Matt's Homepage


Hi there! My name is Matt and welcome to my webpage. I haven't updated this page in a super-long time. Right now I'm in the process of trying to update all of my pages starting with this one. Stay tuned if you wanna see the other changes. Thanks for visiting!!! If you have the chance, try and find my SECRET PAGE!!!


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About ME

My Universtiy

My Old High School

Cedarbrae Rugby



Pic Directory


Web Rings


Bri, the pun is always intended. Becky, you're the best friend a guy could ever ask for. Dave, Montreal memories & everything else (CSS). Good times, good times. I WILL talk you into coming to Guelph! MD Homebrew 4-life! Mel and Tammy I'm so glad I was lucky enough to meet you and even luckier to call you guy friends. Fraser, good laugh about the baby thing. Pierre, I lucked out to get a roomate I get along with. Krista, leaf fight will never be forgottten!!! You're amazing. All the other 6 Add people. I have good times with all of you. Toga Party, Volleyball, dinners, etc. East people we gotta turn this damn rez into a party place. And anyone else I met at Guelph who I like, I'm lucky to have met you.


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