The City of Dryck

Home of the Champions of the Demonlord

Crypt Meeting Hall Worker's guild Market Village Inn Eats Wizards tower Watchtower Grave Yard

The city of Dryck.

All planning on entering the city of Dryck should be aware of these rules.
1)All factions within the curtilage of Dryck that wish to leave may do so, Northwestwards, on the first month of spring. Thereafter trafic into and out of Dryck will be prohibited to all except Champions of the Demonlord.

2)When the same man has been slain for the seventh time and the seventh Champion has arrived, none but the champions will be safe. All pious factions wishing an extended life should get some distance between themselves and Dryck. Illusta, mystic of shadows.

The above image is a clickable map of Dryck, which the champion factions have called home. To visit a building just click on the location, or on one of the links below for you people with out images.

[Wizard's Tower] [Eats] [Village Inn] [Market] [Grave Yard] [WatchTower] [Worker's Guild] [Meeting Hall]