If you want to visit my other page in Fortune cities Click here! I don't know why you would because as of now all that it has is a link to this webpage:)
Hello this is my first real homepage,but I've been working with it awhile,and if you have any comments or anything that you don't want to post on my guestbook(why? Well for any reason, ya never know! If you have any questions or comments you can e-mail me at mt_skogs@hotmail.com or you can chat with me on Aol Instant messaging if you have it, my screen name is KewlMike99 so please feel free to chat anytime! Please sign my guestbook and visit my pages. Thank you.
Click here
Please send me any e-mail concerning your embarassing moments or the About you section of my page. If you have no clue what I am talking about then go to my page first,then e-mail me.
To e-mail me click on the @ button below.
If you do know what I am talking about and you have been to my page before, please e-mail.
Also just think of the "about you" file as a way to get a penpal or something.
Make sure that your speakers are on!!!