What's going on?  I'm Married with 3 children.  My life pretty much sucks.  I'm married to a very untrusting woman, who just wants me to do something wrong so she can bring it up on every occasion.  She's a control freak and is under the impression that in order for it to be a marraige someone has to be in charge.  For some strange reason, she feels as if she's the one who should be in charge, even though marraige is supposed to be a partnership.  I'm in the Army and yeah that sucks too, but I have a family to support, so I have abandoned all my lifes dreams of completing college, having a great job, owning a beautiful house and giving my children a memorable childhood.  9 times out of 10 I work for an idiot just because he outranks me.  It's like of like the dumber you are, the more rank they tend to give you.  I've also experienced those that love the Army so much that they've hidden from what the Army is about, they've spent their entire career ducking the REAL Army, then try to turn the fake Army into something they know nothing about.  Just for the record, we are a country at War how can you be someone telling me what to do and you haven't been to that war?  I own two hoopties because I can't afford a new car because my wife spends money like she's married to Bill Gates, and cheating on him with Warren Buffett.  My life offers very little satisfaction because I sold myself short to make my wife happy.  Yep I was supposed to attend college with a full free ride, but that's in the past (it doesn't hurt though).

On a lighter note I am a born winner, because as bad as my life is to me I'm sure that to someone it's perfect.  To me however it's just a life of unfulfilled dreams, and several disappointments.
Holla Atcha boy