наименование:Secrets Series: Usmle Step 2
автор/ы : Brochert Adam
год : 2004
страниц : 296
издательство : Hanley & Belfus; 2nd edition
ISBN: 156053608X

печатное издание

Written by Dr. Brochert, who scored in the 99th percentile in Steps 1 and 2 of the U.S. Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE), this new addition to The Secrets Series(r) provides essential questions and answers covering topics that have appeared on recent Step II * Coverage of all specialty and subspecialty topics covered on Step 2 * All the most important "need-to-know" questions-and-answers in the proven format of the highly acclaimed Secrets Series(r) * Concise answers that include the author's pearls, tips, memory aids, and "secrets" * Bulleted lists, algorithms, and illustrations for quick review * Thorough, highly detailed index * Thought-provoking questions that provide succinct answers * Presentation of a vast amount of information, but not overly simplistic.



1. Acid-Base and Electrolytes 1
2. Alcohol 7
3. Biostatistics 10
4. Cardiology 16
5. Cholesterol 26
6. Dermatology 28
7. Diabetes Mellitus 36
8. Ear, Nose, and Throat Surgery 40
9. Emergency Medicine 45
10. Endocrinology 47
11. Ethics 55
12. Gastroenterology 58
13. General Surgery 73
14. Genetics 82
15. Geriatrics 85
16. Gynecology 87
17. Hematology 98
18. Hypertension 108
19. Immunology 112
20. Infectious Diseases 117
21. Laboratory Medicine 130
22. Nephrology 132
23. Neurology 137
24. Neurosurgery 148
25. Obstetrics 152
26. Oncology 170
27. Ophthalmology 187
28. Orthopedic Surgery 193
29. Pediatrics 199
30. Pharmacology 205
31. Preventive Medicine 210
32. Psychiatry 213
33. Pulmonology 224
34. Radiology 229
35. Rheumatology 231
36. Shock 236
37. Smoking 239
38. Urology 240
39. Vascular Surgery 245
40. Vitamins and Minerals 248
Top Secrets 251

ABCDEs, of trauma, 78
acute, 73
blunt traumatic injuries to, 79
penetrating traumatic injuries to, 79
Abdominal pain, 73, 75, 87
Abducens nerve lesions, 191
ABO blood group incompatibility, 165
definition of, 160
spontaneous/unintentional, 160, 161
Abruptio placentae, 163
of breast, 93, 94
pancreatic, 76
tuboovarian, 87
Acanthocytes, 99
alcohol use-related, 7
as mortality cause, in adolescents, 221
action mechanism of, 207
as hepatitis cause, 66
Acetaminophen overdose, 208
antidote for, 206
Achalasia, 17, 68
Achlorhydria, 59
Acid-base balance, 1-6
Acid burns, ocular, 189
acute tubular, as hyocalcemia cause. 5
causes of, l
as hyperkalemia cause, 3, 130
metabolic, 1
respiratory, l
Acid phosphatase, as cancer marker. 186
Acne, 28, 30-31
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
29, 172
Acute abdomen, 73
Acyclovir, 88, 123
Addison's disease, 49
Adenocarcinoma, esophageal, 58, 69, 183
Adenoidectomy, 43
hepatic, 184
Adenoma (czmt.)
benign, oral contraceptives-related, 97
parathyroid, 50
pituitary. 48, 49
pleomorphic, 43
Adenomyosis, 88, 89
Adenosine deaminase deficiency, 114
Adhesions, intestinal, 76
Adjustment disorder, with depressed mood, 216
Admission rate bias, 15
leading mortality causes in, 221
sexually active female, 202
Adrenal insufficiency, 2, 4
Adrenal tumors, 184
Adrenocorticotropic hormone, m Cushing's
syndrome, 4849
Adrenogenital syndrome, 95
Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), 225
Advance directives, 56
Advocacy, for patients, 262
African-American patients
blindness in, 189
malignant melanoma in, 35
Agammaglobulinemia, Bruton's, 114
Aging. See also Elderly patients; Geriatrics
as hearing loss cause. 40. 235
Airway management, 79
in status epilepticus, 143
in trauma care, 78
Airway obstruction, 79, 258
Akathisia, 214, 257
Alanine aminotransferase
as acute liver disease marker, 64
as alcoholic hepatitis marker, 8, 65
Albinism, 173
Albumin levels, in hypocalcemm, 5
Alcohol abuse, 74
as acute liver disease cause, 64
carcinogenicity of. 7, 174, 183, 185. 251
as chronic liver disease cause, 66
as cirrhosis cause, 183
as hepatitis cause, 65
as hypertension cause, 110
as hypomagnesemia cause, 6
as mortality and morbidity cause, 251
as parotid gland hypertrophy cause, 43
Alcohol abuse (cont.)
as pneumonia risk factor, 225
as suicide risk factor, 215
as vitamin/mineral/electrolyte deficiencies
cause, 249, 251
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 8
Alcohol use, cardioprotective effects of, 27
Alcohol withdrawal, 7
Alkaline burns, ocular. 189
Alkaline phosphatase, as Paget's disease marker,
as hypocalcemia cause, 130, 261
as hypocalcemia-like symptom cause. 5
as hypokaiemia cause, 3, 130, 261
metabolic, 1
respiratory, 1
Allergen testing, 112, 113
Allergic reactions. 28
to blood transfusions, 105
Allergic rhinitis, 4 l
Alopecia areata, 3 l
Alphal-antagonists, as orthostatic hypotension
cause, 206
Alphal-antitrypsin deficiency, 67, 239
in pregnant patients, 152, 154-155, 257
as tumor marker, 210
for hepatocellular cancer, 183
for liver cancer, 186
for yolk-sac tumors, 186, 240
Alpha-methyldopa, 109
Amblyopia, 191
pregnancy-related, 152
primary, 92
differentiated from secondary, 91
secondary, 91-92
American Cancer Society, cancer screening
guidelines of, 210
Aminoaciduna, renal stones-related, 136
Aminoglycosides. adverse effects of, 132, 147
Amniocentesis, 155
Amniohc fluid, 159
Amniotomy, 160
Amotivationai syndrome, 221
Amphetamine intoxication. 222
Amfinone, as shock treatment, 238
Amylase, elevated levels of, 130
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, 145-146
Anal atresia, 70
Anaphylaxis. 112, 256
Anatomic snuffbox, in scaphoid bone fractures,
Androgen insensitivity syndrome, 92
Androgen-secreting tumors, 3 l
Anemia, 98-105
acute blood loss-related. 103
aplastic, 104
autoimmune hemolytic, 103
of chronic disease, 104
chronic renal failure-related, 134
definition of. 98
diagnosis of, 98 100
Fanconi's, 174
hypophosphatemia-relat ed, 6
iron-deficiency, 10l101
leiomyoma-related. 89
macrocytic, 100
alcoholism-related, 8
microcytic, 100
myelophthisic, 104
normocytic. 100
pernicious, 59, 101,249, 251
during pregnancy, 152
screening for, in pediatric patients. 201
sideroblastic, 99, 103-104
signs and symptoms of, 98
Anencephaiy, 154-155
Anesthesia, in obstetric patients, 157-158
abdominal aortic, 245, 246, 260
as oculomotor nerve palsy cause, 191
ruptured berry, 149
Angina, 16
Prinzmetal's. 18
stable, 18
unstable, 17, 18, 208
Anginal equivalents, 260
Angioedema, 106, 112
Angiosarcoma. hepatic. 184
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
as hypertension treatment, 108, 109
as myocardial infarction treatment, 17
Angiotensin receptor blockers, as hypertension
treatment, 108, 109
Anhedonia, depression-related, 216
Animal bite wounds, 121, 127, 128
Ankylosing spondylitis, 232-233
Anopsia, 141, 191
as amenorrhea cause, 91
depression-related, 216
hyponatremia-related. 2
intravenous fluid therapy in, 6
Anorexia nervosa, 221
Anterior cruciate ligament tears, 197, 198
Antibiotics, broad-spectrum, as vitamin K
deficiency cause. 250
Antibiotic therapy, 117-118
Anticentromere antibody test, 234
"Anticipatory guidance," in primary prevention, 200
Anticoagulation therapy, for deep venous
thrombosis. 20
as folate deficiency cause, 249
teratogenicity of, 144
Antidepressants, 216
Antidotes, for overdoses or toxic exposures,
206-207, 261
Antifungal agents. 29
Antihypertensive agents, adverse effects of, 206
Antimitochondrial antibodies, 68
Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, 133
Antinuclear antibodies, 234
Antiparietal cell antibodies. 101
Antipsychotic drugs, adverse effects of, 92, 145,
Anti-Smith antibodies, 234
Antisocial personality disorder, 219, 220
Antitopoisomerase antibodies, 234
Anxiety disorder, 217
Aorta, traumatic laceration of, 17
Aortic coarctation, 25, 110
Aortic dissection, 17, 18, 208
Aortic regurgitation, 19
Aortic rupture, as mortality cause, 80
Aortic stenosis, 19
APGAR score. 204. 260
Aphasia, 138
Appendiceal tumors, 185
Appendicitis, 75
Appendicoliths, 75
Arnold-Chiari malformations. 151
Arrest disorders, 160
hyperkalemia-related, 3
hypokalemia-related, 3
hypothermla-related. 45
tricyclic antidepressants-related, 216
Arterial blood gas values, l, 252
Arteriovenous fistulas, 247
Arteritis, Takayasu's, 235
Arthritis. 231 234
psoriatic, 232, 233
Reiter's syndrome-related, 233
septic, l 17, 196, 23 l, 232
Asbestos exposure, carcinogenicity of, 174
alcoholism-relaled, 8
chronic liver disease-related, 66
liver failure-related, 67
Aspartate aminotransferase
as acute liver disease marker, 64
as alcoholic hepatitis marker, 8, 65, 251
as myocardial infarction marker, 16
Aspartate aminotransferse:alanine aminotrans-
ferase ratio, in alcoholic hepatitis, 251
Aspergillosls. 120, 121
action mechanism of, 207
administration in children. 123
administration prior to computed tomography,
adverse effects of, 208, 26 l
bleeding time prolongation effect, 21
Reye's syndrome. 204
monitoring of, 21
as myocardial infarction prophylaxis, 208
as myocardial infarction treatment, 17
as stroke prophylaxis, 208
Aspirin overdose, as acid-base disturbance cause, l
Asterixis, alcoholism-related, 8
Asthma, 224
blood gas values in. 2
Asthma attacks, aspirin-induced, 208
Asthma patients, emergency intubation in, 2
benign pilocytic, 181,182
cerebellar, 181
Ataxia, 138
Friedreich's, 145
medulloblastoma-related, 140
pediatric brain tumor-related, 181
Ataxia-telangiectasia. 145
Atelectasis, 78, 225
Atherosclerosis, 27, 251
diabetes mellitus-related, 37, 251
as impotence cause, 241
Athlete's foot. 29
Atrial fibrillation, 23, 25,252
Atrial flutter, electrocardiographic abnormalities
in, 23
Atrial septal delct.s, 25
Atrioventricular block, electrocardiographic abnor-
malities in, 24
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
Attributable risk, 11
Autism. 220
Autoimmune disorders, inflammation associated
with, 234
Autosomal dominant disorders. 82. 83
Autosomal recessive disorders, 82, 83
Avoidant personality disorder, 218
Axillary nerve, motor and sensory functions of,
194, 259
Azotemia. 134

Babesiosis, 99
Babinski's sign, 137, 150, 264
Bacteriuria. asymptomatic, 135
during pregnancy, 158
Bacteroides infections, antibiotic therapy for, 118
Baldness, 31
"Bamboo" spine, 233
as alcohol withdrawal treatment, 7
overdose of, 222-223
withdrawal from. 222
Barium, contraindication in gastrointestinal
perforations, 70
Barium enemas
for colon cancer screening, 210
use in diverticulitis patients, 61
Barlow's sign, 197, 259
Barrett's esophagus, 58, 69, 252
malignant degeneration oK 183
Basal cell skin cancer, 34, 185
Basophilia. 106
Battle's sign, 40, 149
"Beak sign," 77
Becker muscular dystrophy. 147
Beck's triad, 264
Bedwetting, 221
Behchet's syndrome, 235
Bell's palsy, 40, 141
Benign paroxysmal vertigo. 41
Benign prostatic hypertrophy, 240, 241,260
as alcohol withdrawal treatment. 7
overdose of, 222-223
withdrawal from, 222
Benzoyl peroxide, 31
Beriberi, "dry," 146
Beta blockers
adverse effects of, 206
antidote to, 207. 261
hypoglycemia-asking effect of, 39
as myocardial infarction treatment, 17
use in diabetic patients. 39
Bias, 15
Bicarbonate, 1,252
Bile acid-binding resins, 27
Bile duct obstruction, 67, 68
Biliary atresia, 72
Biliary tract obstruction, 6758
Binge-eating, 221
Biophysical profile, 154
Biostatistics, 10-15, 256-257
Bipolar disorder. 215
Birbeck granules, 185
Birth control. See also Oral contraceptives
most effective forms of, 94
Birth rate, 211
"Bite cells," 98
Bite wounds, 121, 127, 128
Blackheads, 30
Bladder cancer, 183, 210
Bladder cancer (cont.)
risk factors for, 174, 183. 239
screening for, 210
Bleeding time, 21
Blepharitis, 31
Blindness. See Vision loss
Blisters, pemphigoid, 33
Blood circulation
fetal and neonatal, 25
in trauma patients, 78-79
Blood dyscrasias, 106, 170
Blood glucose level. See also Hyperglycemia;
in diabetes mellitus, 36
Blood products, indications for use of, 105
Blood transfusion reactions, 105-106
Blood transfusions
as anemia treatment. 105
hepatitis transmission via, 65
in Jehovah's Witnesses, 55
Blood urea nitrogen levels, during pregnancy, 131
Blood urea nitrogen-to-creatinine ratio, in
dehydration, 131
Blood volume, in trauma patients, 789
"'Bloody show," 163, 164
Bloom's syndrome, 174
Blunt trauma, abdominal, 79
Body dysmorphic disorder, 2 l 8
Bone disease, hypercalcemia-related, 6
"'Bones, stones, groans, and psychiatric
overtones." 5.50. 51
Bone tumors, metastatic, 196
Boorhave tears, 70
Borderline personality disorder, 219
Botulism, infant, 146
acute infarction of, 247
obstruction of, 76, 77
perforated, 76
Bowel contrast studies, of gastrointestinal
perforations. 70
Bowen's disease, 35
Brachial cleft, cysts of, 42
Brain, aging-related atrophy of. 235
Brmn lesions, as tremor cause, 145
Brain metastases. 181
Brain tumors, 181-182
as headache cause, 139
localization of, 140 141
as secondary amenorrhea cause, 92
Breast cancer, 93, 94, 172, 176-177
genetic factors in, 174
incidence of, 254
invasive ductal. 176. 177
metastatic, 181, 196
mortality rate in, 254
Breast cancer (cont.)
as nipple discharge cause, 93
peau d'orange sign of, 94
risk factors for, 174, 176
alcohol intake, 7
estrogen therapy, 96
oral contraceptives, 97, 176
screening for, 210, 256
tumor marker for, 186
contralndications to, 157
as mastitis cause, 158
neonatal vitamin D supplementation during, 201
as oral contraceptives contraindication, 96
Breast mass, 93-94, 176, 177
Breast milk jaundice, 72
Breathing, in trauma patients, 78
Broca's aphasia, 138
Bronchiolitis. 126. 255
Bronchitis, 117
Bronchoalveolar carcinoma, 226
Brucellosis, 121
Brudzinski's sign, 149, 264
Buerger's disease. 239
"Buffalo hump," 48
Bulimia, 221
Bullae, 28, 33
Bullous pemphigoid, 33
"Bunch of grapes" tumor, 95, 182
Bums, 45
as compartment syndrome cause, 193
infections of, 12l

Caf6-au-lalt spots, 52, 173, 263
Caffeine, withdrawal from, 223
Calcification, intracranial, 182
Calcinosis, 69
Calcitonin, as hypercalcemia treatment, 6
Calcium, relationship with phosphorus, 5
Calcium channel blockers, as hypertension
treatment, 108. 109
Calculi, renal. See Nephrolithiasis
Caloric intake, age-related changes m, 85
Calvarium, skull fractures of, 149
Campylobacter, as diarrhea cause, 62
Cancer. See also specific types of cancer
alcohol use-related, 7, 174, 183, 185, 251
environmental factors in, 174
genetic/familial factors in, 173, 174
as hypercalcemia cause, 5, 51
incidence rates, 172, 254
major risk factor for, 172
mortality rates, 172, 254
most common, 172
as optic neuritis cause, 191
Cancer (cont.)
pediatric, 172
screening for, 210, 256
tumor markers for, 186
Candidiasis, 29
chronic mucocutaneous, 116
treatment for, 29
vaginal, 88
CA-19-9. 186
CA- 125, 186
Caput medusae, 7
Caput succedaneum, 203
Carbamazepine, side effects of, 215
Carbon dioxide. 1. 252
Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, side effects of, 206
Carbon monoxide poisoning, antidote for, 207, 261
Carbon tetrachloride, as hepatitis cause, 66
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 178, 186, 210
Carcinoid tumors. 184-185
Cardiac arrest, hypothermic, 46
Cardiology, 16-25
Cardiomyopathy, types of, 22-23
Cardiovascular disease
Kawasaki's disease-related. 124
smoking-related, 239
Carotid artery stenosis, 208, 260
Carotid stenosis, 245
Case series studies, 13
Cataracts, 188
congenital, 201
neonatal, 189
as vision loss cause. 188. 190. 259
Catheters, Foley, 242
Cat-scratch disease, 42
CA-27-29, 186
Caucasians, most common lethal genetic disease
in. 227
CD1 positive cells, histiocytosis-associated, 185
Ceftriaxone, as neisserial meningitis prophylaxis,
Celiac sprue, 33, 62
Cellulitis. 117. 128
chickenpox-related, 123
orbital, 189
preorbital, 189
Central nervous systera tumors, 181
tumor marker for. 186
Central retinal artery, occlusion of, 190
Cephalhematoma. 203
Cephalopelvic disproportion. 160
Cerebellar findings, 145
Cerebellopontine angle tumors, 141
Cerebral artery, infarction of, 144
Cerebral perfusion pressure, 150
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis. 137
Ceruloplasmin, in Wilson's disease, 66-67
Cervical cancer. 180
in pregnant patients, 163
risk factors for, 174
screening for. 210. 256
Cervical motion tenderness, pelvic inflammatory
disease-related, 87
Cesarean section, 157
Chadwick's sign, 152
Chagas' disease. 68
Chalazion, differentiated from hordeolum (stye), 189
Charcot joints, 38, 196, 234
Charcot's Iriad, 68, 74, 264
Chediak-Higashi syndrome, 115
Chemical burns, 45
ocular, 189
Chemistry 7 panel, for hypertension evaluation, 111
as amenorrhea cause, 92
as anemia cause, 98
as baldness cause, 31
for metastatic cancer, 186
Chest, fatal traumatic injuries to, 79, 258
Chest pain, 16. See also Angina
esophageal disease-related, 68
noncardiac causes of, 17
Chest x-rays
of lung cancer. 175. 176
of pleural effusions, 228
of pneumonia, 226
of solitary pulmonary nodules, 224
Chickenpox, 28, 123
in pregnant patients, 157
Child abuse, 203-204, 260, 262
Childbirth, maternal mortality associated with, 159
brain tumors in, 181, 182
cancer in, 172
cerebellar findings in, 145
depression in, 221
developmental milestones for. 199
diarrhea in, 63, 71
emergency care for, 56
febrile seizures in, 143
frontal sinus development in, 43
gastrointestinal disorders in. 70-71
hearing loss in, 41,200
hip disorders in, 197, 259
Hirschsprung's disease in, 76
inflammatory bowel disease in, 71
irritable bowel syndrome in, 71
lead poisoning screening in, 103
meningitis in, 125-126
neck masses in, 42, 259
neuroblastoma in, 185
pneumonia in. 226
referred hip pain in, 197
Children (cont.)
renovascular hypertension in, 110
sarcoma botyroides in, 95, 182
sexual abuse of, 30
strabismus in. 191, 192
tachycardia in, 25
urinary tract infections in, 134-135
wheezing in, 224
Wilms' tumor in, 185
Chi-squared tests. 14
Chlamydial infections
antibiotic therapy for, 118
as coronary heart disease cause, 27
as neonatal conjunctivitis cause, 187
as pelvic inflammatory disease cause, 87
as pneumonia cause, 119, 225
screening for
in adolescent females, 202
during pregnancy, 153
vaginal, 88
Chlorpromazine, 214
adverse effects of, 215
Choanal atresia, 70
Choking victims, 81
Cholangiocarcinoma, 68
Cholangiopancreatography, endoscopic retrograde,
67o, 229
Cholangiosarcoma. 184
Cholangitis, 67, 68, 74
primary sclerosing, 67, 68
Cholecystitis, 73-74
Choledocholithiasis, 67-68
Cholestasis. 67.68
of pregnancy, 168
Cholestel'ol, 26-27
hypothyroidism-related increase in. 130
management guidelines for, 26, 262
Cholesterol screening, 26
Cholestyrainine, 68
Chorioainnionitis, 166
Choriocarcinoma. 240
tumor marker for, 186
Chorionic villus sampling, 155
"Christinas tree" lesions, 31
Chromium, deficiency or toxicity of, 248
Chromosomal disorders. 82
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
224, 226, 239
Chvostek's sign, 4, 51,264
Cigarette smoke, secondhand, 239
Ciprofloxacln. as neisserial meningitis
prophylaxis, 207
alcoholism-related, 7, 8
hemochromatosis-related, 66
hepatitis-related. 65
Cirrhosis (cont.)
primary biliary. 67. 68
risk factors for, 183
Claudication, 246, 260
Clear-cell carcinoma, risk factors for, 174, 180
Clel] lip/palate, 156
Clindamycin. topical, as acne treatment, 31
Clomiphene, 90, 91
CIostridtum botulinum infections, 120, 146
CIostridium difficile infections, 62. 64. 120
Clolrimazole, 29
Clozapine, 214
adverse effects of, 215
as schizophrenia treatment, 213
Coagulation cascade, clotting test measurelnent of,
Coagulation/clotting factors, interaction with
vitamin K, 250
Coagulation/clotting tendency, 106
Coagulation/clotting tests, 21-22. 107
Coagulopathy, liver failure-related, 67
Coarctation of the aorta, 25, 110
Cobalamin. See Vilamin B_
Cocaine, teratogenicity ol; 155
Cocaine intoxicalion, 221
Cocaine withdrawal, 222
Coccidioides immitis, 120, 225
Coccidiomycosis, 32
Cold agglutinins, 119, 225
Clostridiu,1 d(fficile, 64
ulcerative, 32, 62, 64, 6t5
as colon cancer risk factor, 178
differentiated from Crohn's disease, 63,
Colon cancer. 76, 172, 177 178
genetic factors in, 174
incidence of, 254
metastatic, 172
mortality rates, 254
with perforation, 61
risk factors lbr. 7, 174, 177 178
screening for. 210. 256
tumor marker for, 186
Colonoscopy, 75, 178
hypernatremia-related, 3
hyponatremia-related, 2
Comedones, 30
Common cold, 41
Compartment syndrome. 194
definition of, 193
as foot pain cause, 246
signs and symptoms of, 194, 259
Complement deficiencies, 116
Complete blood count, during pregnancy, 152
Computed tomography (CT), 229, 239
aspirin administration prior to, 209
for Huntington's disease evalualion, 145
Condoms, 94
Conduct disorder, 220
CI esterase inhibitors, 112
Confidence interval, 12-13
Confidentiality, breaches of, 55, 262
Confounding variables, 15
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. 50
Congenital disorders
in utero infection-related, 156
screening for, in pediatric patient.s, 199-200
teratogens associated with, 155
Congenital heart defects. 25
Congestive heart failure, 22, 252
Conjunctivitis, 187
gonorrheal, differentiated from chlamydiaL 187
herpes simplex, 190
neonatal. 187 188, 258
Reiter's syndrome-related, 233
Conn's syndrome, 53, 110
Constitutional delay, 202
Contact sports, as splenic rupture risk factor, 80, 124
Continuous data, 14
Contraction stress test, 154
Contrast agenls, nephrotoxxcity of, 37, 132
cerebral, 149
pulmonary, 80
Conversion disorder, 218
Coombs' tesl, 103, 113
Copper, deficiency or toxicity of. 248
Corneal blink reflex, 191
Corneal drying, 191
Coronary artery disease
diabetes mellitus-related, 37
as mortality cause. 11 (I
as oral contraceptives contraindication, 96
Coronary heart disease, risk factors for, 26-27, 262
Cor puhnonale, 1, 22, 252
Correlation coefficient, 12
adverse effects of, 31, 49, 107, 254
withdrawal from, as pseudotumor cerebri cause,
Cosmetics, as acne aggravant, 31
Courvoisiel"S sign, 68, 178, 264
Coxsackievirus, as pericarditis cause, 17
C-peptide level, lnsulinoma-related increase in, 36
"'Crabs'" (pubic lice), 30. 88
"Cradle cap," 29
Cranial nerve(s)
diabetic neuropathy-relaled palsies of, 38
lesions of; 142
muscles innervated by, 142
Cranial nerve 1. See Olfactory nerve
Cranial nerve IlL See Oculomotor nerve
Cranial nerve V. See Trigeminal nerve
Cranial nerve Vl. See Abducens nerve
Cranial nerve VII. See Facial nerve
Cranial nerve VIII. See Vestibulocochlear nerve
Cranial nerve XI. See Spinal accessory nerve
Cranial nerve XII. See Hypoglossal nerve
Craniopharyngioma, 182
Creatine kinase, elevated levels of, 130
Creatine kinase-MB fraction, as myocardial
infarction marker, 16
Creatine phosphokinase, as neuroleptic malignant
syndrome marker, 215
Creatinine levels, during pregnancy, 131
CREST syndrome, 69, 234
Cricothyroidotony, 79
Cri-du-chat syndrome, 84
Crigler-Najjar disease, 72
Crohn's disease, 62
as colon cancer risk factor, 178
differentiated from ulcerative colitis, 63, 253
Croup, 126, 226
Cryopmcipitate, 105
Cryptorchidlsm, 182, 242-243, 260
Cullen's sign. 69
Cushing's syndrome, 48-49
as hirsutism cause, 31
as hypertension cause, 110
lung cancer-mlated, 175
Cushing's triad, 150
as hirsutism cause, 49
nephrotoxicity of, 132
differentiated from rejection, 244
Cyclothymia, 215
Cystadenocarcinoma, mucinous, of the ovary, 179
Cysticercosis, 120
Cystic fibrosis. 119. 226. 227, 263
Cystinuria, renal stones-relared, 136
Cystitis, during pregnancy, 158
Cystocele, 94
brachial cleft, 42
corpus luteum, 162
dermoid, 180
thyroglossal duct, 42, 259
unicameral bone, 186
Cytomegalovirus infections
as pneumonia cause, 119, 226
as TORCH syndrome component, 40, 156, 189

Dactylitis. 102
Dandruff, 29
Dandy-Walker malformation, 145
Dawn phenomenon. 39
Death rate, 211
blood urea nitrogen (BUN)-to-creatinine ratio
in, 131
diarrhea-related, 63
as hypernatremia cause, 3
differentiated from dementia, 139
empiric treatment for, 138-139
Delirium tremens (DTs), 7
in eclampsia patients, 159
fetal positions during, 164
hyponatremia during, 2
of multiple gestations, 169
shoulder dystocia or iinpaction during, 163
vaginal, after cesarean section, 157
Demeclocycline. as syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone secretion treatinent,
2, 54
differentiated from delirium, 139
in the elderly, 86
Korsakoff's, 7, 8, 139, 251
treatment for, 139
Dentists, children's first visits to, 202
Deodorants, as contact dermatitis cause, 28
Dependent personality disorder, 219
antihypertensive agents-related, 206
in children, 221
as dementia cause, 139
grief-related, 217
hypocalcemia-related, 4
implication for end-of-life decision-making, 56,
as suicide risk factor, 215, 216, 257
atopic, 28
contact, 28
seborrheic, 29
Dermatitis herpetiformis, 33, 62
Dermatology, 28-35
Dermatomyositis, 234
Dermatophytes, 29
Desmosomes, 33
Developmental milestones, 199
Diabetes, bronze, 66
Diabetes insipidus, central or nephrogenic, 54
Diabetes mellitus, 36-39
as atherosclerosis cause, 25 l
chronic pancreatitis-related, 69
control of, 36
as coronary heart disease risk factor, 27
definition of, 36
Diabetes mellitus (cont.)
glucose levels in, 10
as impotence cause, 241
long-term complications of, 37-38, 251
maternal, 156
new-onset, 37
screening for, 36
type 1, differentiated from type 2, 36, 263
type 2, treatment for, 39
Diagnosis, disclosure ol; 56
as hypermagnesemia treatment, 6
as impotence cause, 241
as renal failure treatment, 133
lung cancer-related paralysis of. 175
rupture of, 81
Diarrhea, 61-63, 120
altered intestinal transit-related, 61, 62
categorization of, 61
in children, 71
exudative, 61, 62
infectious, 61, 62
irritable bowel syndrome-related, 6263
malabsorptive, 62
osmotic, 61
secretory, 61, 62
Diazepain, teratogenicity of, 155
Diethylstilbestrol (DES)
carcinogenicity of, 155, 180
as ectopic pregnancy risk factor, 161
teratogenicity of, 155
DiGeorge's syndrome, 5, 50-51, 114
Digitalis, interaction with potassium. 3
Digoxin, antidotes to, 261
Dinoprostone, 160
Diphosphonates, as hypercalcemia treatment, 6
Diphtheria, 126
Disability. in trauma patients, 79
Disseminated intravascular coagulation, 21, 67,
105, 106, 107
Dissociative fugue, 218
adverse effects of, 206. 261
as congestive heart failure treatment, 252
thiazide, as hypertension treatment, 108, 109
Diverticulitis, 61, 73, 75, 76
Diverticulosis, 60 61
Diverticulum, Meckel's, 71, 76
Dobutamine, as shock treatment, 237
Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders, 56
Dopamine, as shock treatment, 238
Down syndrome, 82, 83, 152, 154, 173, 257
Doxycycline. 88
Drowning, alcohol as risk factor for, 7
Drug abuse, 221
Drug interactions, 207
Drug overdose, antidotes for, 20607, 257
Drugs. See also specific drugs
adverse effects of, 205-206
anemia, 98
hearing loss, 41
hyperkalemia, 4
nephrotoxicity, 132
postoperative fever. 78
teratogenicity, 155
Drugs of abuse, withdrawal from, 257
Drusen, 190
Dubin-Johnson disease, 72
Dumping syndrome. 59
Duodenal ulcers, differentiated from gastric ulcers,
Dural venous sinus, thrombosis of. 151
Dyschezia, endometriosis-related, 87
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB), 90
Dysmenorrhea, endometriosis-related, 87
Dyspareunia, endometriosis-related, 87
Dysphagia, esophageal disease-related. 68
Dysplasia, fibromuscular, as hypertension cause, 110
Dysplastic nevi syndrome, 34
Dysthymia, 216
Dystocia, 160
Dystonia, 214

Ear, nose, and throat surgery, 40-44
Eaton-Lambert syndrome, 146-147, 175
Echinocytes, 99
Eclampsia, 159
cerebral, as seizure cause, 143
perinephric, 136
during pregnancy. 159
Edward's syndrome, 83
Elderly patients. See also Geriatrics
blindness in, 189
nutritional needs of, 85
suicide risk in. 216
vision loss in, 190
Elderly population, 85, 86
Electrical burns, 193
abnormalities on, 23-24
in hyperkalemia, 3, 4
for hypertension evaluation, 111
J wave on, 45
for myocardial infarction diagnosis, 16, 262
Electrolyte abnormalities, 1-6
in alcoholics, 9
electrocardiogram findings in, 3, 4, 252
Electromyography, 138
Elliptocytosis, hereditary, 99
Embolism, pulmonary, 20-21
amniotic fluid, 159
anticoagulant prophylaxis against, 106
intraoperative and postoperative, 78
as shock cause, 237
Emergency care, 45-46
for children, 56
ethics of, 56, 57
Emphysema, 224, 239
measles-related, 122
neonatal herpes, 125-126
hepatic, liver failure-related, 67
Wernicke's, 7, 139, 251
Encopresis, 22 l
Endarterectomy, carotid,
Endocarditis, ll7, 124-125
acute, 124
antibiotic prophylaxis against. 19. 125
subacute, 124-125
Endocrine disorders, 47-54
as amenorrhea cause, 92
primary, 52, 253-254
secondary, 52.53. 253-254
End-of-life care, ethics of, 55, 56, 57
Endometrial cancer, 90, 18 l
oral contraceptive prophylaxis against. 97. 180.
risk factors for, 95, 96, 174, 180 lgl
screening for, 210, 256
Endometriosis, 87, 89
as estrogen replacement therapy contraindica-
tion, 96
Endometritis, 128
Endoscopy, 229
for gastrointestinal hemorrhage evaluation, 60
for peptic ulcer disease evaluation. 59
Enterocele, 94
Enterocolitis. necrotizing, 71
Enuresis, 221
Eosinophilia, 106
Ependymoma, l 8 l
Epidemics, 14
Epididymitis, 240
Epididymo-orchitis, 240
Epidural anesthesia, in obstetric patients, 157-158
Epiglottitis, 126. 255
Epinephrine, as shock treatment, 238
Epispadias, 244
Epstein-Barr virus infections, 124
carcinogenicity of, 124, 182
as cervical lymphadenitis cause. 42
as contact sports contraindication, 80
as oral hairy leukoplakia cause, 185
Errors, types I and II, 14, 15
Erysipelas, differentiated from impetigo, 127 128
Erythema chronicum migrans, 233
Erythelna infectiosum (fifth disease). 122
Erythema multiforme, 32
Erythema nodosum. 28, 32
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, pregnancy-related
elevation in, 131
Erythromycin. as ache treatment. 31
Erythromycin eyedrops, as conjunctivitis cause. 187
Escherichia coli, as urinary tract infection cause,
117, 134
Esophageal cancer, 69, 183
risk factors for. 7. 174. 239. 252
Esophageal disorders. 68-69
as chest pain cause, 17
Esophageal strictures, 58
Esophagitis, 58
adenocarcinoina of. 58
Barre.'s. 58. 69, 252
malignant degeneration of. 183
Boorhave tears in, 70
Mallory-Weiss tears or: 70
Estrogen replacement therapy. 93, 95-96
contraindications to, 96
risks and adverse effects of. 254
Estrogens, effect on high-density lipoprotein
(HDL) levels, 27
Ethics, 55-57
Euthanasia, active and passive, 55
Euthyroid sick syndrome. 48
Euvolemia, 2
Exanthum subitum (roseola infantum), 122
effect on high-density lipoproteln (HDL) levels,
excessive, as amenorrhea cause, 91
Exophthalmos, 47, 186
Experimental studies, 13
Exposure, of trauma patients, 79
Extrapyranidal effects, of antipsychotic drugs, 214

Facial nerve
acoustic neuroma involvement of, 182
lesions of. 141
muscles innervated by, 141
upper differentiated from lower lesions of, 141
Facial nerve paralysis, lower motor neuron, 40
Factitious disorders, 218
Factor V Leiden mutation, 106
Failure to thrive, 200
Fallopian tubes, radiologxc examination of, 91
Falls, as aortic rupture cause, 80
Fascial dehiscence, 78
Fasciitis, necrotizing, 128
Fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. 147
Fatty liver of pregnancy, 168
Femur, distal, metaphyseal fractures of, 203, 204
Fertility rate. 211
Fetal age, estimation of, 153
Fetal alcohol syndrome, 8 9, 251
Fetal bleeding, 164
Fetal heart monitoring, 162, 257
Fetal heart monitoring strips, 162
Fetal heart sounds, 153
Fetal malpresentation, 168
e-Fetoprotein. See Alpha-fetoprotein
blood circulation in, 25
evaluation of, 153 154, 162, 257
blood transfusion-related, 105
drug-induced, 46
postoperative, 78, 225
postpartum, 167
puerperal, 128
as seizure cause, 143
"'6 Ws" of, 258
Fibroadenoma, 93, 94
Fibrocystic breast disease, 93, 94
Fibroids, 89
Fibromyalgia. 235
Fibronectin, fetal, 169
Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum), 122
Fire-related deaths, alcohol use-related, 7
Fistulas, tracheosophegeal, 227
Flail chest, 79. 80. 258
"Flashbacks," 222
"Floaters," 190
"'Floppy" infants, 146
Fluid extravasation, postoperative, 219-220
Fluid therapy
in anorexic patients, 6
as hypercaloemia treatment, 6
as hyponatremia cause, 2
as hypovolemia treatment. 6
in trauma patients. 6
Flumazenil, 222
Fluoride supplementation, in pediatric patients, 201
Fluorine, deficiency or toxicity of, 248
Fluoxetine, 217
Folate/folic acid deficiency, 9.98. 100. 101. 248.
Folate/folic acid supplementation, 101
as neural tube defect prophylaxis, 152, 249, 251
Follicle-stimulating hortnone, 92
Fontanelles, anterior, closure of, 203
Foot pain, severe, sudden onset of, 246
child abuse-related, 203, 204
nasal, 43
Fractures (cont.)
open distinguished from closed, 193
pathologic, 197
stress, 194-195
Fragile-X syndrome, 83
Freckles, 28
Fresh frozen plasma, 105
Frostbite, 46
Frostnip, 46
Fugues, psychogenic, 218
Fungal infections. See also specific fungi
dermatologic, 29
Furosemide, as hypermagnesemia reannent. 6

Galactorrhea. 215
Galactosemia, 84
screening for, 199
Gallbladder, nuclear hepatobiliary scintigraphic
scan of, 73-74
Gallstones, 67Jo8. 73
imaging of, 135
as pancreatitis cause, 76
pigmented, 98, 100
Gardnerella vaginalis infections, 88, 264
Gardner's syndrome, 173, 177
Gastric ulcers, 252. See also Peptic ulcers
bleeding, 59, 60
differentiated from duodenal ulcers, 58-59
Gastritis, alcoholism-related, 8
Gastrocnemius muscle, anatomy of. 6
Gastroenteritis, viral, 71
Gastroenterology, 58-72
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), 17, 58, 69
Gastrointestinal disorders, pediatric, 70-71
Gastrointestinal tract, perforation of, 70
Gastroparesis, diabetic peripheral neuropathy-
related, 38
Gastroschisis. 71
Generalized anxiety disorder, 217
Genetics, 82-84
Geniculate arteries, anatomy of, 6, 7f
Genitalia, ambiguous, 95
Geriatrics. 85-86
German measles (rubella), 122
Germ-cell tumors, 180, 240
Gestational trophoblastic disease, 159
Gestations. See also Pregnancy
multiple, 168-169
Gilbert's disease, 72
Glasgow Coma Scale assessment, in trauma
patients, 79
Glaucoma, 188, 189, 258, 259
closed-angle, 188. 258
open-angle, 188, 258
Gliomas, 181
Glomerulonephritis, poststreptococcal, 127, 133
Glomerulosclerosis, nodular diabetic, 37
Glossopharyngeal nerve
lesions of, 142
muscles innervated by, 141-142
Glucagonomas, 179
Glucose, administration in alcoholics, 7, 9
Glucose intolerance, oral contraceptives-related, 97
Glucose-6-phosphatase deficiency, 98, 104
Glucose screening, during pregnancy, 152
Gluten intolerance/sensitivity, 33, 62
Glycogen storage diseases, 147
Gonorrhea, 88
screening for
in adolescent females, 202
during pregnancy, 153
Goodpasture's syndrome, 112-113, 132 133
Gout, 230, 231,232
Gower's sign. 147
Gram stains, 118
Granulocyte transfusions, 105
Granulomatous disease, chronic. 115
Granulosa/theca-cell tumors, 180
Graves' disease, 47
Grey Tunaer's sign, 69, 264
Grief, abnormal differentiated from pathologic, 217
Griseofulvin, 29
Growth, 260
delayed. 200
Guillain-Barr6 syndrome, 137-138
Gynecology, 87-97
Gynecomastia, 8, 66. 83

Haemophilus. See Hemophilus
alcohol withdrawal-relamd. 7
delirium-related, 139
dementia-related, 139
grief-related, 217
lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-relamd, 222
psychogenic mushrooms-relined, 222
schizophrenia-related, 213
Haloperidol, 214
Halothane, as hepatitis cause, 66
Hamartoma, 225
Hand grip, inability to relax, 147
Handshake, inability to release, 147
Hay fever, 41
brain tumor-relamd, 139
cluster, 139
extracranial causes of, 140
meningitis-related, 140
migraine, 139
subarachnold hemorrhage-relamd, 140, 149
Headaches (cont.)
tension, 139
"worst," 140, 149
Head circumference measurement, in pediatric
patients. 200
Head trauma
as dilated, unreactive pupil cause, 149
imaging studies of, 79
as lumbar puncture contraiodication, 259
as permanent neurologic deficits cause, 149
Hearing loss
aging-related, 235
common causes of, 40-41
in pediatric patients, 41,200
sudden, 41
Hearing testing, 43-44
in pediatric patients, 200
Heart block, electrocardiographic abnormalities in,
23, 24
Heartburn. 58, 183. See also Gastroesophageal
reflux disease (GERD)
pregnancy-related, 154
Heart rate, fetal, 162
Heart valve abnormalities,  8-19
Hegar's sign. 52
Height measurement, in pediatric patients, 199, 200
Heimlich maneuver, 81
Heinz bodies, 98, 104
Helicobacter pylori
as peptic ulcer risk factor, 17, 59
as stomach cancer risk factor, 184
HELLP syndrome, 158
cavernous, 203
hepatic, 184
infantile, 203
Hematologic disorders, pediatric, 135
Hematology, 98-107
epidural, 148
septal, 43
subdural, 148
Hematopoiesis, extramedullary, 102
bladder cancer-related, 183
urinary tract cancer-related, 210
bitemporal. 140. 14h 182, 91,254
homonymous, 141, 191
Hemiballismus, 145
Hemochromatosis, 66, 183. 234, 248
hereditary, 253
Hemoglobin At,.. as blood glucose level indicator,
as anenia cause, 100
Hemolysis (cont.)
as false hyperkalemia cause, 4
as pathologic jaundice cause, 72
Hemolytic/hemorrhagic disease of the newborn,
165, 249
Hemolytic reactions, to blood transfusions. 105
Hemolytic uremic syndrome, 63, 135
Hemophilia, 21, 107, 233
Hemophilus infections. 118, 119
Hemophilus #¢fluenzae infections, 43, 117, 189
diverticulosis-related, 61
upper differentiated from lower, 59, 253
intracerebral, 148, 149
cerebrospinal fluid findings in, 137
intracrunial, 148
"platelet-type," 107
postpartum, 166
subarachnoid, 140, 148, 149, 263
Hemorrhagic/hemolytic disease of the newborn,
Hemorrhoids, alcoholism-related, 8
Hemothorax, massive, 79, 80, 258
Hemotympanum, 149
Henoch-Sch6nlein purpura, 71, 135
adverse effects of, 21
as deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis, 78
as deep venous thrombosis treatment, 20
effect on clotting test results, 107
indications for, 17
as deep venous thrombosis treatment, 20
monitoring of, 21
as pulmonary embolism prophylaxis, 78
as stroke treatment 144
Hepatic enzymes, drug-related induction or
inhibition of, 207
as acute liver disease cause, 64
alcoholic, 8, 65,251
as breast-feeding contraindication, 157
as chronic liver disease cause, 66
as cirrhosis risk factor, 183
drug-induced, 66
as hepatocellular cancer cause, 183
idiopathic autoimmune, 66
screening for, during pregnancy, 153
viral, 253
Hepatitis A, 65
Hepatitis B, 65, 66, 253
in pregnant patients, 72, 157
Hepatitis B immunization, in neonates, 72, 157
Hepatitis B surface antigen, 65
Hepatitis B vaccine, 211
Hepatitis C, 65, 66, 253
Hepatitis D, 65, 66, 253
Hepatitis E, 65
Hepatoblastoma, 184
Hepatocellular cancer, 183
Hepato-iminodiacetic acid scan, 73-74
Hepatorenal syndrome, liver failure-related, 67
diaphragmatic, 71,227
direct, 76
femoral, 76
groin, 768
hiatal, 58
incarcerated, 77
indirect, 76
paraesophageal. 58
strangulated, 71, 77, 78
Herniated discs, 195-196
Herniation, uncal, 149, 150
Herpes simplex virus infections, as keratitis cause,
Herpes virus infections
as erythema multiforme cause, 32
as facial paralysis cause, 40
genital, 28
in pregnant patients, 157
as TORCH syndrome component, 40, 156, 189
vaginal, 88
Herpes zoster virus infections, 123
ophthalmic, 190
High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, 26,
27, 262
High-tht diet, as colon cancer risk factor, 174, [78
Hip. congenital dysplasia of, 197. 259
Hip disorders, pediatric, as referred pain cause, 197
Hip fractures, occult, 194
Hirschsprung's disease, 70, 76
Hirsutism, 31,49
Histiocytosis, 185
Histoplasmosis, 120, 225, 226
Histrionic personality disorder, 218
HLA-B27, 232-233
Hoarseness, lung cancer-related, 175
Homan's sign, 19. 237. 264
in adolescents, 221
alcohol use-related, 7
Homocysteine, as coronary heart disease risk
factor, 27
Homosexual experimentation, 218
Homosexuality, 218
Hordeolum (stye). differentiated from chalazion, 189
Hormone replacement therapy, 93, 95-96
Honaer's syndrome, 174, 254
Howell-Jolly bodies, 99
Human chorionic gonadotropin, 152, 161, 186
Human herpesvirus type 6, 122
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antibody
testing, I 13
maternal and neonatal. 156-157
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection,
as breast-feeding contraindication, 157
management of, 115 116
malernal-fetal transmission of, 156 157
Human menopausal gonadotropin, 91
Human papillomavirus infections, 30, 88
Humerus, unicameral cyst of, 186
Huntington's disease, 145
Hydatiform mole. 153
tumor marker for, 186
Hydmlazine, 109
Hydrocele, 182
differentiated from varicocele, 242
Hydrocephalus. 145. 151
pediatric brain tumor-related, 181
Hydronephrosis, 136
21-Hydroxylase deficiency. 50.95
3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A inhibitors
as hepatitis cause, 66
as hypercholesterolemia treatment 27
as myocardial infarction treatment, 17
Hygroma, cystic, 42
Hymen, imperforate, 95
Hyperacusis, 40, 141
Hyperaldosteronism. 53
primary, 53
Hyperamlnonemia. liver failure-related. 67
alcoholism-related, 8
liver failure-related, 67
neonatal, 72, 253
Hypercalcemia. 56. 51
electrocardiogram findings in, 5, 252
familial hypocalciuric, 51
lung cancer-related, 175
nephrolithiasis-related, 136, 242
familial, 26, 27
hypothyroidism-related, 130
Hyperemesis gravidarum. 168
Hyperenfia, conjunctival, 187
dawn phenomenon-related, 39
diabetes mellitus-related, 36
Hyper-imnmnoglobulin E syndrome, 115
Hyperkalemia, 3-4
chronic renal failure-related, 134
false-positive laboratory reports of. 130
Hypermagnesemia, 6
Hypernatremia. 3
Hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic state, 130
Hyperparathyroidism, 50
as hypercalcemia cause, 5
surgical treatment for, 6
Hyperproteinemia, as hypercalcemia cause, 5
Hyperreflexia. 138
Hypersensitivity reactions, 112 113
Hypertension, 108-111
causes of, 109, 110
classification of, 263
as coronary heart disease risk factor, 27
definition of, 108
diagnosis of, 108
essential, 109
as estrogen replacement therapy contraindica-
tion, 96
as intracerebral hemorrhage cause, 149
intracranial, 149-150
brain tumor-related. 139
malignant, 109
ocular effects of, 188, 189
as oral contraceptives contraindication, 96
oral contraceptives-related, 96
portal, liver failure-related, 67
preeclampsia-related, 158, 159
during pregnancy, 162. See also Preeclampsia
renovascular, 110
screening lHr, 108
secondary. 109
in younger patients, 110
as seizure cause, 144
severe, 25 I
as stroke cause, 144
treatment for, 252
conservative, 108, 252
first-line drug therapy fol; 108-109
Hypertensive emergency, 109. 251
Hypertensive urgency, 109
Hyperthertnia, 46
Hyperthyroidism, 47
atrial fibrillation-related, 25
sinus tachycardia-related, 25
Hypertriglyceridemia, as coronary heart disease
risk factor, 27
Hyperuricemia renal stones-related, 136
Hypervolemla, 2
Hypoadrenalism. 49. 50
Hypoalbuminemia, alcoholism-related, 8
Hypobilirubinemia, liver failure-related, 67
Hypocalcemia, 45
chronic renal failure-related, 134
eletrocardiogram findings in, 4, 252
hypomagnesemia-related, 130
Hypochondriasis, 218
Hypoglossal nerve lesions, 142
alcohol use-relared, 9
Hypoglycemia (cont.)
beta blocker-related masking of, 39
in delirious or unconscious patients, 138
intensive diabetes control-related, 36
liver failure-related, 67
Somogyi effect reaction to, 38-39
Hypoglycemic agents, oral, 39
contraindication during pregnancy, 156
inefficacy in type l diabetes, 39
Hypokaleinia, 3
diabetes-related, 130
electrocardiogram findings in, 3, 252
hypomagnesemia-related, 130
Hypomagnesemia. 130
alcoholism-related, 6
as hypokalemia cause, 3
relationship with hypocalcemia, 5,261
relationship with hypokalemia, 261
Hyponatremia, 2
exogenous causes of, 252
false-positive laboratory reports of, 2, 130
postoperative, 2
rapid correction of, 130
Hypoparathyroidism. 5.50-51
Hypophosphatemia, 6
alcohol abuse-related, 249
diabetes-related, 130
Hypoproteinemia, 5, 51
Hypospadias, 244
cardiac tamponade-related, 80
hypokalemia-related. 3
alpha1 antagonists-related, 206
diabetic peripheral neuropathy-related, 38
pulsatile abdominal mass with, 245
Hypothermia. 45
as cardiac arrest cause, 46
Hypothyroidism, 47-48
as hypercholesterolemia cause, 130
screening for, in pediatric patients, 199
secondary, 53
Hypovolemia, 2
Hysterectomy, as fibroid treatment, 89

hypokalemia-related, 3
meconium, 71,263
Illness, as suicide risk factor, 215
Imidazole antifungal agents, 29, 30
Immigrants, tuberculosis in, 225, 226
Immunizations, 202
Immunodeficiency. See also Acquired immuno-
deficiency syndrome (AIDS): Human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
Immunodeficxency (cont.)
primary, 114
lmmunoglobulin A deficiency, 114
Immunoglobulin G, placental passage of, 164
Immunology, 112-116
lmmunosuppressant drugs, action mechanisms of,
Impetigo, 124
differentiated from erysipelas, 127 128
Impotence, 241,260
diabetic peripheral neuropathy-related, 38
in elderly people, 235
differentiated from prevalence. 13
effect of survival time on, 14
Incompetency, of patients, 56, 261
Infant mortality rate, 211
lnfant respiratory distress syndrome, 156, 164,
Infants. See also Premature infants; Neonates
breast-fed, vitamin D supplementation in, 201
"'floppy," 146
strabismus in, 201
Infarction. arterial. 20
of burned skin, 45
diabetes mellitus as risk factor for, 38, 251
in utero, 156
renal stones-related, 136
Infectious diseases, 117-129
Infectious mononucleosis, 124
as contact sports contraindication, 80
Inferiority complex, 218
endometriosis-relamd, 87
evaluation oI; 91
pelvic inflammatory disease-related. 87
polycystic ovary syndrome-related, 90
Inflammatory bowel disease
in children, 71
as colon cancer risk lhctor, 178
as diarrhea cause. 62
extraintestinal manifestations of, 64
treatment for, 64
Influenza vaccine, 211
Inlbnned consent, 55
patient competency and. 56
Inhalant intoxication, 222
Insomnia, depression-related, 216
Insulin, exogenous, differentiated from
insulinoma, 36
Insulinoma, 179
differentiated from factitious disorder, 36
Insulin sensitizers, 39
Insulin therapy, for diabetes mellitus, 38-39
in surgical patients, 39
Intelligence tests. 219
lntervertebral disc herniations, 195 196
Interviewer bias, 15
Intestinal atresia, 70
Intoxication, differentiated from withdrawal, 223
lntracranial pressure increase. 149-150. 259
Intrarenal failure, 132
Intrauterine devices (IUDs), 95
Intrauterine gestational sac, 161
Intrantenne growth retardation (IUGR), 153
Intravenuus contrast agents, nephrotoxicity of, 37,
Intravenous fluid therapy. See Fluid therapy
for airway obstruction management, 79
in asthma patients. 2
in hypermagnesemic patients, 6
indications for, 224
in trauma patients, 78
Intussusception, 70, 76
Iodine, deficiency or toxicity of, 248
Iris lesions, of erythema multifurme, 32
Iron, toxicity of, 248
Iron deficiency, 248
as anemia cause, 100-101
differentiated from thalassemia, 101-102
Iron supplementation
in infants and children, 100, 101,201
during pregnancy, 101. 152
Irritable bowel syndrome, 62-63, 253
in children, 71
Ischemia, chronic mesenteric, 24647, 260
Islet cell tumors, 179
lsoniazid, 129
as hepatitis cause, 66
use during pregnancy, 157
as vitamin B 6 deficiency cause, 249, 251
Isosthenuria, 131
Isotretinoin, 31
teratogenicity of, 31, 155,249, 251

Janeway lesions, 125
alcoholism-related, 8
biliary tract obstruction-related, 67
liver failure-related, 67
neonatal, 71-72, 253
physiologic, of the newborn, 72
Jehovah's Witnesses, blood transfusions in, 55
Job-Buckley syndrome, 116
"'Jock itch," 29

Kallman's syndrome, 140, 202
Kaposi's sarcoma, 185
Kawasaki's disease, 123-124, 124, 235
Kayser-Fleischer rings, 67
Kehr's sign, 80
Keloids. 34
herpetic, 190, 263
ultraviolet, 188
Keratoacanthoma, 34
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca. 234
Keratosis, actinic or solar, 35
Kerions, 29
Kernicterus, 71
Kernig's sign, 149
Ketuacidosis, diabetic. 6. 37. 130. 263
Ketoconazole, 29
Kidney cancer, smoking-related, 239
Kidney stones. See Nephrolithiasis
Kidney transplantation, 243
Klebsiella infections, as pneumonia cause, 119,
Klinefelter's syndrome, 83, 202
Knee, ligament injuries to, 197-198
Knee dislocation, posterior, vascular injuries
associated with, 196
Koilocytosis, 226
Korsakoff's syndrome, 7, 8, 139, 251
Krukenberg's tumor. 180
Kussmanl breathing, 37, 263

Labetol, 109
"after premature rupture of the membranes, 166
characteristics and duration of, 160
false, 160
fetal positions during, 164
induction or augmentation of. 160
preterm, 164
true, 160
Laboratory medicine, 130-131, 262
Labyrinthitis, 41
Lactate dehydrogenase, as myocardial infarction
marker, 16
Lactation, suppressmn of, 157
Laparoscopy, for infertility evaluation. 91
Large bowel obstruction, 76, 77
Laryngotracheitis, acute, 126
Larynx cancer, risk factors for, 7, 174, 239
Laxative abuse, 62
"Lazy eye." 191
Lead poisoning, 98, 100
screening for, 103, 201
treatment for, 103
Lead-time bias, 15
Learning disorders. 220
Left ventricular failure, 22
Legg-Calv6-Perthes disease, 197, 259
Legionella infections, 226
Legionella pneumophila infections, 121
Leiomyoma, 89
as estrogen replacement therapy contraindica-
tion, 96
Leriche's syndrome, 245, 264
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, 84
acute lymphoblastc, 170, 172
acute myelogenous. 170
in children, 172
chronic lymphocytic, 170, 171
chronic myelogenous, 170
chromc myeloid, 171
environmental risk factors for. 174
as nosebleed cause, 42
Leukocoria, 201
Leukoplakia, 185
oral hairy, 185
Leydig cell tumors. 240
Lice, 30
Lichen planus, 28
"four Ps" of, 32
Lifesaving treatment, patient's reihsal of, 55
Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy, 147
Lindane, 30
Linea nigra, 152
Lipase, elevated levels of, 130
Lipoma, small, 28
Lithium, adverse effects of, 215
effect of vitamin K on, 250
fatty changes in, 8
lacerations to, 79
Liver cancer, 183-184
risk factors for, 7, 174
tumor marker for, 186
Liver disease
acute, 64-66
as estrogen replacement therapy contra-
indication, 96
as oral contraceptives contraindication, 96
alcoholic, 7-8
chronic, 66
Liver failure
clotting tests in, 107
metabolic disorders associated with, 67
sequelae of. 253
Living wills, 56, 263
Lochia, 157
Loffier's syndrome, 106
Lou Gehrig's disease, 145-146
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, 26. 262
calculation of, 27
Lower motor neuron facial nerve paralysis, 40
Lower motor neuron lesions, electromyographic
findings in, 138
Low-fiber diet, as colon cancer risk factor, 174, 178
Lumbar puncture
contraindications to, 137, 149, 259
as uncal herniation cause. 150
Lung cancer, 172
alcohol abuse-related, 7
environmental risk factors for, 174
metastatic, 181, 196
Pancoast (atypical). 174-175
paraneoplastic syndromes of, 175
screening for, 210, 256
sequelae of, 254
small cell (oat cell), 174, 175
smoking-related, 174. 225, 239
Lung tumors, Pancoast, 142
Lupus anticoagulant, 106
Lupus erythematosus, 234
Lyme disease, 118, 233
as facial paralysis cause, 40
as optic neuritis cause, 191
Lymphadenitis, cervical, 42, 259
Lymphangioma, 42
Burkitt's, 170, 171
African, 124
of central nervous system, 143
in children. 172
Hodgkin's, 170
non-Hodgkin's, 170, 171
Lynch syndrome, 177
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 158, 222

Macrosomnia, fetal/neonatal, 152, 156, 257
Macular degeneration, 190, 259
Macules, 28
Magnesium deficiency. See also Hypomagnesernia
alcohol abuse-related, 249
Magnesium sulfate, as eclampsia treatment, 159
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 229, 230
Malaria, 99
Malignant hyperthermia. 46
Malingering, 218
Mallory-Weiss tears, 8, 70
Malnutrition, alcoholism-related, 9
Mammography, 93, 94, 176, 177
Manganese, deficiencyn or toxicity of, 248
Mania, antidepressants and, 216
Mannitol, 150
Marfan's syndrome, 17, 84
Marijuana, 158, 221
Mastectomy, 177
Mastitis, 93, 94, 158
Mastoiditis, as headache cause, 140
Maternal mortality
causes of, 21112
rate of, 211
McArdle's disease, 147
McBurney's point, 75, 264
McCune-Albright syndrome, 52, 202. 263
McRobert's maneuver, 163
Mean, 11 12
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, 104
Measles, German. See Rubella
Measles (rubeola). 122
as hearing loss cause, 200
Meckel's diverticulum, 71,76
Meconium ileus, 71
Medial cruciate ligament tears, 197 198
Median. 12
Median nerve, motor and sensory functions of,
194, 259
Medicaid, 212
Medical care, withdrawal or withholding of, 57
Medicare. 212
Medulloblastoma, 140, 181
Megacolon, toxic, 64
Meigs" syndrome, 180
Melanoma, 33, 34, 35
ABCDs of, 185
in African-American patients, 35
metastatic to the brain, 181
tumor marker for. 186
Melasma, 97, 152
Memory impairment, 138
delirium or delirium-related, 139
Meniere's disease, 40, 41
Meningioma, 150. 181
posterior fossa, 40
Meningitis, 125
bacterial, 126
cerebrospinal fluid findmgs in, 137
in children, 125-126
as facial paralysis cause, 40
fungal, 137
as headache cause, 140
as hearing loss cause, 200
neisserial, prophylaxis against. 207
neonatal, 117, 128
streptococcal, 128
tuberculous, 137
viral, cerebrospinal fluid findings in, 137
Meningoceles. 151
Menopause, 92 93
Menstrual irregularities. See also Amenorrhea
hyperthyroidism-related, 47
Mental retardation
common causes of, 220
Down syndrome-related, 83
fragile-X syndrome-related, 83
Mental retardation (cont.)
genetic factors in, 83, 84
maternal alcohol use-related, 8-9, 251
severity of, 220
Mental status alterations
hypernatremia-related, 3
hyponatremia-related, 2
Meperidine, drug interactions of, 217
Mesothelioma, 174
Metabolic disorders, screening for, in pediatric
patients, 199-200
Metastatic cancer, 172
to the brain, 181
chemotherapy for, 186
as spinal cord compression cause, 150, 151
to the spine, 173
Metformin, 39
Methicillin, nephrotoxicity of, 132
Methicillin resistance, in Staphylococcus aureus,
Methotrexate, as folate/folic acid deficiency cause,
Methyldopa, 109
as anemia cause. 98
as depression cause, 206
Metronidazole, 31, 62, 88
Miconazole, 29
Microsomnia, 156
Microsporum species, 29
Milk-alkali syndrome, 51
Milrinone, as shock treatment, 238
Minerals, 248-250, 251. See also specific minerals
deficiencies or toxicities of, 248
Minors. emancipated, 56
Minoxidil, as hirsutism cause, 31, 49
Mite infestations (scabies), 28, 30
Mitochondrial myopathies, 147
Mitml prolapse, 19
Mitral regurgitation, 19
Mitral stenosis, 19
Modafinil, as narcolepsy treatment, 219
Mode. 12
Moles (nevi), 34
ABCD characteristics of, 254
malignant transformation of, 33, 34
Molluscum contagiosum, 30, 120
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors. 217
"Montezuma's revenge," 62, 120
Moro reflex, disappearance of, 204
as myocardial infarction-related pain treatment, 17
as sphincter of Odd spasm cause. 69. 76
Motor vehicle accidents
as aortic rupture cause, 80
as splenic injury cause, 81
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome, 123-124
Multiple endocrine syndromes (MEN), 82, 173, 183
Multiple myelolna, 99
Multiple personality disorder, 218
Multiple sclerosis, 137, 138, 145. 255
cerebrospinal fluid findings in, 137
as optic neuritis cause, 191
Mumps, 43
as hearing loss cause, 200
Murphy's sign. 73. 265
Muscle breakdown, as renal failure cause, 132
Muscular dystrophy, 147
Muscular weakness, hypokalemia-related, 3
Mushrooms, hallucinogenic, 222
Myasthenia gravis. 146
Myasthenia gravis-like symptoms, 146-147
Mycobacterial infections, as cervical lylnpha-
denitis cause, 42
Mycoplasma infections
antibiotic therapy for, 118
as myringitis cause, 43
as pneumonia cause, 119, 225
Myelinolysis, central pontine, 2, 130. 261
Myelomeningocele, 151
Myocardial infarction, 16-17
aspirin prophylaxis against, 208
congestive heart failure-related, 22
diabetes mellitus-related, 37. 38. 39
electrocardiogram findings in, 16, 262
intraoperative, 245
"silent," 18, 37, 38
Myocarditis, pertussis-related, 126
Myoglobin. as myocardial infarction marker, 16
Myoglobinuria, 132
Myolnectomy, 89
Myopathy, mitochondrial, 147
Myotonic dystrophy, 147
Myringitis. infectious. 43

Narcissistic personality disorder, 219
Narcolepsy, 219
Narcotics. See also Opioids
as hyponatremia cause, 2
as syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion cause, 54
Nasopharyngeal cancer, 124, 182
Nausea. See also Vomiting
myocardial infarction-related, 16
pregnancy-related, 154
Near-drowning episodes. 46
Neck, anatomic zones of, 81
Neck cancer, 42
Neck masses, 42, 259
avascular, 198
fat, as breast mass cause, 93, 94
Negative predictive value (NPV), 10-11
Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections
as neonatal conjunctivitis cause, 187
as pelvic inflammatory disease cause, 87
as septic arthritis cause, 196, 232
Neis'seria infections, complement deticiency-
associated. 116
Neonatal mortality rate, 211
APGAR score in, 204
caput succedaneum in, 203
cataracts in. 189
cephalhematoma in, 203
conjunctivitis in, 187-188, 258
hepatitis B vaccination in, 157
jaundice in, 71-72, 253
meningitis in. 125
vaginal bleeding in, 95
vitamin K supplementation in, 249
Nephritic syndrome, 133
Nephrocalcinosis, hypercalcemia-related, 6
Nephrolithiasis, 135. 136, 242
imaging of, 135, 136
Nephrology, 132-136
Nephropathy, diabetic, 37, 38
Nephrotic syndrome, 133
Nerve conduction velocity, 138
in peripheral neuropathies, 146
Neuralgia, trigeminal, 141
Neural tube defects. 154-155
prevention of, 152, 249, 251
Neuritis, optic, 190-191
Neuroblastoma, differentiated from Wilms' tumor,
Neurofibromatosis. 173. 182. 264
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 46, 215
Neurology, 137-147
Neuroma, acoustic, 40, 41, 182
diabetic. 146. 251
peripheral, 146
Neurosurgery, 148-151
Neurosyphilis, 122
Neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin, 389
Neutrophils. hypersegmented. 101
Nevi. See Moles
Niacin. See Vitamin B
Nickel exposure, as contact dermatitis cause. 28
Niemann-Pick disease, 263
Nipple discharge, 93
Nipples, Paget's disease of, 35
Nitroglycerin, as myocardml infarction treatment,
Nodules, 28
acne-related, 30
erythema nodosum-related, 32
Nodules (cont.)
solitary pulmonary, 176, 224, 225
solitary thyroid, 183
Noise exposure, as hearing loss cause, 40
Nominal data, 14
Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state, 37
Nonrespunse bias, 15
Nonsteroidal anti-inflainmatury drugs
action mechanism of, 207
adverse effects of, 132, 208, 261
Nonstress test, 153
Norepinephrine, as shuck treatment, 238
Norwalk virus, 71, 120
bulbuus red, 31
fractures uf. 43
Nosebleeds, 41-42
Null hypothesis, 14
Nursing hume populatiun, 86
Nutritiun, in the elderly, 85
Nystatin, 29

as coronary heart disease risk factor, 27
effects uf, 51
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, 219
Obstetrics, 152-169. See also Delivery; Labor;
Ocular tumors, 201
Oculomotor nerve
isolated palsy of, 191
lesions of, 141
Odds ratio, 11
Olanzapine, 213, 214
Olfactory nerve lesions. 140
Oligohydramnios, 159
Omphalocele, 71
Oncology, 170-186
100 top secrets, 251-265
Onychomycosis, 29
Ophthalmology, 187-192
effects of, 222
overdose of, 138
use in terminally ill patients, 57
withdrawal from, 222
Oppositional-defiant disorder, 220
Oral cavity cancer
risk factors for, 7, 174, 185,239
typical appearance of, 185
Oral contraceptives, 94, 96-97
adverse effects of, 97
breast cancer, 97. 176
hypertension, 110
photosensitivity, 32
Oral contraceptives (cont.)
VACTERL syndrome, 155
contraindications to, 96, 239
discontinuation prior to surgery, 96
as endometrial cancer prophylaxis, 97, 180,
as ovarian cancer prophylaxis, 97, 180, 181
Oral glucose tulerance test, 36
Oral hypoglycemic agents, contraindication during
pregnancy, 156
Orchitis, 240
Ordinal data, 14
Organophosphate poisoning, 147
Orthopedic surgery, 193-198
Ortolani's sign, 197, 259, 265
Osgood-Schlatter disease. 197
Osler's nodes, 125
Osteitis fibrosa cystica, 51
Osteoarthritis, 231,254
Osteomalacia, 51
Osteomyelitis. 117. 184. 196
estrogen replacement therapy prophylaxis
against, 95
as pathologic fracture cause, 197
Osteosarcoma. 184. 235
Otitis externa, 42
Otitis media, 42, 128
as headache cause, 140
as hearing loss cause, 200
measles-related, 122
recurrent, 42-43
rubella infection-related, 122
Otosclerosis, 43
Ovarian cancer, 179
genetic factors in, 174
oral contraceptive prophylaxis against, 97, 180, 181
tumor marker for, 186
Ovarian veins, drainage of, 243
Ovulation, medically-induced, 91
Oxygen content, in fetal and neonatal circulation, 25
Oxygen saturation, fetal. 162
Oxytocin, adverse effects of, 2, 54, 160, 257

Paget's disease, 235
of the nipple. 35
as osteosarcolna risk factor, 184
as syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
hormone secretion cause, 54
trauma-related. 193
Pain management, in terminally ill patients, 57
Palmar grasp reflex, disappearance of, 204
Pancreas cancer, 178-179
risk factors for, 7.69, 174, 178
tumor marker for, 186
Pancreatitis, 76
acute, 69
alcoholism-related, 8, 253
chronic, 69-70
gallstones-related, 253
as hypocalcemia cause, 5, 51
as peritonitis cause. 73
Panencephalitis, subacute sclerosing, 122
Panic disorder, 217
Papilledema, 181, 189
Papillitis, 190-191
Pap (Papanicolaou) smear. 180
in pregnant patients, 152
in sexually active adolescent girls, 202
Papules, 28
aChe-related, 30
lichen planus-related, 32
malignant melanoma-related, 34
psoriatic, 31
Paralysis, hypokalemia-related, 3
Paraneoplastic syndromes, 175
Paranoid personality disorder, 218
Parental consent, for medical care, 56
Parkinsonian symptoms, 145
Parkinsonism, 214
Parkinson's disease, 145
Parotid gland, swelling of, 43
Paroxetine, 217
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT), 21
Parvovirus B 19 infections, 102. 120. 122
Pasteurella multocida infections, 121
Patau's syndrome, 83
Patches, 28
Patellar plexus, anatomy of, 7
Patent ductus arteriosus, 25
Pediatrics, 199-204. See also Children; Infants;
Neonates; Premature infants
Pediculosis, 30, 88
Pelvic examination, lbr third-trimester bleeding
evaluation, 163
Pelvic inflammatory disease, 87, 91,161,257
Pelvic relaxation, 94
Pelvis, fractures of, 193
Pemphigus, 28
Pemphigus vulgans, 33
Penetrating trauma, abdolninal, 79
as anemia cause, 98
as erythema multiforme cause, 32
as syphilis treatment, 88, 121
Peptic ulcers, 17, 5839
as chest pain cause, 17
differentiated from acute pancreatitis, 69
Peptic ulcers (cont.)
effect of smoking on, 239
perforated, 76
Pericarditis, 263
as chest pain cause, 17
uremic, 134
Peripheral blood smear, 9849
Peripheral nerves, motor and sensory functmns of,
194, 259
Peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus-
related, 38
Peritonitis, 73
spontaneous bacterial. 67. 128
Permethrin cream, 30, 88
Personality disorder, 218
Personality tests, 220
Perspiration, excessive, 33
Pertussis. 126
Petechiae, with normal platelets, 107
Peutz-Jegher's syndrome, 173
analysis of, 1,252
in asthma. 2
effect on calcium levels, 5
effect on serum potassium, 3
fetal scalp, 162
Pharmacology, 205-209. See also specific drugs
Pharyngitis, streptococcal, 123
Pharynx cancer, risk factors for, 7, 174, 239
Phencyclidine (PCP) xntoxication, 222
Phenothiazines, as photosensitivity cause, 32
Phenylephrine, as shock treatment, 238
Phenylketonuria, screening for, 199
Phenytoin, adverse effects of, 31, 98, 249
Pheochromocytoma, 53, 110
Phobias. 217
Phosphatidylglycerol, as neonatal respiratory
distress syndrome predictor, 227
Phosphorus. See also Hypophosphatemia
as hypercalcemia treatment, 6
relationship with calcium, 5
Phosphorus deficiency. See Hypophosphatemia
Photocoagulation, panretinal laser, 38, 189
Photosensitivity, drug-induced, 32
Phototherapy, for neonatal jaundice, 72
Physical restraints, 56
Pilocarpine, 188
Pituitary tumors, 182
Pityrosporum, 30
Pityriasis rosacea, 31
Pityriasis versicolor, 30
Placebo response, 207
Placental separation, 157
Placental sulfatase deficiency, 154
Placenta previa, 163, 258
Plantaris muscle, anatomy of, 6
Plaques. psoriatic, 28, 31
Platelet transfusions, 105
Pleural effusiuns, 227, 228
Pleuritis, as chest pain cause, 17
Plummer-Vinsun syndrome, 101
Pneumococcal mmunzation, 119, 211
Pneumocystis carinii, as pneumonia cause. 114.
119, 120, 226
Pneumonia, 117
antibiotic therapy for, 225
aspiration, 78, 225
alcoholism-associated. 9
bacterial, 118, 119-120
as chest pain cause, 17
chickenpox-related, 123
in children, 226
chlamydial. 119
diagnosis of, 118, 22526
gram-negative, 119
Hemophilus influenzae-related, 119
most common cause of, 118
Mycoplasma, 119
Pneumocvstis carinii, 114. 119, 120, 226
as postoperative fever cause, 78
"round," 226
typical differentiated from atypical, 225
viral, 119
open, 79, 80, 258
tension, 79. 80. 258
Poison ivy, 28
Polyarteritis nodosa, 234-235
Polychromasia, 99
Polycystic kidney disease, 110, 133
Polycystic ovarian syndrome. 31.49. 90.92. 257
Polycythema vera, 170
Polygenic disorders, 82
Polyhydramnios, 156, 159
Polymyalgia rheumatica, 235
Polymyositis, 235
Polyneuropathy, postinfectious, 137
Polyposis coli, fanfilial, 173, 177
Polyps, nasal, 112
as aspirin contraindication, 208
Port-wine birthmarks. 28
Positive predictive value (PPV), 10
Posterior cruciate ligament tears, 197
Postrenal failure, 132
Posttranmatic stress disorder, 217-218
Potassium. See also Hyperkalemia; Hypokalemia
interaction with digitalis, 3
Potassmm chloride, as intravenous fluid
component. 6
Potassium hydroxide, as fungal infection
treatment, 29, 88
Potassium replacement, 3
Potter's syndrome, 244
Power. of studxes. 15
Power of attorney, for health care, 56
Poxvirus infections, 30
Preeclampsia, 156, 158, 159, 257
Pregnancy, 152-169, 257-258. See also Delivery;
acute fatty liver of, 168
alcohol use during, 8-9
cardiovascular changes during, 167
cholestasis during, 68
diabetes screening during, 36
ectopic, 161, 162, 257
ruptured, 162
erythrocyte sedimentation rate during, 131
fibroid growth during, 89
hepatitis E during, 65
hypermagnesemia during, 6
hypertension treatment during, 109
hypunatremia during, 2
laboratory test results during, 167, 262
postterm, 154
presenting as primary amenurrhea, 92
pulmonary changes dunng, 167
renal disease during. 131
as rubella vaccination contraindication, 122
as secondary amenorrhea cause, 91
signs and symptoms of, 152
smoking during, 239
third-time vaginal bleeding during, 163. 164. 258
tuberculosis during, 157
weight gain during, 168
Pregnancy testing
home test kits for, 160
prior to initiation of
anticunvulsant administration, 144
isotretinoin therapy, 31
Prehn's syndrome, 265
Premature infants
mortality rate in, 211
physiologic jaundice in, 72
Premature rupture of the membranes (PROM), 166
Premature ventricular contractions, 23
Prerenal failure, 132
Presbyacusis, 40, 235
Presbyopia, 192, 235, 259
differentiated from incidence. 13
effect of survival time on, 14
Prevalence surveys, 13
Preventive medicine, 210-212
fur pediatric patients, 199, 200
Priapism, trazudone-related. 217
Progesterone test, for secondary amenurrhea
evaluation, 92
Prolactin, 215
Prolactinoma, pituitary, 92
Propionibactrium acnes, as acne cause. 30, 31
Proptosis, hyperthyroidism-related, 47
Prospective studies, 13
Prostaglandin E2, labor-augmenting effects of, 160
Prostate cancer, 172
diagnosis and treatment of, 177
incidence of, 254
metastatic, 196
mortality rate of, 254
risk factors for, 177
screening for, 210, 256
tumur marker for, 186
Prostate-specific antigen, 186, 210
Protamine, 21
Proteinuria, 133
preeclampsia-related, 158. 159
Prothrombin time (PT), 21
Protraction disorders, 160
Pruritus, 28
Pseudoaneurysms, 17
of the extremities, 247
Pseudocysts, pancreatic, 76
Pseudodementia, 139, 235
Pseudogout, 231,232
Pseudohypertension, 108
Pseudohypoparathyroidism. as hyocalcenfia cause, 5
Pseudomembranes, 126
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, of burn
wounds, 45
Pseudomonas infections
antibiotic therapy for, 118
of burn wounds, 121
as pneumonia cause, 119, 226
Pseudotumur cerebri, 137, 140. 181
Psoriasis, 28, 31
as arthritis cause, 232, 233
Psoriatic lesions, 28
Psychiatric patients, involuntary hospitalization of,
Psychiatry, 213-223
Psychological tests, objective differentiated from
subjective, 2 ! 9-220
Psychosis, 213
Korsakoff's, 7, 8. 139. 251
Puberty. See also Adolescents
delayed, 200, 202, 260
precocious, 50, 51, 52, 95
uncorrectable or idiopathic, 202
pseudoprecocious. 51, 52
Tanner stages of, 202
Pulmonary disease
chronic, blood gas values in, 1
obstructive differentiated from restrictive, 224,
Pulmonary function, in surgical patients, 225
Pulmonary function testing, 78, 224
Puhnonology, 224-228
Pulsus paradoxus, 80
Argyll-Robertson. 122
"blown," 141, 149, 191
ipsilateral, 148
dilated, unreactive. 149
Purified protein derivative (PPD) tuberculosis
testing, 113
in HIV-positive patients, 113-114
Henoch-Sch6nlein. 71
idiopathic, 107
thrombotic, 105, 107, 135
Pustules, acne-related, 30
p-value, 14. 257
Pyelography, intravenous, 241
Pyelonephritis, 135
during pregnancy, 158
Pyloric stenosis, 70
as hepatitis cause, 66
as tuberculosis treatment, 129
Pyridoxine. See Vitanfin B 6

Quickening, 164

Rabies, 127
"Raccoon eyes," 149
Radial nerve, motor and sensory functiuns of. 194,
Radiation, teratogenicity uf. 155
Radiation therapy, for breast cancer, 177
Radiology, 229-230
Radionuclide scans, for gastrointestinal
hemorrhage localization, 60
Rales, myocardial infarction-related, 16
Ramsay Hunt syndrome, 40
Rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test, 106, 121
false-positive results on, 131
Rashes, 28
heliotrope. 234
"slapped-cheek," 122
Raynaud's syndrome, 69
Rebound tenderness, abdumnal. 73
Recall bias, 15
Rectocele, 94
Rectum cancer, risk factors for, 174
Red blood cell casts, as poststreptococcal glomeru-
lonephritis marker. 133
Red blood cell transfusions, 105
Red reflex, 201
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy. 196
Refusal, of treatment, 261
Reiter's syndrome, as arthritis cause, 233
Rejection, of kidney transplants. 243, 244
Relative risk, 11
Renal artery stenosis, as hypertension cause. 110
Renal cell carcinoma, 174, 240
Renal disease
chronic, anemia associated with, 104
during pregnancy, 131
screening for, in pediatric patients, 202
Renal failure
acute, 132
categories of. 132
chronic, 133 134
drug-related, 132
hypercalcemia-related. 6
as hyperkalemia cause, 4
as hypertension cause. 110
as hypocalcemia cause, 5, 51
intravenous contrast agent-related, 37
Renal insufficiency
drug-related, 132
intravenous iodinated contrast material use in, 37
Renal stones. See Nephrolithiasis
Respiratory distress, diaphragmatic hernia-related, 71
Respiratory distress syndrome
adult, 225
neonatal, 156, 164, 227
Respiratory infections, in children, 126
Respiratory syncytial virus infections, 126, 224
Restraints, 56
Retained products of conception, 166
Reticulocyre count, 100
Reticulocytes, 99, 100
Reticulocytosis, 99
Retinal artery, occlusion of. 190
Retinal detachment, 190
Retinoblastinoma, 173, 186, 201
Retinopathy, diabetic, 37, 189, 251
nonproliferative, 189
proliferative. 189
Retrospective studies, 13
Reye's syndrome, 64, 123,204
Rhabdomyolysis, 130
alcoholism-related, 8
hypophosphatemia-related. 6
as renal failure cause, 132
Rhabdomyosarcoma, 182
Rh blood-type incompatibility, 165
Rheumatic fever
arthritis associated with. 233
Jones' criteria for, 127, 233
Rheumatoid arthritis, 231,232
juvenile. 235
uveitis associated with, 188
Rheumatoid facton 235
Rheumatology, 231-235
Rhinitis, 41
Rhinophyma, 31
Rhinovirus, 41
Rhogain. 165
Rhomboid crystals, 232
Riboflavin. See Vitamin B
Rickets, 249
as hepatitis cause. 66
as neisserial meningitis prophylaxis, 207
as tuberculosis treatment, 129
use in shock patients, 252
Right ventricular failure, 22
Ringer's lactate solution, use in trauma patients. 6
Ringworm, 29
Rinne test, 43-44
Risperidone. as schizophrenia treatment, 213, 214
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 124
Rosacea, 31
Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum), 122
Rotavirus, 120
Roth spots. 125
Rotor disease, 72
Rouleaux formation, 99
Rovsing's sign, 75, 265
Rubella, 122, 156
Rubella antibody screening, during pregnancy, 152
Rubella immunization, 211
Rubeola. See Measles
"Rum fits," 7

as hyponatremia treatment, 2
use in hypovolemic patients, 6
use in trauma patients, 6
Salmonella infections, as diarrhea cause, 62
Sample size, 15
Sarcoidosis, 32, 43, 51
Sarcoma. Kaposi's. 185
Sarcoma botryoides, 95, 182
Sarcoptes scabei, 30
Scabies, 28, 30
Scalded skin syndrome, 128, 129
Scaphoid bone. fractures of, 195
Scarlet fever, 123
Schilling's test, 101,249
Schistocytes, 99
Schizoid personality disorder, 218
Schizophrenia, 145.213-214
Schizotypal personality disorder, 218
Schwannoma, acoustic, as facial paralysis cause, 40
Sclerodactyly, 69
Scleroderma, 69, 234
Scoliosis, 197
Scrofula, as cervical lymphadenitis cause, 42
Scurvy, 107
Secrets, top 100, 251-265
absence partial, 142
complex partial, 142
eclaInpsia-related, 159
febrile, 143
hypernatremia-related. 3
hypertensive, 144
hypocalcena-related, 4
hyponatremia-related, 2
secondary, 143
simple partial. 142
tonic-clonic (grand real), 142 143
Selenium, deficiency or toxicity of, 248
Selenium sulfide shampoo, as tinea versicolur
treatment, 30
Self-mutilation. 84
Semen, evaluation of, 91
Seminoma, 240
Separation anxiety disorder. 220
Sepsis, 117
chickenpux-related. 123
neonatal, 128
Septum, deviated nasal, 41
Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors
action mechanism of, 217
as depression treatment, 216
as social phobia treatment, 217
Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, 180
Sestamibi parathyroid scan. 50
Severe combined immunudeficiency, 114
Sexual abstinence, 94
Sexual abuse, childhood, 30, 218
Sexual function, aging-related changes in, 235
Sexually transmitted diseases, prevention of, 94
Sexual partners, of vaginal infection patients, 88
Sheehan's postpartum syndrome, 47-48
Shigella infections, as diarrhea cause. 62
Shingles, 123
Shock, 236-238
anaphylactic, 236, 237, 238
cardiogenic, 236, 237
hypovolemic, 236, 237
neurogenic, 236
postpartum fever-related, 167
septic, 236
spinal, 150
treatment for, 252
right-to-left. 20
splenorenal, 9
transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic, 9
Sialolithiasis, 43
Sickle cell crisis, 103
Sickle cell disease, 98, 102-103
arthritis associated with, 234
as hypercalcenfia cause, 3
as hypernatremia cause, 3
as hypokalenfia cause, 3
screening for, 199
Sigmoidoscopy, 178, 210
Signs and symptoms, 26465
Silicosis, 226
Silver nitrate, as conjunctivitis cause, 187
Sinus bradycardia, electrocardiographic
abnormalities in, 23
Sinuses. frontal, development of, 43
Sinusitis, 128
bacterial causes of, 43
deviated nasal septum-related, 41
Sinus tachycardia
electrocardiographic abnormalities in, 23
hyperthyroidism associated with. 25
SjOgren syndrome, 43, 234
Skewed distribution. 12
Skin cancer, 34
basal cell, 34, 185
risk factors fur, 174, 185
squamous cell, 34-35, 185
in situ. 35
Skull fractures
basilar. 149
as epidural hematoma cause. 148
Sleep apnea, 1, 22
Sleep habits, of elderly people, 235
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis, 197. 259
Small bowel obstruction, 76
Smoking, 239
as cancer cause, 172, 174
bladder cancer, 183
cervical cancer, 180
oral cavity cancer, 185
pancreatic cancer. 69
stomach cancer. 184
as cardiovascular disease cause, 239
contraindication during pregnancy. 239
coronary heart disease risk factor, 27
effect on high-density lipuprotein (HDL) levels,
as mortality and morbidity cause, 251
as oral contraceptives contraindication, 96
secondhand exposure to, 239
Smoking cessation, preoperative, 225
"'Snow-blindness," 188
Social phobia, 217
Somatization disorder, 218
Somatoform disorders, 218
Somogyi effect, 38-39
S-100, 186
Spasms, diffuse esophageal, 68-69
Spherocytes, 99
Spherocytosis, 104
Sphincter of Oddi. morphine-related spasms of,
69, 76
Spider angiomas, 8, 66
Spina bifida, 151
Spinal accessory nerve, 142
Spinal cord compression. 150-151. 173
Spinal cord injury, 150
Spine, "'bamboo," 233
Spirometry, 78
lacerations to. 8 l
rupture of, 80
Splenectomy, 80
Splenomegaly, as contact sports contraindication,
80, 124
Sporothrix schenkii, 120
Sputum, "currant jelly," 119
Sputum cultures, for pneumonia diagnosis, 118
Squamous cell skin cancer, 34-35, 185, 259
in situ, 35
Staghorn calculi, 136
Standard deviation (SD), 11
Stapedius muscle paralysis, 40
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome, 128. 129
Staphylococcus aureus, methicillin-resistant, 129
Staphylococcus aureus infections, 128-129
of burned skin, 45
as mastitis cause, 158
as orbital cellulitis cause, 189
as osteomyelitis cause, 117
as pneumonia cause, 119, 225, 226
as septic arthritis cause, 117
Staphylococcus infections
antibiotic treatment for, 129
as impetigo cause, 124
nosocomial, 129
Statins. See 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl
coenzyme A inhibitors
Statistics. 10-15
Status epilepticus, 143
Steatorrhea, 63, 69
Stein-Leventhal syndrome, 31, 49
Sterilization, as birth control melhod, 94
Steroids. See also Corticosteroids
ocular effects of, 188
use in preterm labor, 164
Stevens-Johnson syndrome. 32
Stillbirth, 211
Stomach cancer, risk factors for, 7, 174, 184
Stomatitis, 35
Stool, occult blood in, 178
Strabismus, 191, 192
inlerminent, 201
Streptococcus agalactiae infections, neonatal. 128
Streptococcus infections
adverse effects of, 255
impetigo, 124
scarlet fever, 123
group B vaginal, during pregnancy, 158
Streptococcus pneumoniae infections, 128
as meningitis cause, 117
as myringitis cause, 43
as orbital cellulitis cause, 189
as pneumonia cause, 117, 118, 119
as sinusitis cause, 43
Streptococcus pyogenes infections
as pharyngitis cause. 127
as skin infection cause, 127
Stress, as vasovagal syncope cause, 138
acute, 144
aspirin prophylaxs against. 208. 209
causes of, 144
deep venous thrombosis-related, 20
as facial paralysis cause, 40
hemorrhagic, 144
as aspirin conlraindication. 209
hypertension-related, 110
as seizure cause, 143
Subclavian steal syndrome. 247
Substantia nigra, in Parkinson's disease, 145
Subthalamc nucleus lesions, 145
Sudden death syndrome, 200
Suicide, 215-216
by adolescents. 221
risk factors for, 7, 215, 257
by schizophrenics, 213
Suicide attempts, 215
Sulfa drugs
as anemia cause. 98
as erythema multiforme cause, 32
as neonatal jaundice cause, 72
Sulfonamides, as erythema nodosum cause, 32
Sulfonylurea drugs, 39
"Sunburst" periosteal reaction. 184
"Sundowning," 139
Superior vena cava syndrome, 174
ear, nose, and throat, 40-44
food and flmd intake restrictions prior to. 78
general, 73-81
neurosurgery, 148-151
Survival time, effect on incidence and prevalence, 14
"Swimmer's ear," 42
Symptoms, 264-265
Syncope, 138
vasovagal, 138
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
secretion, 2, 54, 175
Syphilis. 121-122
as baldness cause, 31
diagnosis of, 121
as optic neuritis cause. 191
screening lbr, during pregnancy, 152
treatment for, 88, 121
Syringomyelia, 151
Systemic lupus erythematosus, 131
as baldness cause. 31

Takayasu's arteritis, 235
Tamponade, cardiac, 79, 80, 258
pericardiaL 237
Tanner stages, of puberty, 202
Tapeworms, 249
Tardive dyskinesia, 214
Target cells, 99
Target lesions, of erythema multiforme, 32
Tattoos, 28
Tay-Sachs disease, 263
Teeth, avulsed, salvage of. 81
Telangiectasia, 69
Temporal bone fractures, as facial paralysis cause, 40
Teratogens, 155
Teratoma, 180
Terminally ill patients
opioid use in, 57
right to die, 55
Testicular cancer, 182, 240, 242-243. 260
Testicular torsion, 240
Testicular veins, drainage of, 243
reliability of, 12
sensitivity and specificity of. 10. 12
Tetanus vaccine, 211
Tetany, 4, 51
as acne treatment, 31
as photosensitivity cause. 32
as pseudotumor cerebri cause, 140
Tetralogy of Fallot, 25
Thalassemia, 101-102
Thalidomide, 155
Theca-cell tumors, 180
Thiamine. See Vitamin B
Thioridazine, adverse effects of, 215
Thoracic outlet syndrome, 247
heparin-related, 21
idiopathic, 135
as nosebleed cause, 42
primary, 170
as myocardial infarction treatment, 17
as stroke treatment, 144
as estrogen replacement therapy contraindica-
tion. 96
superficial, 20, 247
Thrombosis, deep venous, 19, 20
anticoagulant prophylaxis against, 106
intraoperative and postoperative, 78
Thrush. oral, 29
"Thumb sign," 126
Thyroglossal duct, cysts of, 42, 259
Thyroid cancer. 42, 174, 183
Thyroid hormone replacement, 47
Thyroiditis, Hashimoto's, 48
Thyroid-releasing hormone. 52
Thyroid-stimulating hormone, 47, 48, 52-53, 92.
Thyroxine, 47, 48
Tinea capitis, 29
Tinea corporis, 29
Tinea cruris, 29
Tinea pedis, 29
Tinea unguium, 29
Tinea versicolor, 30
Tinel's sign, 265
Tinnims, aspirin overdose-related, 1
Tissue-plasminogen activator, as stroke treatment,
Tobacco, smokeless, as oral cavity cancer risk
factor. 185
Tocolytics, 164
Tonometers, 188
Tophi, 230
TORCH syndrome, 40, 153, 156, 189, 200
Total cholesterol. 26. 262
Tourette's disorder, 221
Toxic shock syndrome, 237
Toxins, as seizure cause, 143
Toxoplasmosis, 120, 121, 156
Tracheoesophageal fistulas, 70
Transient ischemic altacks (TIAsl 144. 208, 209,
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP), 241
Trauma, 78-81
as nosebleed cause, 41
pelvic, 241
Trauma care
ABCDEs of, 78. 258
imaging studies in, 79
Trazedone. as priapism cause, 217
alcohol withdrawal-related, 7
brain lesion-related, 145
Parkinson's disease-related, 145
resting, 145
Treponema pallidum infections, antibiotic therapy
for, 118
Tretinoin 31
Trichinosis, 120
Trichophyton species, 29
Trichotillomania, 31
Tricyclic antidepressanls, 216
overdose, 216, 217
Trigeminal nerve, muscles innervaled by, 141
Trimethoprim, as folale deficiency cause, 249
Triple screen, during pregnancy, 152, 155
Trisomy 21. See Down syndrome
Trochlear nerve
isolated palsy of, 191
lesions of, 191
Trophozoites, 121
Troponin, as myocardial infarction marker, 16
Trousseau's sign. 4.20, 51. 265
Trousseau's syndrome, 178
T-test, 14
Tuberculosis, 120, 225, 226
during pregnancy, 157
treatment for, 129
Tuberculosis testing, 113
in HIV-posirive patients, 113-114
in pediatric patients, 201
during pregnancy, 153
Tuberous sclerosis, 84, 173
Tumor markers, 186, 210
TurcoFs syndrome, 173, 177
Turner's syndrome, 42. 83
Twins, monozygotic differentiated from dizygotic,
2 × 2 table, 256
Tympanic membrane
infection of, 43
otitis media-related perforation of, 42
Tympanostomy tubes, 42-43
Type A personality, as coronary heart disease risk
factor, 27
Tzanck smear, 123. 156

diaberic foot, 128
duodenal, differenliated from gastric ulcers. 58,59
esophageal, 58
gastric, 184
pepric. See Peptic ulcers
perforated, 76
pressure/decubitus, 33
diabetic peripheral neuropathy-relaled, 38
prevention of, 235
Ulnar nerve, molor and sensory functions of, 194,
Ultrasound, 229, 230
fetal, 153
for intrauterine gestational sac detection, 161
Ultraviolet lighl
as keratitis cause, 188
as skin cancer cause. 174. 185
Umbilical cord, 203
Unacceptability bias, ! 5
Unconscious patients, treatment for, 138-139, 255
as platelet defect cause, 22
as "platelet-type" bleeding cause, 107
Urethral injury, 241,242
Urethritis, Reiter's syndrome-related, 233
Urelhrocele, 94
Urehrogaphy, retrograde, 242
lbr bladder cancer screening, 210
for hypertension evaluarion, 111
in pregnant patients, 152
Urinary retention, acute, 241
Urinary tract infections, 134-135
causal organisms or, 117
as nephrolithiasis cause. 242
in pediatric patients, 202
as postoperarive fever cause, 78
treatment for, 117
Urine alkalinization, as aspirin overdose treatment, 1
Urology, 240-244
Uterine bleeding, abnormal, 8990
Uteroplacental insufficiency, 257
atony of, 166, 258
inversion of, 167
measuremenl of, 153
radiologic e×amination of, 91
rupture of, 163 164
Uveitis, 188, 258

Vaccines, 211
VACTERL syndrome. 155
clear-cell cancer of, 180
pediatric, sarcoma botryoides of, 95
Vaginal bleeding
in neonates. 95
postmenopausal, 180
third-trimester, 163
feral bleeding presenting as, 164
Vaginal discharge
in neonates, 203
in prepubescent girls, 95
Vaginal infections, 88
Vaginal prolapse, 94
Vaginitis, in prepubescem girls, 95
Valproic acid, side effects of. 215
Valvular heart disease, 19-20
Variables, confounding, 15
Variance test, 14
Varicella-zoster virus infections, 123, 156
in pregnant patients, 157
abdominal wall, 7
alcoholism-related, 7, 9
bleeding, 9
Varicoceles, differentiated from hydroceles, 242
Vasa previa. 164
Vascular surgery, 245-247
Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumors, 179
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
test, 106, 121
false-positive results on, 131
Venous insufficiency, 247
Ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scans, 20-21
Ventricular fibrillation, electrocardiographic
abnormalities in, 23
Ventricular septal defects, 25
Ventricular tachycardia, electrocardiographic
abnormalities in, 23
Vertigo, 41
Vesicles, 28
Vestibulocochlear nerve, 141
acoustic neuroma-related injury to, 182
lesmns of, 141
Vibrio vulnificus infections, 128
Viral infections. See also specific viruses
as hearing loss cause, 41
Virchow's node, 184
Virchow's triad, 19, 237, 252, 265
congenital adrenal hyperplasia-related. 50
hirsutism associated with, 31, 49
21-hydroxylase deficiency-related, 50
Vision loss
in African-American patients, 189, 258
aging-related, 190, 235, 259
bilateral painless, 259
cataracts-related, 188, 190, 259
diabetic retinopatphy-related, 251
in elderly patients, 189
glaucoma, 189, 258, 259
optic neuritis-related, 190
strabismus-related, 191, 192
Vision testing, in pediatric patients, 200
Visual fields defects, brain tunaor-related, 140-141
Vital signs, in children. 204
Vitamin(s), 248-250, 251
fat-soluble, 248
toxicities of, 248
Vitamin A
as pseudotumor cerebri cause, 140
teratogenicity of, 249, 251
Vitamin A deficiency, 142, 248, 264
Vitamin B deficiency, as stomatitis cause, 35
Vitamin B1 deficiency, 248
alcoholism-related, 9, 249
empirical treatment for, 138
Vitamin B 1 supplementation, in alcoholics, 7, 9
Vitamin B 2 deficiency, 248
Vitamin B3. as hypercholesterolemla treatment, 27
Vitamin B 3 deficiency, 248
Vitamin B6, as sideroblastic anemia treatment, 104
Vitamin B 6 deficiency, 142, 146, 248, 249, 251
Vitamin B12 deficiency, 100, 101, 142, 146. 248.
Vitamin B12 supplements, 101
Vitamin C deficiency, 248, 250
effect on coagulation test results, 22
as "platelet-type" bleeding cause, 107
as stomatitis cause, 35
Vitamin D deficiency, 248
in children, 249
as hypocalcemia cause, 5, 51
Vitamin deficiencies, 248
alcoholism-related, 9
Vitamin D supplementation, in breast-fed infants,
Vitamin E deficiency, 142, 146, 248
Vitamin K, interaction with clotting factors, 250
Vitamin K deficiency, 21,248, 250
Vitamin K supplementation, in neonates, 249
Vitiligo, 28, 249
as large bowel obstruction cause. 76, 77
midgut, 71
sigmoid, 77
aspirin overdose-related, 1
bilious, small bowel obstruction-related, 76
myocardial infarction-related, 16
pregnancy-related. 154
pseudotumor cerebri-related, l 81
self-induced, 221
Von Hippel-Lindau disease. 173
Von Willebmnd deficiency, 21
Von Willebrand's disease, 107
Vulvovaginitis, Candida, 29

Waldenstr6m's macroglobulinemia, 170
effect on clotting test results, 107
monitoring of, 21
teratogenicity of, 155
Warts, 28, 30
genital. 30
Weber test, 43
Wegener's granulomatosis, 133
Weight gain, during pregnancy, 168
Weight loss, as diabetes mellitus type 2 treatment,
Weight measurement, in pediatric patients, 199. 200
Wernicke's aphasia, 138
Wernicke's syndrome, 7, 8, 139
Wheals, 28
Wheezing, in children, 22A
Whipple procedure. 179
Whipple's triad, 179
Whiteheads, 30
"Whooping cough," 126
Wilms' tumor, differentiated Iom neuroblastoma,
Wilson's disease, 66-67, 248, 264
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, 115
from alcohol, 7
from barbiturates, 222
from benzodiazepines, 222
from caffeine, 223
from cocaine, 221
from corticosteroids, as pseudotumor cerebri
cause, 140
differentiated from intoxication, 223
from drugs of abuse, 257
Withdrawal (cont.)
of medical care, 57
from opioids, 222
as seizure cause, 143
Withholding, of medical care, 57
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, 23, 25
Wood's lamp examination, 29
Word associations, 263-264
Wound dehiscence, 78
Wound infections, as postoperative fever cause, 78

Xanthelasma, hypercholesterolemia-related, 26
Xanthoma, tendon, hypercholesterolemla-related, 26
Xeroderma pigmentosa, 173
X-linked recessive disorders, 82, 83, 115

Yersinia infections, as diarrhea cause, 62
Yolk-sac tumors, 240
tumor marker for, 186

Zinc, deficiency or toxicity of, 248
Zolhnger-Ellison syndrome, 179
