | Thomas Lanthier | Dana Peters | John Wise | John C Brownlie Jr. | Andrew Rodgers | France P. | Riaz H. | Doug Thompson | Kin H. Tam | Michael Ashburn | Gen O'Neil | Eugene Lee | Chris Patterson | Andy | Derek Anderson | Pierrette Duhamel | Jason | Stephen Hamel | Rudy Katwaroo | David Mitchell | Martin MacDonald | Rob | Jason | Justin Rothwell

If you'd like your site posted here follow THIS LINK.

The Ottawa ICQers Chat Room!
New and improved chat room that is now open 24 hours! Just type in your nick name and start chatting!

The Ottawa ICQers Message Centre
You now have a place to voice your oppinions, suggetions, or comments using the Ottawa ICQers Message Center. Click here to post a message!

Send an ICQ Greeting.
Send your friends your very own original ICQ greeting using ICQ's file transfer.

 List Additions
Additions to the list made in the last two weeks will appear at the top of each page of the ICQ list.

 Ottawa Sites
Movies Playing In Ottawa
The Ottawa Citizen Newspaper
Coupons For Use In Stores & Restaurants

 Other ICQ Lists
ICQ Ontario
Ontario ICQers
ICQ Teen Canada
ICQ Canada
ICQ Atlantic Canada
GT Quebec On-Line

Site Of The Week Winners:

- G. Waymark
- Hans Raffelt
- Laura Catton
- Andrea Lauzon
- Jean Pignal
- Sami Caldwell
- G. Waymark
- Daniel F. Richer
- Lucie Parizeau
- Liz MacDonell
- Steve
- Amy Leindecker
- Jessica L.
- Steve M.
- Adnan Rahman
- Sarah Piche
- Alex Dove
- Chris Guthrie
- Heddy Ulch
- Jim McQuaid
- Jeff Stephens
- M. Charbonneau
- G. Parizeau
- Scott Oakley

ICQ Tip:
Getting sick of people sending web url's? Turn them off!
-> Hit ICQ button
-> Preferences
-> Events Tab
-> Choose "Web Page Address (URL)" from the "Events To Configure" pull-down menu
-> Select "Auto Decline"
-> That's it!

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