
Hi I'm Carl Young.

On behalf of my wife Florence and my whole family, I welcome everyone to our little "nook on the net".

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I am from Twillingate Newfoundland originally, Lived in Ramea for 24 years Now living in Cornwall Ontario. My wife Florence is from Ramea.

I enjoy Hockey, my favorite team is The Toronto Maple Leafs.

My Sister Lorretta & Myself both have the same disability, Freidrich's Ataxia.

I will be developing this page with links to information on my Illness. and My favourite Places in Newfoundland

Here are some pic's:

Here is the Young Family Picture.

Standing from left to right are: Barry, Reginald, Allan, Josie, Audrey, Minnie. (Lorretta & I are in the Wheelchairs)

Our three children Nancy,Carl Jr., & Richard. Our three Children, Carl Jr.,Nancy, & Richard. Years later.

Richard & Barbara's son Kavan our first grandchild, Now 15 & Chase, our fourth grandchild.

Kyle, our second grandchild, Nancy's son, Nancy, & her Daughter Brandi, our third grandchild.

Carl Jr., Julia, Taryn & Ocean Our fifth & sixth grandchild

Lookout NHL here we come. My two grandsons are great.

My good friend Willie Simmonds & Myself

Scenic pictures of our island's beauty, Ramea, Newfoundland.

One of Ramea's biggest tradgedys. St. Boniface School fire....

My Story --> Click here to read About my Personal Experiences with Freidrich's Ataxia.

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Email us here, "jargey@cogeco.ca" or jargey@hotmail.com

Please come back soon and visit me.

Check out these other links of Friends and Family

Check Out My oldest Son " Richard's " Page

Our Good Friend Bill Crant

This NewfieRing site is owned by Carl Young.

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