About This Web-site

This web-site was created to show the hidden beauty Laredo, TX has. Pictures will consist of downtown buildings, homes, landscapes, special events and more! Behind this web-site are two people, Vickie Jimenez and Danny Martinez, who share a passion for the old and historic. Especially when it comes to their hometown. Hopefully you'll enjoy the pictures that will be on display on this web-site. We would appreciate your feed back which you can send to either Vickie or Danny. You can send questions, comments, suggestions or whatever

The idea of putting up this web-site surfaced one day we were in the downtown area for the 16 de Septiembre festival, we noticed a very old building with a plate that had the name of the original owner. Vickie's curiosity was so great, that she researched it, only to be disappointed that the building used to be a pawn shop. That was the start of the whole idea that we will take interesting pictures of our city and other towns, and display them. Hope you all enjoy as much as we do...
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