The #Singapore Homepage


The Regulars
About Us

Welcome to #Singapore


No passports required. Visas are not required. Vaccinations are not compulsory unless you have been bitten by one of the Bots.

Welcome to the Unofficial #Singapore Homepage ..... it's unofficial only because we don't know how one gets a homepage "official-ised".

So come on in ..... kick off those shoes, relax and get comfty. Please feel free to roam around and explore this site, but don't break anything because rosie will make you pay !!


Click here for updates on Op63's Y2K Bash

Click here for the Otak Hi-Tea Par-Tea Pictures


#Singapore can be found on any servers on the IRCNet

The #Singapore Homepage was last updated on 7 December 1999

If you have any comments or suggestions relating to The #Singapore Homepage, please drop me a line at bottlemail.gif (22985 bytes)


The #Singapore Homepage

receives on average 1,000 visitors a month.

Thank you one and all for your continuous support and let's keep it going strong!


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