Palace of Tyros, Webmaze-Gorean Aristocracy


Tal, and Greetings to you, I am Ubar Dillinger Enocenti, Ubar of the Gorean Island of Tyros, this is an orientation site, I have set up, to help those who are roelplaying Free Persons, Both Free Men, and Free Women, to help both understand, roleplay accurately, and learn how to handle certain situations that arise in the roleplay., My Main objective, is to help you know, and understand the Laws of Tyros, and how to help yourself avoid certain problems, as well handle the items that will come up. Its a Chance, for me to help you, learn for yourself.


dark_bullet Webmaze

dark_bullet The Main Index of the Palace of Tyros Website

dark_bullet This is the Roleplay Board , if you have in idea, put it there

dark_bullet the Palace Message Board-problem? going away for some time? if you have the password, leave a message so everyone will know

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Email any questions, I'll be glad to help.


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