Welcome to My Sound Page

Some of these sounds are of Adult Content

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2sexy2.wavI'm too sexy for ....."
3yrsold.wavChild singing "You're my honey bunch..."
2words.wavI've just got two words for you...
4beats.wavwhipping sound
accident.wavYou say it was an accident...
admirer.wavWell..whatya know....
aftspank.wavAfter the spankings....
again.wavoooohh...do that again..
allalike.wavOhh..you men are all alike.....
ankles.wavHow about I bend over and you see if you can make me purrr..
ankles4.wavanother ;)
asif.wavAs if!
backdoor.wavTooo tooo toooo...lookin out my back door
badcat.wavThis one is hard to describe...
badfk.wavHeh, where did you ever learn to .....
bbathbad.wavAaah, I think I need to....
bbutton.wavHey, thats not my ......
beaver.wavNice beaver...
beg.wavI want to hear you beg!!
birthday.wavna na na na .....they say it's your birthday
biteme1.wavCmere baby, bite me...you bite me and ....
bj1.wavWould you like...
blackdog.wavpart of a song
blonde.wavAheh...I'm sorry..are you blonde by any chance?
blush.wav(giggle)..stop don't make me blush
body.wavIf you don't mind...I'd like to borrow your body for a few hours
brb.wavHey, hang on you guys...I'll be right back.
breasts2.wavAhh..sorry...I didn't hear you..I was staring at your breasts
california.wavCalifornia...knows how to party..
came2fuk.wavI didnt come here to fight...
candy.wavCandy is dandy...but diamonds just might....
catcall.wavThis one is hard to describe ;)
catwelcome.wavcat roar...with a heartbeat in the background
catyowl.wavcat hissing
chateau.wavYou sound like a nasty little boy who needs to be handcuffed...
choclit.wavWant some chocolate?
chrchldy.wavWell....I guess that makes our naughty parts tingle...
clueless.wavI was just totally clueless
comego.wavMy...people come and go so quickly here...
cum.wavMmmm. ;)
cumface.wavNu uh...I don't want you to.....
cumm.wavMmmm ;)
cutebutt.wavGoddd..did you see his cute butt...whoohoooo..
dedo.wavda de do doo da dee....(something like that anyways lol)

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