Welcome to Caleb's Homepage
Lover of the Houston Rockets and a sports fanatic that enjoys playing basketball and golf.

Collapsing Blocks 0.3

    I have added links for my graphics game that you can test if you are so inclined.

0.2 (April 25, 2004)
- Added a high scores table to the game. (Only works on Linux version)
- Added texture mapping to the game.

0.21 (April 26, 2004)
- Modified performance, so it runs well on faster machines.

0.22 (April 26, 2004)
- Modified timing, so performance /should/ be machine independent for both Linux and Windows.

0.25 (April 28, 2004)
- I added sounds to the game, so enjoy.

0.31 (April 29, 2004)
(Linux only)
- Added texture mapping to new rows added.
- Added a credits screen.
- Fixed a few random bugs and used a different random function.

0.3 (May 6, 2004)
(Windows only)
- Added texture mapping to new rows added.
- Fixed a few random bugs.

Windows Version NOW WORKING ON 98, 2000, AND XP!!!
Linux Version


    Last updated April 25th, 2004. I added a few features to my graphics game, so try it out.

Favorite Video Clip
Allen Iverson puts a killer crossover on Jordan(1198k avi)

About Me
I just turned 22 and got a job as a Software Engineer for IBM in Rochester, MN.


Mozilla - best browser out there

Slashdot - a great technical news site

University of North Dakota - the college I attended

IBM - company I work for

The North American Mullet Page - An in-depth description of the mullet including pictures and other funny stuff

Houston Rockets -best team in the NBA

RPGLand - a cool site made by a friend


Xbox - best video game system made

PC ign - awesome gaming site

Gordon Luebbe's Homepage - The awesome web page put together by a friend of mine.