Please take a few minutes to complete my dating survey.


What's your name?

Are you single?

Yes     No (if no, stop right here)

Where would you like to take me on our first date?

Breakfast                    Lunch                    Dinner                       

Movie                        Dinner & Movie         Romantic Getaway

Caribbean Cruise            Pizza & Wings          Other

Do you like sports?

Yes            No

If yes, what sports?

Football                         Baseball                 Hockey

Basketball                     Soccer                    Wrestling

Arm Wrestling                Thumb Wrestling          Midget Tossing

Beer Pong                       Other  


Do you consider yourself to be...

...a nice guy?            ...kind?            ...considerate?

...caring?                   ...out of your mind for taking this survey?

Anything else you'd like me to know about you?

Tell me how to get in touch with you:

If you leave your email address, I'll try to reply in a timely manner.

Once you click 'submit' it will open your Outlook email program to mail the results to me. You won't get a virus, so please don't freak when you see the warning from Microsoft. 


Thanks for taking the time to complete my survey. I hope you enjoyed it.



Shelly's dating survey.
Revised: .