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Hope you are having a great day today...I know I am. Here are some of my many favorite things to do: talking to people I've met and my many friends (old and new alike); becoming a better parent to my son, and learning more about Autism; watching my favorite sports; anything pertaining to history; trying to find time to work on my web pages; working a well-known retailer, and trying to make it through another holiday season; and just "surfing the web".

Allow me to fill you in on some of my favorite things. First off, I LOVE SPORTS!!!!! My first "love" is football! Since I was born and raised in AL, my favorite college team is the Alabama Crimson Tide . Congratulations to Coach Saban and the UNDEFEATED Crimson Tide...no. 1 in the country, ba-bee!!!! ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!! (But besides this, this is where I sever my ties with the South!) Now on the pro level, it's the Pittsburgh Steelers!! My individual favorite players are Hines Ward and Ben Roethlisburger!!!!! And now for all the baseball fans...I never have paid much attention to this sport before. I only care enough about the sport to pull for anyone who beats the Atlanta Braves. I HATE them with a passion! I also like the Colorado Rockies; but only because their team colors are purple and silver--my favorite colors!

This used to be my favorite basketball team--the SIX TIME WORLD CHAMPIONS, CHICAGO BULLS! I love Michael Jordan!! I've watched him since his days playing at the University of North Carolina!! I've been a loyal fan from the beginning: through all the good times (70 wins, six championships) and the bad times, too(Jordan's retirement, playing baseball in Birmingham, AL, his father's death). I was glad to see him back to playing again...even if it wasn't for Chicago... I could go on and on about him; but, unless you are a fan like me, you won't want me to...

My greatest love so far is wrestling!! I'm a HUGE fan of the World Wrestling Entertaiment(WWE)! I'm a BIG fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin!!!!!!!! He's the cat's meow!! I still like the Rock, too. I can't stand Triple H, Randy Orton, Eric Bischoff, JBL (Love "the APA", Hate "JBL"), Where was I? Ummm...oh, Edge (loved E & C, HATE the "Rated R Superstar"!!!) and his "ex-wife" Vickie--the woman needs to be impeached! Now, I absolutely love Shawn Michaels "HBK", the Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Tajiri, Ashley, the WWE Champion, John Cena (Chaingang Hottie here!), Batista,especially Mick Foley, (He's THE coolest..."Foley! Foley! Foley!")and last, but NEVER least, Eddie Guerrrero...LatinoHeat!!! You will definitely be missed (*sniff, sniff*). "Vaya Con Dios..."

Well, I hope I've mentioned at least one of your favorite sports here...if not, sign my guestbook and let me know what you think about everything!! See ya later!

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