Its almost 2006, a year for new beginnings.. I'm surprised they haven't shut off this web page since I"ve barely accessed it! Anyways, I'm throwing in random pictures - Enjoy!...
Here is Danielle and I at Cindy's (my sister's) wedding!
Here is a glimpse of me climbing the mountain...
And finally, Me and Danielle on my New 1999 Suzuki Marauder 800!! Definately one of my favorite pics!
By the way, check out my first bike and my Mazda!! click here
Also, check out what's new with me by clicking here
Picture Pages- Whatever I feel like scanning..
Me and Danielle- Click Here (She's almost too much to handle!) Here's my best friend Kevin (He needs Help!!)
Fond memories of Spring Break (heh heh heh) A pic from my trip to Italy (unbelievable food!) Me and my friend Becky (Hangin' in Boston) Boating at Lake Ossippee this past August (can't wait to go again!)
Here are my friends Dave & Colleen (Download this Dave..)
Some of my Family (These are most of the cousins)
The Ski Trip at Gunstock!!! (still under construction but it works..)
At the Lodge during my February SKI TRIP (buzzzzzzzin') Me on the SNOWBOARD (before I got drunk) More friends having a blast on the trip.. Amy, Don, & Paul(check out Amy Changing in public!)