Welcome To Dbchdude's Homepage
Coming To You From Daytona Beach, "The World's Most Famous Beach"
While this warning does not imply any nudity in any of the following pages, I am an adult, living an adult life. This website contains live snapshots from my life. Anything may happen at any given time.

Right now, making their special appearances, we have Niki, my 3 year old Rott-Lab mix, Beaker, my Quaker Parakeet, Foster, my Bearded Dragon, Shakespear, my Tarantula, and the entire cast of my Saltwater Fish.

By continuing through this site, you are agreeing to the fact that you are over 18 years of age, and that Adult Content is not offensive to you.
Yes, I'm over 18, and I want to see what's going on at your house.
I don't know, I'd better not try it.
Questions? Email Me