

The Light

Walking along the shore watching the tides rush in I think of You, the time we have spent together, the promises made forgotten and broken

I think of the way the light would shine in your hair on those cold winter morns, the way you would hold me to keep me warm within your arms. The look of mischief in your dark eyes when you were up to something or trying to surprise me

As the sun rises higher in the skies, it reminds me of the days when we would do nothing but sit on the beach and talk, the plans that we made for our future. The dreams that we shared together and the nights of endless fantasy come to life. I gave to you my heart my love, a heart true and pure as the newly fallen snows that cover the mountaintops.

A summer night A summer night a winter moon loves first touch gone to soon, the ways of love are strange indeed, it leaves the heart open to bleed One day soon I hope to find the one true love that can truly be mine In light and dark I have searched without end to young to stop to old to bend maybe one day the way will be shown, until then I am all alone

The Light

Walking along the shore watching the tides rush in I think of You, the time we have spent together, the promises made forgotten and broken I think of the way the light would shine in your hair on those cold winter morns, the way you would hold me to keep me warm within your arms. The look of mischief in your dark eyes when you were up to something or trying to surprise me

As the sun rises higher in the skies, it reminds me of the days when we would do nothing but sit on the beach and talk, the plans that we made for our future. The dreams that we shared together and the nights of endless fantasy come to life. I gave to you my heart my love, a heart true and pure as the newly fallen snows that cover the mountaintops. I feel that a part of my heart has died along with you, the part of me that knew how to laugh to love to show the softer side of me.

‘Tis like a dark storm has come over my heart and life, blocking out the light that was you. Thunder so loud at times I can not hear my own thoughts at times, lightening so bright it blinds me to all else save for your memory..tis what I live for what I will die for the memory of you still burning in my heart and soul the thought that keeps me going each day and that will until the end of my time. Tae11/98