*~* 2004 *~*

First off let me say Welcome one and all to my web page. By far this isn't some award winning web page, just my hobby. I was thought how to do this by a dear friend, Adriane. Ever since then I have been addicted to making web pages. I have just finished a couple for family and did one for my business as well. It is so much fun making these pages. Any way blah blah blah.

Right now I don't come in here much to update...no time and all that stuff. I must make it a habit to come and update and I will. Come back at any time and check the last updated section to see if I have done anything new!

This web page is filled with all sorts of stuff... music clips, pictures, graphics, as well as a few pieces which tell about me, my friends, and my family. I added a guest book so ya all can tell me what you thought of my page. I really would love your opinion of it. This web page took me 9 months to make, lots of trial and error and every comment will help me to make my web pages that much better. Enjoy my site! Love & Aloha, Wendy

LastOn September 24, 2004


Jus da fact's(short & sweet/ pic)!

All about me (pics and long bio)! *** My crew

maui is Da Bomb!!! ***Me & the Mr.

Our wedding***Our (Furry) Family

Our Families***My Favorite Sites!

Photo Album

My Guestbook***Aloha Page

E-Mail Me at Wendy120977@hotmail.com

You can also catch me at this address:

E-Mail Me at my RR



The number of people who found this site interesting....LOL !







"I swear "