check out my dress designs if you are so inclined.

My guild corset. I have lost some weight since I started the project,
and apparently it was in my hips because it doesn't fit right around my hips. >(
oh well. I still need to learn to sew better, but I think it came
out well, all things considered. I will probably make a modesty panel for it.

Some new pictures of me in my shamrock corset looking
like a dork. And I am aware that my corset has some serious issues.
It was my first attempt at a corset and I made the pattern myself,
although poorly.

And some old pictures of me.

These first two are about 8 years old.
They were part of my 16th birthday present.

This one is also about 8 years old.
It is from when my sis (the one on the left) did my makeup for prom my sophomore year.