
Nat's House

Water Drip

Hi! Good to see yah, welcome to my house. Just call me Nat and the purpose of this page is to tell everyone on the World Wide Web ALL ABOUT MYSELF!!! Like I said, this is MY house...If you don't like it, you can leave. I promise this page won't be boring but it will have to be for a while until I get a scanner and time. And PLEASE don't forget to sign my guestbook
May 30, 2000
Yes, I finally decided to update my site...I don't think the urge will last very long...so enjoy while you can!!


Girl Power!

Music & Movies

Advice and Stuff


What's Goin' On?

Want to see pic's of my Kittys?
Don't ask why I put the link here, I just DID!

These Guys ROCK so if you have a chance listen to them. Even if you don't like rock music, these boys do have talent and they deserve to be recgonized for it!! If ya'll don't then I might be forced to hurt you...

EvE 6
*EvE 6*

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