This is my bestest friend in the whole world. Konica Jensen. I've known her since we were 3 yrs old.
Hanging out in Konicas Dorm room at Western Wyoming Community College in Rock Springs, WY.
These were just a few pictures from the trip we took to Utah for our friend Courtney's Wedding. The First one is on the roof of the conference center and the 2nd one is in front of the SLC Temple.
These are from the Sadie Hawkings Dance my senior year of high school. I'm not sure who some of the guys were in my friends picture, so I won't name the guys.
Mary, Trina, Nicole, and Allyssa
Me, Angela, and Becky
Robby, Shantel, Allyssa, Mary, Me, Abbey, and Erin (lying across our laps)
Me, Mary, Allyssa, Trina, Shantel, Abbey, and Amara
Tbis is from Becky's mission farewell
Ryan, Me, Becky, Nicole, Amara, Joscelyn, and Doug