Rachel Peterson's
Home page
This home page is designed and all writings are copyrighted by Rachel Peterson, 2001
Well, where do I start? I think I will start at the beginning of life. I was born in Northern Va. on Oct. 29, 1966. In 1977 we moved to Gainesville, FL. Here I attended Gainesville High School and Santa Fe Community college duel enrollment program and graduated in 1985. My major was zoology.
I'm Native American (Iroquois & Chippewa) with a little Scottish and English mixed. I guess that's the reason I'm the way I am. Also the fact that I'm a "Scorpio." I'm a very passionate, honest, loving, understanding and trusting person. I love talking and being around people, but I'm also very, very shy.
I'm a bit of a pack rat. I collect Coins, Gems and stones, Diecast cars, Paintings and prints and Ivory. I only collect old Ivory, because I do not believe that old Ivory should not sold because of the animals that died for it. So, I buy it and keep it in memory of that one animal.
As you walk through the pages of life, you will understand me in ways that you never thought you would.
and how my passion came about in Writing.
From the early age of 5 years old, I knew in my heart that I always wanted to be a writer. I never knew why the passion burns in me. It was not until one year when I was going through a life-changing event. I think it was about the age of 22 years. I had received my family history from Aunt (on my mother side). In the 300-page book, it had answered a lot of my unanswered questions that I had been seeking for many years.
The questions that were rolling around in my head and heart were, Why all the passions in me? I felt like I was on a roll coaster that didn't stop. I was told by many people that this was normal and it would go away, but it did not. So, I open the book and started reading.
What I found was the pages of my life, the steps and choices that I would make in my life as I walked though it. You say to yourself, this is pretty deep. Well, for most people it is. For most people, that are told that you must do this "Because Of". I found my dreams and passions in this book.
The one main thing I found was that my cousin Russell Gorgon Vliet, Jr. (also know as R. G. Vliet). His three book of poetry "Events and Celebrations" C. 1967 and "The Man with the Black Mouth" C. 1970. And "Water and Stones" C. 1980. His novels included three. "Rockspring" C. 1974, "Solitudes" C. 1977. His last book, he finished a week before his death. It was called "Scorpio Rising". It was scheduled for publication the following year. I also was able to read the poems and stories that my Grandfather had wrote. Actually, the whole family were poets and storytellers.
Here is were it all starts! So, please read the following pages as if you're in the poem or story. Then you will understand your own life and why things happened. And you may just understand me a little better.
The picture in this poem was taken on Feb. 3, 2001. This Red Tailed Hawk is known as "Baby". He is the baby. His father was killed (of unknown causes) couple of years ago. I found him and buried him. And ever since, "Baby" comes and watches over me.....
This story is about the "White Wolf"
I don't understand a lot about her. But, I'm learning.
This story came about in a very odd way. Someone asked me. Am I truly afraid to die and would I put myself in front of arms way of death to kept a friend from being killed. This person was very surprised with my answer, because I said "No" to the first question and "Yes" to the second question.
One of the reasons why I wrote this is because I think I have lost something very dear and close to me. This person is afraid of loving and hurting again and I'm afraid of losing him. I need and want him in my life.
The other reason I'm writing this is because I was given the title in my family on both my mother's side as well as my father's as the writer of the family history and stories that are to be past down to the children in the years to come.
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My Family History
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For Sale. Prints and Paintings: Fine Art