Note: The above (right) is NOT a picture of me!

Summer/Fall of 1999

Welcome to Sean's Paradise!

"Want some?"


Hey there! Welcome to my 2nd website since 1998. I hope you enjoy your surfing experience as you roam around. (The links won't be active until mid-August.) WARNING: Homophobic individuals are NOT welcomed here!

Who am I?

My name's Sean. I'm definitely your atypical white-washed GAM* who's 5'8", 140#, with brown eyes and highlighted dark hair. I'm desperately seeking a compatible, cute, & fit GWM** for a date or maybe a relationship!

My Whereabouts

Born & raised in Brooklyn Park, MN. Spent my high school years(7-12grd) in Overland Park, KS. Today, I live on campus at California State University, Fullerton.

A PII+ or G3+ set to 800.600 resolution with ISDN/DSL(56K minimum) connection are recommended for future visitation.

Heart of the Matter

What is Love?

College Life

Digital Photo/Videography

*Gay Asian Male **Gay White Male (read small print)

Do come by soon, as I continue to make future changes to my homepage. Please be patient while loading up my page. Some images may take longer to download depending on your connection. In the meantime, chat with me on America Online. My screen name is: Firekat79

0142P 26 JULY 1999

Small Print

1. Exception to "GWM": I also date Gay Hispanic/Latino Males (GHM). 2. I am attracted to GWM/GHMs ONLY, no exceptions! (What good is a relationship if Sean doesn't want to have sex with you?) 3. Again, the man depicted on the main image above is Not of me.(Though I certainly wouldn't mind dating him!) My picture is at the upper left section within the embedded text. 4. Certain future areas of this site may be restricted to specific individuals for security reasons. Please do not be offended.