Rei's Banner!


Konichiwa tomadachi! (Hello friends! ^_^) Thanks for stopping by! My name's Rei Hino (or just Rei). I am also the awesome Sailor Mars, senshi of fire. Welcome to my little corner of the web! (And kawaii means cute in Japanese... lol) I've just done lots of new stuff to my page. I've got most of the profiles done, and now I have a sound room! YIPPEE!! I finally got some pictures up! It's taking forever cause they take forever to load and I'd feel bad. But I think I found a quicker way, so go see them! Tell me what you think, e-mail me! Sorry I haven't updated for awhile, stupid Geocities never lets me log on to edit!!! Ack! Come back to visit me soon, and keep checking out the new stuff. Arigato! Bai bai for now. ^_^

P.S. *Please* sign my guestbook! And if you find any mistakes or have any pics or info you'd like to share, please e-mail me here.

A note about Sailor Moon: If you are not familiar with it, Sailor Moon is a Japanese Anime cartoon. It originally aired in Japan, and now DiC has translated two seasons of it into English. You can catch it on Cartoon Network every weekday during Toonami.


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