e-mail deb@tcia.net

Deb's Place

My Favorite Quote

I want to share all that I have to give and one day it may return to me in love.

Hello, and Welcome to Deb's Place. Need a break from all your

worries? Sure you do! Come inside and see some of the things that

take my worries away. Meet me and get to know a little about

me.**(WOW) Find out what some of my interest and hobbies are. Feel

free to vist all pages, I'm sure there's something here for

everyone! Humor, educational and just some really neat sites. Before

we go inside I would like to thank the employees of TCIA for their

help, knowledge and most af all for their patients. Also,a special

thanks to Tim Bottomely, president of TCIA for believing in me and

giving me the encouragement that I needed. I could not have created

this homepage without their help. OK what are you waiting on...let's  go!

Deb's Place | About Me | Favorite Links | Persona Non Grata | Humor & Jokes | Memories

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