"We'll call it Riality... :) Yet, not a figment of imagination... But rather... A culmination of life and dream. It's a beautiful harmony."
Enter our Community Riala's Riality!
Welcome to my spot on the net. I'm Riala....for those of you who don't know me....and I call this world Riality....a friend of mine put all sorts of great twists on my nic. And some of my friends have been actually "nagging" me about the dreaded pic. I usually avoided that quite gracefully and monumentously if I may say so myself....but now....I figure what the hey. Just because I have it out there doesn't mean I'm looking for anyone so don't get any ideas! But it is cool to see what the people you are talking to look like.....what the hey....every once in awhile you do crazy things! *lol* This place was evolved out of a desire to create. I'd like it to be an oasis for creative expressions, be they mine own or others. Feel free so submit random thoughts or even poetry... anything you'd like to share, whether it be a creative expression or a relfection of life. I've also created this as a spot for some to get to know me a little better than they may have known me. Not all is cut and dry, black or white in this world of ours. There are so many varying shades of gray, subtle complexities... often things that create within us a deep insight, a creative flux, an appreciation for the wonders... for would they be wonders if they were ordinary occurances? I do not claim to know it all (far from it)... but I have come to appreciate deeply the things in life that are sometimes too easy to take for granted. The spark of dew in the morning after a long-lived drought. So much is based on perspective, and they vary as brilliantly as do the stars. There is never a moment in life where we are all that we ever will be... |
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