A Little About Me



This page will always be under construction!!

This is just a little page about me, where I come from, and what I do. 

Hmmm where do I start. Well I'll start with where I am from.  I come from a small town in Pennsylvania called Drums.  It is about a half hour south of Scranton.  I graduated from Hazleton Area High School in 1994 and then joined the Army about two weeks after graduation. (I know, why so soon, I don't know.)

I am finally out of the Army as of 21 July 00. It was fun, but it was time to go.

Through the Army I have had the chance to travel all over the world.  I have been to Korea, Japan, Germany, England, Yugoslavia, Holland, Hungary, France, Switzerland and Austria,  just to name a few.  You can check out some pictures on my "Pictures of my Travels" page.

Mail me at rob_burger@hotmail.com if you have any questions or coments.

Last updated 10 Oct 01

Pictures of me, Friends, and Family

Pictures of my Travels
Pictures from around the world and around the military