<BGSOUND SRC="/goofyjak/userfiles:/user/Lattitude.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Wrongs Righted, Villains Vanquished, Demons Dispatched
Monsters Manipulated
And Other Deeds of Valor
My Name is Jak
Welcome to my First Homepage 

This is a picture of me and a friend at Christmas Time
I'm the one in red.
This is a
litte poem I
wrote back in
1993. It is dedicated
to my Mom who
passed away
in 1992
This is a more recent picture of me.
Try these sites!
I like to watch people and how they interact, especially out in the clubs.

You can usually find me on line @ yahoo.com as Thejerseyguy25 or Goofyjak in the chat rooms.
E-Mail me at "thejerseyguy25@yahoo.com"  (Please No Solicitations or Death Threats)

I like to meet new people in the
GeoCities chat rooms

Meet the
Community Leaders in my neighborhood.  They're a lot of fun.