Hi, glad to see you've made it here. For those of you who have been here, you will notice a few changes. For those of you who have not been here before, I WELCOME YOU, and hope you enjoy your stay. My name is Sue, but I am known as Bluu to my net friends. I have two beautiful children, a daughter Jessica (18) and son Micky (15) .

In the past two years that I have been online, I have met so many wonderful people, of both gender, young and old, of all races and all nations. So many have had such profound impact in my life and I would just like to let them know that they hold a special place in my heart and always will. All of my pages were created with the help of many friends. To name a few, there is Jan who was one of the very first to offer a helping hand. We also have Lainey, Lesley and Kevin, Moon, Paula, Anne, Dean and many more. There are just to many to name, but I will at some point make a dedication page to those that are not mentioned.

I have just recently turned 38 and I have had much turmoil in my life. At this time, I would have to say that I have had more bad times, then good ones. My illness is progressively getting worse, and I am developing more and more other related illnesses, such as Osteoperosis and Fibromyalgia. Trying to keep a positive attitude, is much of a challenge. I have to give alot of credit to my children who have to live and breath this dreaded illness every day. It's a daily struggle to try and not get caught up in self-pity, and try to be strong for my children. Still young, they have lived and witnessed more than many of their peers, and I am proud to say they are my children.

As awful as it is, for them, I hope that in the end they will become much more caring, understanding and compasionate adults, who have respect for life and all that it offers. If you have a spare minute please sign my guestbook, so that I know you have been here and I will return the favor and visit your site. Comments of any nature are very much appreciated as I am still in the learning process. It's a life long process. I hope you have enjoyed your visit and hope to see you come back as I will try to keep adding things as they come. Thank You for the visit.


A Tribute To My Mom

MY ICQ NUMBER:23391001
Jessica's is 15655934 Micky's is 25652258

 Make someone's day really special by sending them a greeting from these great people.

 Blue Mountain Greetings


Kevin and Lesley from Australia, have lot's of pages for you to share with your friends 

 My Friend Catwoman's Pages

View Some Of My Other Pages



 ~~These Quiet Moments