The School of Apocalyptic Studies
Courses Offered

REM - "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)"

Field A: Natural

Astrology (Apocalyptic)
Astronomy (Apocalyptic)
Global Warming
The Sun: Life Cycle

Field A and B

Ballistic Missile Physics
Ecological Homogeny
Genetic Engineering
Human De-evolution
Intergalactic War
Weapons of Mass Destruction

Field B: Societal and Philosophy

Chaos Theory
Closeted Homo-eroticism and Militaristic Leaders
End of History / Cultural Homogeny
Nuclear Strategy
Race to the Bottom

Field C: Culture

Doctor Strangelove Film Study
Film and the Apocalypse
Humour and the Apocalypse
The Matrix Film Study
Religion: Endtimes
The Terminator Film Study